Thanks @seo_projects! We're working hard to keep this a useful tool at a low cost price. Talking of which, the GSA47 discount coupon is still valid for GSA users!
The latest version of WAC is amazing! , the readability is very very high. I requested some features and the dev implemented them right in the next update!!. Also the dev will increase the price to about 80$ one time fee soon.(now it's only 42 for life!), So if you are thinking to get it, grab your copy now it's fantastic.
Besides that -- it's got UD/BD, Rank Builder and Article Marketing Robot support as well - which is what I'm looking for and the $42 one-time fee (he's waiving the $42 a year and converting folks to lifetime before price goes up).
I'll be interested to see what the article comparisons show, if and when that arrives in this thread. But I'll be using both ACW and WAC to see what it comes up with on this current project.
It seems that WAC has 31 sources it pulls from -- how many does ACW have?
Yes WAC is going to have direct integration with GSA on DB level and no GSA won't loose any data if they make any changes because API is very simple.
You can export the content (below mentioned fields) to our database (stored on wac systems).
Keywords:keywords field
Anchor_Text:anchor text field
Image_Comment:image comment field
Guestbook_Comment:guestbook comment field
Article_Title:article title field
Article:main article field
Article_Summary:article summary field
Category:categories field
Guestbook_Comment_(German):description 250 german
Micro_Message:Micro message field
Blog_Comment:blog comment field
Video_Title:article title field
Video_Description:article summary field
Website_title:website title field
Description_250:description 250 field
Description_450:description 450 field
Forum_Comment:forum comment field
Guestbook_title:guestbook title field
Website_title_(German):website title german field
Description_450_(German):description 450 german
Description_250_(German):description 250 german
Guestbook_title_(German):guestbook title german
Image_Subject:image subject field
Forum_Subject:forum subject field
Description_450_(Polish):description 450 polish
Description_250_(Polish):description 250 polish
Then you can import this based on an id in GSA. When you create a project you will see a WAC ID textbox. Just put your id (you will get it from WAC after export). Paste it and click get and everything will be filled. No need to copy-paste, export/import. You can work from your home and paste the id in WAC on your VPS and get all the above details.
We are going to add foreign languages (german, spanish, french etc). We have the thesaurus and the article directories ready. But yeah as soon as it is integrated, price will be doubled and it will be life-time. No recurring fees.
Also iam in talk with edwin (for ultimate demon : I chose UD because it is much powerful than senuke) for API integration. So you guys won't loose anything. Magic Submitter turned me down on API but atleast i will add the export function.
Mamadou - thanks for your suggestions. WAC has greatly improved in readability. With more videos and foreign language it will just keep getting amazing.
That sounds absolutely fantastic and immensely efficient and awesome.
Sorry to here that Magic Submitter is not entertaining such a connection. Perhaps I can speak with Oleksandr tonight via Skype as I am on a personal basis with him -- to see if he can change his mind. I use Magic Submitter and BD (Bookmarking Demon) -- and have been considering an UPGRADE to UD -- so I may have to use that as leverage.
I am YET to try this out side by side to AWC -- and will be conducting a full and thorough review on all the content creators I am testing right now. It will result in a blog post on a PR5 blog (my own) as well as other goodies involved.
I will be straightforward that i could use some help right now
Olek is one of the best guys on IM market as he gave me a free license just to read the export format. Beyond that i think that my approach was not convincing. It's just that WAC has immense potential. Imagine just an online page where i can post everything (all the details that MS needs). Whenever you create a project just click a button and MS will load the required data from that page. The only problem i have with MS right now is that it needs a different text file for each type of module. That becomes 6-7 for using most popular ones. It can become a pain for any user let alone a developer. A single API page would reduce everyone's time. But still he also might have some plans regarding integration with a stranger. So yeah you could help
Beside i am talking with edwin and jenny from support told me to wait for like next week. No worries as I am hoping for the best.
And your PR 5 blog sounds good. Do mention the weak points so i could cover them also in my next updates. . With all the help WAC could become a de-facto for all the content needs.
I understand about the NUMBER of actual modules and different fields that would take.
I would MOST certainly mention ANY weak points in the software -- after all -- nothing is ever PERFECT AND ROSEY -- and sharing weaknesses in something (software or whatever) shows the depth of review and some realism to those reading the review.
WOW, WAC admin doesn't come here often and I almost have already made dicision to buy ACW, but after read WAC admin's post, I am still thinking..........
So I know ACW mash different sentences from different sources according to our keywords. And we can also spin words using TBS. So I know the uniqueness is not a problem, but maybe the readablity is not perfect.
So how does WAC work?
@Stanger, yes, I believe all people who read this thread will be interested in that. So could you please paste them here? Thanks.
@collywobbles Thanks for the update.... have you considered making some kind of visual notification when an update is available in the ACW user interface?
Perhaps something like GSA where it is obvious an update is available...
It looks like ACW already does an update check when you start it up, but now you have to go to the help and support tab to see that an update is available...
Currently we only scrape from English sources but we are working on having the option to output these in other languages. For example GSA has Polish and German sections and we hope to be able to fill these soon with translated text, same could be for Spanish output.
If you have your own Spanish articles in text form then you could use the option to load from local article sources.
@alanong PM me some keywords and an email address and I will send you some sample articles and a sample GSA template. ACW is very easy to use and generates a template that you can import into GSA, it fills most English fields. It also supports Sick Submitter. If someone sends me a SENuke template I will generate for that format too.
and he can not lower it to the price level of WAC and AWC. because if he did KM's user base will complaining for the huge price drop. he might end up refunding some of those or risk losing his user.
I'm still debating which one to use. ACW or WAC.
Can you please detail why you feel WAC is amazing aside from readability ?
How does it fit usage wise with GSA SER ?
Anyone with experience on both is invited to comment.
Kind Regards...
Aside from article comparison, maybe include the advantages and disadvantages as far as using the app with GSA SER.
Your help is highly appreciated.
I wonder if the integration is blessed by GSA SER. Because if NOT then it will have dependencies when GSA SER changes DB structure.
"Article Marketing Robot"
What AMR support ?
Amit here - WAC developer.
Yes WAC is going to have direct integration with GSA on DB level and no GSA won't loose any data if they make any changes because API is very simple.
You can export the content (below mentioned fields) to our database (stored on wac systems).
Keywords:keywords field
Anchor_Text:anchor text field
Image_Comment:image comment field
Guestbook_Comment:guestbook comment field
Article_Title:article title field
Article:main article field
Article_Summary:article summary field
Category:categories field
Guestbook_Comment_(German):description 250 german
Micro_Message:Micro message field
Blog_Comment:blog comment field
Video_Title:article title field
Video_Description:article summary field
Website_title:website title field
Description_250:description 250 field
Description_450:description 450 field
Forum_Comment:forum comment field
Guestbook_title:guestbook title field
Website_title_(German):website title german field
Description_450_(German):description 450 german
Description_250_(German):description 250 german
Guestbook_title_(German):guestbook title german
Image_Subject:image subject field
Forum_Subject:forum subject field
Description_450_(Polish):description 450 polish
Description_250_(Polish):description 250 polish
Then you can import this based on an id in GSA. When you create a project you will see a WAC ID textbox. Just put your id (you will get it from WAC after export). Paste it and click get and everything will be filled. No need to copy-paste, export/import. You can work from your home and paste the id in WAC on your VPS and get all the above details.
We are going to add foreign languages (german, spanish, french etc). We have the thesaurus and the article directories ready. But yeah as soon as it is integrated, price will be doubled and it will be life-time. No recurring fees.
Also iam in talk with edwin (for ultimate demon : I chose UD because it is much powerful than senuke) for API integration. So you guys won't loose anything. Magic Submitter turned me down on API but atleast i will add the export function.
Mamadou - thanks for your suggestions. WAC has greatly improved in readability. With more videos and foreign language it will just keep getting amazing.
I am YET to try this out side by side to AWC -- and will be conducting a full and thorough review on all the content creators I am testing right now. It will result in a blog post on a PR5 blog (my own) as well as other goodies involved.
I will be straightforward that i could use some help right now
Olek is one of the best guys on IM market as he gave me a free license just to read the export format. Beyond that i think that my approach was not convincing. It's just that WAC has immense potential. Imagine just an online page where i can post everything (all the details that MS needs). Whenever you create a project just click a button and MS will load the required data from that page. The only problem i have with MS right now is that it needs a different text file for each type of module. That becomes 6-7 for using most popular ones. It can become a pain for any user let alone a developer. A single API page would reduce everyone's time. But still he also might have some plans regarding integration with a stranger. So yeah you could help
Beside i am talking with edwin and jenny from support told me to wait for like next week. No worries as I am hoping for the best.
And your PR 5 blog sounds good. Do mention the weak points so i could cover them also in my next updates.
I've been at this for a bit of time now.
WOW, WAC admin doesn't come here often and I almost have already made dicision to buy ACW, but after read WAC admin's post, I am still thinking..........
So I know ACW mash different sentences from different sources according to our keywords. And we can also spin words using TBS. So I know the uniqueness is not a problem, but maybe the readablity is not perfect.
So how does WAC work?
@Stanger, yes, I believe all people who read this thread will be interested in that. So could you please paste them here? Thanks.
Perhaps something like GSA where it is obvious an update is available...
It looks like ACW already does an update check when you start it up, but now you have to go to the help and support tab to see that an update is available...
Perhaps I was just too quick to update based on your post here, so might have missed it... If that's the case I apologize for the distraction ;-)
Is there anyway to make your program work in Spanish?
I could create a synonym file. Could I upload that file in to your program if I buy it to have the option of spinning in Spanish?
i am super excited about fullspeeds review already,
i definatley need some content scraping tool,
Can I upload my own list of synonyms in Spanish?
The plot thickens. I guess KM knows that it definitely couldn't compete with the other 2 (or more) programs on price!