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  • BrandonBrandon Reputation Management Pro
    Blog comments are going to have poor verification rates because they're premoderated.  Forums and wikis are post-moderated meaning that you get to submit and only after your link is live can it be removed.
  • ronron
    edited February 2013

    First, I would knock down the 7200 number to a lower number. SER won't verify links if they are older than 5 would be as if the link was never built. So it won't even verify links older than 5 days once it gets around to verifying. But that's not the most important issue IMHO.

    In your submitted list, you have links that are 1 day old, 2 days old, 3 days old, 4 days old and 5 days old. So if SER verifies say right now, you have a smattering of links built various # of days old. Some may not get approved right away. So you do not even know the full effect of how many verified links you have until all 5 days have passed for all links. The only way you could know that number accurately for that exact list you specified above is if you deactivated your project, and verified for the next 5 days. Does this make sense? Nobody will do this of course, but that is the only way to have an exact correlation of verified to submitted for a given list.

    The final issue which may be the most important is that you have poorly performing engines within each platform. We all know that web 2.0's change their signup pages to combat spam, and most engines on that platform use recaptcha. So you will likely have unsatisfactory results. So the answer is you need to weed out the poorly performing engines, and post to those that have the highest % of verified links. This is like having 7 bad sparkplugs on a V-8, and you put all new sparkplugs in. It will greatly increase results. 



  • Thanks Brando and thanks Ron!

    I have used the 7200 number because I was follow another LeeG post ...

    Anyway I try to follow your suggestion...
  • another question:
    if I use Seo indexer, do I have to use also the other ping service in SER or it's not needed?
  • ronron
    Use the ping. It helps. You can use your own ping list if you want. The indexer is not a ping service. It builds backlinks using stats sites.
  • ok
    thank you very much for your help!

    Today I discovered that a site of mine in 1 month get rank 1 from Zero
    and another 2 sites went rank 1 and 2

    SER is an incredible powerful software and this forum is fantastic!
  • dont sweat it........

    use ALL engines on some lower tiers..

    get 10 k verified links.

    USE the engines that give the most verified.


    and BUY proxies!
  • edited February 2013
    I submit to all articles, directories, SN, BN, Web2.0, I have 50 Threads, 120 HTML Timeout, 7s beetwen search engine time, 130 private proxies and 7 project per 20 min and I have 2,80-2,90 LpM, it's good results? If no, what I can do to get better results?
  • edited February 2013
    @dudzlok, please screenshot your setting.. @ozz already said it. We can't help you unless you give us a clue how you setting this monster seo tool.

    Make a post like this :

    Don't afraid to share you setting, we can't steal anything...
  • OzzOzz
    edited February 2013
    @darman82: dudz1ok alread posted his settings in another thread and got some good advices of users. i know, its confusing here sometimes ;)

    @dudz1ok: nobody can really tell if thats good or bad as you are limitied with your platforms you are using. what you can do is to figure out what platforms give you best results and only use those.
    some platforms are limited by nature as there are only a few of them available, some other like many Web20 may not work anymore because the site changed their code, some platforms using only recaptcha so you won't get post on these if you don't use a human captcha service, ....

    also i like to know what kind of proxies you are using? i'm asking because 130 private proxies sounds like a lot to me. are those proxies from a well known provider like proxy-hub or buyproxies?
    and my gut says that something is wrong with them based on what i've read from you on this board so far as you are not that experienced with SEO tools, right? hopefully i'm wrong though.
  • @dudz1ok: i've edited my post a few times in the mean time, lol. i think you need to reread it again :)
  • @Ozz :D So if I understand, anobody can help me to get better LpM results? :P
  • OzzOzz
    edited February 2013
    of course everybody can help. but those "Is this normal?" or "How do we get better results?" looks somewhat stupid to me (sorry @all ;) ) when every user here has just limited information about your system, setup and so on.

    if you have done all the research and implemented all the ideas and tested them, then you are close to optimum i believe. i know you've read the performance thread where LeeG, ron and some others posted some really good stuff. read it again, understand it, test it. nothing more we can do, sorry.
  • LeeGLeeG Eating your first bourne

    Im still on Valium after his screen shots and walking round in circles mumbling a lot 

  • Ozz said: ..when every user here has just limited information about your system, setup and so on...

    My VPS: 4.56 GHz, 1 GB RAM, (speedtest: ping 3s, Download speed: 45,71 Mbps, Upload 86.18Mbps)
    and my GSA settings :

    Now I have 1.85 LpM :-(

  • OzzOzz
    edited February 2013
    save your log (right click log window -> log to file) for an hour or two and upload it to or as file to

    i bet your proxies are crap.
  • I used 130 private proxies with 48 GB limit, but when I used proxies in GSA, this limit ran out after two days...
    Now I use public no shared proxies. I will send post after 2 hour with my log :-)
  • OzzOzz
    edited February 2013
    do yourself and us a favour and buy 10 shared or private proxies from proxy-hub or buyproxies before moaning about your LPM again. thanks!
  • haha, well said Ozz!

  • LeeGLeeG Eating your first bourne
    My turn for the straight jacket today :D
  • LeeGLeeG Eating your first bourne

    VPS looks like its missing some ram as well

    Most of the 1 gig will be taken up by what ever operating system your using

  • I have Windows Server 2008 R2. I'm buying proxies nad tomorrow I will send you my LpM results
  • Wait guys, just let me start.. i'll be persistent like dudzlok and same will demand you to babysit me through my 'low lpm' achievements in multiple threads
  • I don't want that LeeG or somebody tell me how to get 200 LpM. I just want a little mor LpM, at the moment I have less than 2 LpM. When I will have 5 LpM I will be VERY happy
  • OzzOzz
    edited February 2013
    well, it all starts and end with your proxies like i felt right from the start.

    shitty proxies = shitty LPM

    you could have safed all of us a lot of time if you've used some quality proxy service right from the start and not some cheap and shitty service with limitations or some lists that will get blasted to death.
  • LeeGLeeG Eating your first bourne

    I dont do babysitting.

    Everyone is given a brain by default at birth

    Some learn how to use it, other seem to try and avoid using it

    High LpM looks and sounds good, but if your verified levels are junk, its no better than low LpM

    Im constantly working on ways and testing settings to push up the daily verified.

    My best verified to date is about 32k in one day

    Thats what Im working on pushing up at present

  • BrandonBrandon Reputation Management Pro
    I'll give some more cred to @LeeG, the man knows what he is talking about.  I stopped GSA yesterday and decided I was going to go back through this thread and figure out how to get about 10-20 LPM.  Now I'm at 59.58 LPM after making tweaks suggested by LeeG. 

    The biggest thing is removing platforms that don't provide verified links.  Why would you want to waste time on a platform that never gives you links? Look through your verified stats by number and export that.  Look which platforms have been running for a few days and still only have 5 links.

    Another thing is a lot of campaigns.  You'll never hit high LPM without a lot of campaigns.  I'm not like many people with a lot of tiers, I don't do anything beyond tier 1 very often.
  • edited February 2013
    version 5.08 is a good one!

    at 12 pm:


    @LeeG: 32k verified, lets see. iam thinking about bumping up the threads and adding more privateproxies only to be sure that it doesn't fail to beat the big LeeG :-Þ.

  • ronron

    That is sick! I already had a cardboard cutout of LeeG next to my PC just staring at me. I might have to get another one for TOPtActics. 

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