Hello guys, as of tonight, I have also purchased the domain www.expressindexer.net and I have added multiple new dedicated servers into the mix to spread the load, It has been a wild year and a half and things have simply increased in volume, not to mention the difficulties with hosting providers and server configurations that have almost made me bald with frustration...
Anyway, Currently I have changed the API url destination from www.expressindexer.com/api.php to www.epressindexer.net/api.php and this .net domain is on an additional stand alone dedicated server to cope with all API submissions whereas the .com domain will handle manual submissions.
You should be redirected to a masked .net version of the site when you try to visit the .com version, if this doesn't happen for you, it may be due to the DNS switching, if this causes an issue, simply head directly to, www.expressindexer.net and it is business as usual
On another note, I have contacted all service/software providers affiliated with EI and I have requested that they make the needed adjustments to their software so that they send the URLs to the appropriate API url so this may take a couple days for them to do.
sorry for the couple of hours downtime this evening if anyone suffered from this, but everything is smooth once again!
is the indexing speed is still good as before i was getting urls indexed after 10 minites of manual submission now i can't them indexed even after 3 days and 3 resubmittions and it's the same type of pages
It's quite dependent on backlinks/content, private blog network posts tend to easily become indexed within a couple of days.
indexing times vary, but the my system actively attempts to index submissions for 14 days, it is a 14 day cycle per submission so true indexing figures should be taken after the 14 day mark.
Thanks for the update. Lets hope Sven get this update done soon (no pressure).
In your previous post you said that its a 14 day cycle to try to index the links. Does this mean your indexing service try's for 14 days to index backlinks that we submit? Also, would you happen to know the indexing rate of your service?
Yes that's correct, the full processing cycle takes 14 days per submission, so if any urls are still not indexed after this period, you should re-submit them, this does not mean it will take 14 days to index your urls, your urls should start becoming indexed within this 14 day period.
Indexing figures at the 14 day mark is well over 60%, this ofcourse is reliant on a couple of things, backlink types, backlink authority and also if the link is still alive and not deleted because a deleted link can not be indexed.
When you submit links with your service there is a status column that has "pending" "submitted", are there any other statuses such as "crawled" and "indexed" ?
Also, would you know the difficulty of getting contextual links indexed? Does the indexing rate drop with these types of backlinks or does it remain the same?
Currently, we have a Submitted and Pending column, we do not have an Indexed column simply because we have not implemented a feature that tracks index checking as of yet.
All links that are "Submitted" are crawled also, we did have a column for this however it was rather redundant so we altered our interface as all Submitted batches are instantly crawled anyway.
I will be upgrading our user interface in the near future and also look into batch/submission index checking too, no ETA for this as of yet.
For anyone having trouble accessing www.expressindexer.com don't worry, please visit www.expressindexer.net instead, you will be able to login there.
We are currently updating our .com server so you will not be able to login through our .com domain, all logins must be done through www.expressindexer.net for now.
For those who are unable to access the .com or .net TLD's due to DNS issues, you should be able to access the .solutions TLD as this is on a separate DNS.
Hey guys, let me tell you what we're going to be doing in the next couple of weeks. (ETA on things below: 3-4 weeks)
- Fresh site design in progress - added backend improvements - increased indexing results
I apologise for TLD shuffle we've had to do recently but we have been purchasing all our brandable TLD's and also we're working on a new API system that uses these TLDs to spread the load.
I shall keep this thread updated but everything should be rolled out within a month *fingers crossed*
For all existing customers, you can access the site here: www.expressindexer.solutions
For new customers, you are welcome to sign up here.
So, it's finally here! Express Indexer V2 is approaching
We're going to deploy our update today, there might be slight interference with manual submissions but this will not last long, please be patient and bare with us while we roll this update out.
Everything from this update is backend and through our tests have significantly improved indexing rates across different platforms, even for Joomla K2 spammed sites .
Hello guys, The update went through just fine yesterday and we finished deploying our new system early hour this morning. This should improve indexing rates considerably , it was quite a large update we did so I apologise if anyone suffered from any usage interference while it was going on.
Thank you for your support! If you want test us out, sign up here.
its difficult to give you an exact estimate on indexing rate based on your link types alone, my only suggestion would be to purchase a small plan and test it out for yourself, considering what has happened to most services recently, I'd say we are possibly the best service available at this point in time if you're wanting to index your links.
Hello guys, Inspyder Backlink Monitor has updated to version 5 which also includes our new API details so if you decide to upgrade your versions of BLM to version 5, you will be able to make your submissions through this tool once again
If you would like to join the express indexer train, you can sign up here!
Any credits you don't use each month, get carried over to the next month! Don't lose your credits, keep them, use them, afterall, you have paid for them!
All credits are carried over each month, regardless if you cancel your subscription, however, a live subscription needs to be in place so you can access your credits. All credits remain on your account even if you cancel, should you wish to reactivate your account at any time
Anyway, Currently I have changed the API url destination from www.expressindexer.com/api.php to www.epressindexer.net/api.php and this .net domain is on an additional stand alone dedicated server to cope with all API submissions whereas the .com domain will handle manual submissions.
You should be redirected to a masked .net version of the site when you try to visit the .com version, if this doesn't happen for you, it may be due to the DNS switching, if this causes an issue, simply head directly to, www.expressindexer.net and it is business as usual
On another note, I have contacted all service/software providers affiliated with EI and I have requested that they make the needed adjustments to their software so that they send the URLs to the appropriate API url so this may take a couple days for them to do.
sorry for the couple of hours downtime this evening if anyone suffered from this, but everything is smooth once again!
Sign up here!
i was getting urls indexed after 10 minites of manual submission
now i can't them indexed even after 3 days and 3 resubmittions and it's the same type of pages
indexing times vary, but the my system actively attempts to index submissions for 14 days, it is a 14 day cycle per submission so true indexing figures should be taken after the 14 day mark.
My backlinks aren't getting sent from GSA SER to your indexing service. I get the following error:
ERROR! No links where accepted by ExpressIndexer (unknown error)
Can you tell me how to fix this error?
It is in Svens hands now and he said he would update SER to fix this problem but he hasn't released an update as of yet so we must wait until he does.
Sorry for the inconvenience
Thanks for the update. Lets hope Sven get this update done soon (no pressure).
In your previous post you said that its a 14 day cycle to try to index the links. Does this mean your indexing service try's for 14 days to index backlinks that we submit? Also, would you happen to know the indexing rate of your service?
Yes that's correct, the full processing cycle takes 14 days per submission, so if any urls are still not indexed after this period, you should re-submit them, this does not mean it will take 14 days to index your urls, your urls should start becoming indexed within this 14 day period.
Indexing figures at the 14 day mark is well over 60%, this ofcourse is reliant on a couple of things, backlink types, backlink authority and also if the link is still alive and not deleted because a deleted link can not be indexed.
When you submit links with your service there is a status column that has "pending" "submitted", are there any other statuses such as "crawled" and "indexed" ?
Also, would you know the difficulty of getting contextual links indexed? Does the indexing rate drop with these types of backlinks or does it remain the same?
Thanks for answering my questions
All links that are "Submitted" are crawled also, we did have a column for this however it was rather redundant so we altered our interface as all Submitted batches are instantly crawled anyway.
I will be upgrading our user interface in the near future and also look into batch/submission index checking too, no ETA for this as of yet.
We are currently updating our .com server so you will not be able to login through our .com domain, all logins must be done through www.expressindexer.net for now.
everything is now up and running.
- Fresh site design in progress
- added backend improvements
- increased indexing results
I apologise for TLD shuffle we've had to do recently but we have been purchasing all our brandable TLD's and also we're working on a new API system that uses these TLDs to spread the load.
I shall keep this thread updated but everything should be rolled out within a month *fingers crossed*
For all existing customers, you can access the site here: www.expressindexer.solutions
For new customers, you are welcome to sign up here.
We're going to deploy our update today, there might be slight interference with manual submissions but this will not last long, please be patient and bare with us while we roll this update out.
Everything from this update is backend and through our tests have significantly improved indexing rates across different platforms, even for Joomla K2 spammed sites
Thank you for your support! If you want test us out, sign up here.
I occasionally go onto Skype yes, but our primary source of resolving any issues, is via contacting us using our contact page and email.
Sign up here and get started!
If you would like to join the express indexer train, you can sign up here!
Get you plan now! www.expressindexer.solutions
Sign up here
All credits are carried over each month, regardless if you cancel your subscription, however, a live subscription needs to be in place so you can access your credits. All credits remain on your account even if you cancel, should you wish to reactivate your account at any time
Sign up now!
Sign up here!