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  • @GlobalGoogler - I did not find it offered any improvement/extra features over ACW. Also, @collywobbles has been very quick with the fixes and updates and is improving ACW all the time.

    More importantly, the content from ACW was more readable than the content from KM. KM produced more gibberish while content from ACW reads better and can also be fixed quickly.

    Regarding the volume of content as per @senty4love I have not noted much difference. Probably my settings in scraping more sentences in ACW give the same amount of content.
  • AutoContentWriter BUG FIX: We were only scraping a maximum of 20 Google images which meant a lot of repeats for larger article runs
  • AlexRAlexR Cape Town
    Anybody else have any thoughts between KM and ACW?
  • Without hesitation - I do recommend ACW.
    I do not have KM but I did buy Auto Content Writer ACW and it just works!  Its very fast with private proxies and I also use SpinnerChief Pro for sentence and word spin.
    Also Like @tumpien said above - James (ACW) replies fast to tickets and he too, like GSA seems to be working hard to make his product better.
    And I LOVE the new feature where i can export the articles (77) last time to txt/html/pdf or as a GSA SER template file that i can import into my SER project - That fast and its there.  Love That! :)
    So if KM has more features, then tell ACW and I bet he will add them.
    And the other point was true - the articles are human readable from the start. That is what impressed me, well that and its ability to include images - videos - and your links. Too Cool
  • Thanks Rich! You are absolutely right I want to know what features we can add to ACW :)
  • @Rich2012 when you generated those articles did you include a link in them when generating to pdf with ACW?

    I created HTML links in mine just now and got links generated but those links aren't visible at all ie the text is the same colour with no underline or anything to make them clearly links and that makes them a bit redundant.

    I wonder if @collywobbles has any tips on making links stand out in .pdf generated articles?
  • I'll check that. Thanks
  • Hi @collywobbles ,can you add few features like kontent machine like bookmarking desc and summary, resource box for article sites ... If you can add bookmark feature can be great time saving for me .
    Is it possible we can add link in image also, with software
  • i would like an option for directory descrtiption 250/450 where you scrape DMOZ for example which should give lots of results for each niche.
  • @anudeepkanwar you can already customise the GSA template now so that you can fill in bookmarks if you want to
  • Means and we can create for ultimate daemon also ? we can already customize the gsa template means ?
  • read the PDF in the install folder, it gives details of how to create a template for other tools or for customising the GSA template :)
  • I forgot to mention (im not using txt/html/pdf) - I just tested them and thought it was rather cool all the output options...  Im only using the template option to import articles into GSA SER :)

    @collywobbles  I forgot to mention something - when i do create the articles and then have it export the file to the temp folder - I go in and remove the Keywords and Categories tags that are blank.  Because they are blank, when I import the articles into SER it will also blank out my already populated Keywords and Categories and make them empty.  I forgot to mention that I do that manually before I import them.

    I too agree with the points of @Ozz and @anudeepkanwar

    @nicerice, oh your right there is no links being show in pdf.  I did not test that before.
  • AlexRAlexR Cape Town
    @collywobbles - is there a way to export a project to create 50 articles, but have it separate it into 3 folders:
    1) Titles (only has the titles)
    2) Body (only has the body)
    3) Summary (only has the summary)

    Since I am using lots of macros this would be great. It might already be available, but I'm new to this tool and doing it this week. 
  • @Rich2012, create a custom template without the keywords and categories in then use that when you save as template rather than GSA for example

    Article_Title #ACW_TITLE#
    Article_Summary #ACW_250#
    Website_title #ACW_TITLE#
    Description_250 #ACW_250#
    Description_450 #ACW_450#
    Website_title_(German) #trans #ACW_TITLE# #notrans
    Description_450_(German) #trans #ACW_450# #notrans
    Description_250_(German) #trans #ACW_250# #notrans
    Description_450_(Polish) #trans #ACW_450# #notrans
    Description_250_(Polish) #trans #ACW_250# #notrans

    @GlobalGoogler, no way to do that at the moment, sorry.
  • @collywobbles Thank you will use that syntax.
    Was wondering - I have been creating 77 articles at a time and importing them into the project.  But is there a way for me to collect a batch of articles say 77x10 and save them into a folder instead of importing them into the project - that way i can just add more articles to the folder without having to import them into that project.
    Hope that makes sense :)
  • @Rich2012 Uncheck spin sentences then generate then save the articles as text. You can specify a folder. They are then in the format with the title in line one, then a line break, then the paragraphs. I havent tried but I believe this is the correct format for SER.
  • BrandonBrandon Reputation Management Pro
    @collywobbles - I'm buying ACW because you're here answering questions.  Just wanted to let you know your time is being well spent helping us GSA people.
  • yes @brandon maybe @collywobbles can do some more SER integration something like @globalgoogler wished above .. btw could anyone tell me please how i can use a bunch of spinned articles i made with ACW ..
    - i put a bunch of them in a folder name them spinarticle_X.txt
    - in SER inside the article box i write
    ... but that will only fill article box .. how to automate titles and summary from that generated articles .. or will we have to wait until that requested feature from globalgoogler is implenented
  • Thanks @Brandon. @KayKay, have you tried using the GSA template save feature? You can then import it back into GSA using Tools->Import->Data Fields on a project
  • yes that i know @collywobbles but what i want to do is .. make a few spin articles and add them to SER with the macro ... but Title / Article / Summary is always a own field .. so i would have to make a Title,Article and Summary File ... would be great if ACW would do that or maybe there is another way with an api like in km and ser integration ? ACW is great tool for sure really like it !
  • Went ahead and bought ACW today. What a great little tool. I use it to manually populate my tier 1s. Takes me about 7 minutes to manually retouch an article to have it approved even on the strictest of web 2.0s and the content is both unique and reads well.

    I still have to test it for tiers 2 & 3, wish I could spin on the word level without paying for TBS or SpinnerChief as I'm not sure if 50 articles mixed on the sentence level into 1 big article provides enough uniqueness to pass CopyScape.
  • Hi @collywobbles. I've been using KM for a few weeks now and I'm really disappointed that when scraping articles for my niche (smartphones, tablets) it scrapes a lot of shitty spun articles and the only way around this is to use the article scraper and then go and open each file and check for the quality.

    How does ACW handle this ?
  • Hi divatz, garbage in garbage out. ACW is only as good as the source material, it's not intelligent enough to be able to tell the difference. ACW will scrape from around 20 of the more well known article sites. You are welcome to send me some keywords to and I will send you back some samples.

    Plus there is a 30 day no quibble refund guarantee.
  • " I've also been testing and its pretty good too. "

    Just wanted to pop on by and say that anyone interested more in SCM can PM Me directly with any questions.

    I am the developer of SCM and happy to field any questions.
  • oh nice @scm, im happy you are here, im using SCM, that content fills all my needs
  • does it work with NON English?
  • just tested spanish and it doesn't support it.
  • iwebseoiwebseo The Internets
    edited February 2013
    Just bought ACW and couldn't be more happier. Great tool and one time fee. Thanks
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