Skip to content indexing service - VALUE FOR MONEY



  • Tim89Tim89
    edited August 2024
    I would like to add, about the instant indexing.

    If you submitted a batch of, lets say 1,000 urls, then waited 5 minutes and checked your indexing on that batch..

    If 60% of your links appear to be indexed instantly (which in most cases is to be true) there is no point in resubmitting the remaining 40% hoping these will become instantly indexed too, this is because, it has already been submitted, there is no need to submit these again, the remaining 40% that did not get indexed instantly can take 1-3 days to become indexed and start the re-evaulating process.

    For anyone that wishes to purchase a package, head over here:
  • Tim89Tim89
    edited August 2024
    Next update will involve the following,

    - Drip feeding, you are in control, set this number to what ever number you want aslong as it is in between your 30 day plan, so basically anything from 1 - 30, you decide.
    - Processed daily email notifications, get an instant email once your dripping links have been processed for the day.
    - "My Links" tab, will show you your previously submitted url's and their crawling status.

    Stay tuned!

    Get your account today for as little as $25 for 15,000 credits a month, which you are able to use as you please, you can submit 10,000 urls all in one day and 5,000 urls the next, you choose.

    API works with over SEO tools too, Back Link Monitor has included us within their software, so people with back link monitor can really express index those links by directly submitting them to , Inspyder have approved and implemented the API and will be shortly releasing the new version.

    With more features in the works, grab yourself an account now!
  • Tim this looks great.  When insypder implements can u let us know i have back link monitor and will test it out.  thx.
  • edited October 2013
    this strategy definitely works...

    so what i'm talking about it is that before it took like 5 weeks till my sites hit the first page

    5 weeks is not much, but in bh business every day counts. with the indexing service of tim89, my sites started to rank on page 2 after just one week. this is nice! some are already on pos.11

    more than 50% of my 40k links were indexed within some days / hours.

    i'm gonna index 100k links the next days..keep going, price and service is perfect

    of course it is important what KIND of links you use, what content, what onpage optimization etc.

    but if you do your seo homemork, get some mass good looking links, this indexing service works perfectly ;)
  • Tim89Tim89
    edited August 2024
    Thank you @bekkolt that's what I like to hear! I'm happy if you're happy D

    Just want to confirm these updates with you all.

    Drip feeding -

    You will be able to name your campaign which ever name you like so you can keep ontop of your drip feeding submission/campaign.

    You will receive daily email notifications when your dripping has been completed for the day, this is optional and you simply need to check the checkbox if you would like this feature.

    My links

    This section will look at little bit like this below;

    Username_subissiondate.txt -- 376 urls -- Download Now -- Crawled

    Your text file will hold your URLs that you submitted and just for clarification we let you know how many urls were in that batch so you can click the download now button grab your links, copy/paste them to where ever you need! This will also let you know if your file was crawled.

    Duplicate URL checker, this will make sure you don't have any duplicates in your submissions and ultimately help you save your credits! We will only process your batch without processing duplicates!

    These updates are being worked on now and should be released in a week or so, we are glad you like the service and appreciate your custom.

    For future releases/upgrades after the above is completed will be live index checking for your submitted links, Live index checking?! Yes, that's correct, we check the index status of your submitted batches and provide you the results instantly. Now where else can you get that from for our prices? I've rented Proxies that are more expensive, and were throwing that service into your packages!

    Stay with us, or join us now! For future deals and bonuses, these will only go out to our subscribed members for their loyalty and support.

    @sonic81 I have been beta testing the new backlink monitor for bugs, I will ask Inspyder to release it, it should be available in a day or two, will let you know.
  • Tim89Tim89
    Seems like the API can now be used with GSA Ser
  • Tim89Tim89
    edited August 2024
    Someone in the early hours GMT thought it would be a good idea to try and hack our system and manipulate our html code, via injection.

    This is fun.

    How is the API? has anyone used it yet alongside GSA? You can use our API alongside other SEO tools too! just pm me if you want more information.
  • i'll give it a whirl tomorrow cheers
  • Tim89Tim89
    edited August 2024
    API configuration guide for various SEO tools is now available to look through on our API page on the site.

    If anyone wants a specific guide for integration just let me know.

    for anyone who is interested in a link indexing service that actually index's your links, head this way...
  • Tim89Tim89
    edited August 2024
    If you haven't already tried us, try us now, we are becoming integrated in most seo tools now, so this makes it easier for you!
  • Tim89Tim89
    edited August 2024
    Hey guys, I've had a couple messages in regards to using your API with Back Link Monitor, this is fully implemented now and you just need to update your Back Link Monitor which should be automatically done when opening the software, thanks for the support!

    Also, would like to mention about what @claus10 stated a few days ago about links appearing de-indexed after appearing indexed, the index process takes around 10 - 15 days to complete, claus10's links is almost half way through our indexing process and over 60% of that batch is now indexed, just after 8 days since submission, I have taken the time to track these index rates so I stay true to my promises to my customers.

    For anyone who would like to register for this service,
  • Just an update to my earlier findings. I'm monitoring 125 links.
    90 were indexed instantly.
    A couple of days later only 5 was indexed.
    Yesterday 25 was indexed.
    Today - about a week later 85 indexed.

    So far so good.
  • Simliar results for me as well fyi.
  • Tim89Tim89
    Thanks @sonic81 and @claus10 for your feedback, much appreciated.

    Yes those fluctuations sound normal and they will stabilize by day 10 - 15! pretty high rates after a few days submission.
  • Tim89Tim89
    edited August 2024
    @jurky3fo hey mate, I just tried that index checker,

    It doesn't seem to give accurate results? I scrapebox checked a batch of urls and it came back with 70% indexed then I though I'd save my proxies and use that site to check, I plucked out around 20 indexed links and checked using the above service and only 1 appeared indexed.. that can not be right!

    Or possibly they update their index statuses every hour or two instead of instantly..?

    I suggest people check index statuses using scrapebox!
  • i use scrapebox for quick checks just use gsa to scrape for public proxies so you don't burn your own and import them into scrapebox
  • Tim89Tim89
    @sonic81 ah yes, that's a good idea, I may open up gsa on my other machine and leave it idle scraping...

    Thanks sonic
  • Tim89Tim89
    edited August 2024
    The drip feed option should be available by tomorrow night, Monday morning the latest.

    If anyone has any suggestions/queries please feel free and contact me via the contact from on our site.
  • Tim89Tim89
    edited August 2024
    Hi guys,

    New features that were added yesterday:

    - Duplicate URL filtering
    - Drip feed option
    - Name your campaign
    - Email notifications

    These have all been tested and they work superbly, have fun and make sure you've got your ticket, get one here!
  • i have a question..if i dont use all 60 000(links) in one month,is the remaining will be forward to next month?
  • Tim89Tim89
    Hey @eagleflux

    Right now how things are set up and programmed, you will need to use all of your credits before your expiry date as credits do not roll over, it is encouraged to purchase a package that suits your link building requirements, expiry dates for packages are 30 days from the day you purchase any package, it is set like this because..

    Users are able to re-purchase any package they want at any time during the month without having to wait for monthly turn overs.

    Hope this helps, Hope you enjoy the service!
  • Tim89Tim89
    Some exciting news,

    We have implemented quite a few things recently.

    We are now working on the automatic API Drip Feeding option, you will be able to set the number of days you would like your API submissions to be submitted.

    We are also creating an affiliate program, more details about these implementations will follow once they have been completed.

  • Ordered 500k to check it out. 
  • Tim89Tim89
    Hey @mmtj,

    Thanks for purchasing! I'm confident we will provide you a top quality service.

    replied to your pm.
  • Tim89Tim89
    Express Indexer will be implemented into Rankwyz so you can make submissions through the API.
  • any issues with the login today? i couldn't login and i reset my password still can't get in...
  • also fyi for everyone on the thread i tested dripping it works great.
  • Tim89Tim89
    Hey @sonic81 it seems ok on my end, is it ok for you now?

    and thanks for pointing out the drip feeding option, the API drip feeding option is almost here too.
  • Tim89Tim89

    New feature:

    - The API global drip feeding option should be completed by the end of this weekend.

    Any suggestions or possible requirements that you would like to see implemented? Simply contact us via our contact form on our site OR direct email by sending your email to

  • Tim89Tim89
    edited August 2024
    Express indexer has a special offer available for only 2 days, this offer runs from today (23.10.13) and finishes the end of play (25.10.13).

    The offer::

    For any customer who purchases a package between those dates mentioned above will receive double your package credits, this means if you purchase a package for 60,000 which is $40, you will receive an additional 60,000 credits which will be available for 30 days before expiring.

    Bonus credits will be applied to your account within 24 hours of purchasing your package, if you do not receive your bonus credits simply contact me.

    Lots of new features have been added since release, The global API drip feed option is pretty awesome and is in beta testing at the moment, this will be released during the weekend.

    Happy Halloween!

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