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  • I was also considering that the US3 with ssd will be more than enough for only running ser...
    With SEO plans you will have stronger processors (E3 with 3+ GHz), faster network connection and less users/server so you will have better results in SER.
  • What is difference in network regarding SEO plans and US plans ?? @NDTN
    Both of them have 1Gbps network, but our Datacenters in France/Canada have more solid network than in the US. In addition, the VPS in our US plans are not bulletproof, so we will have to take down your VPS if we receive complaints, but it will not happen on our SEO VPS.
  • Thanks for your answers mate.. Sorry to hit you like that but you also mention Us / Canada location for the US3 package. Isn't this correct ??
  • Thanks @NDTN, based on your answers above, I'll upgrade to a SEO plan. Guess I was lucky not to get a spam complaint...
  • If you are using proxies i don't think that you will have any complaints..
    @deNiro72: Thank you very much for you kind words, our pleasure to serve you :)
  • Can i run gsa ser / scrapebox on US VPS with private proxies ?
    @DonCorleone: For running SER/Scrapebox we would recommend SEO packages, where you will have better performance and no worries about abuse complaints.
  • edited August 2014
    So i log into my SEO1 VPS - which i strictly use to scrape content/ GScraper work- after about a week. I see the steam community toolbar installed along with someone else's gmail account logged in . I dont feel safe about my data anymore . Nothing to do with provider anymore.
    @spammasta: Hi, Could you open a support ticket so we can check? The VPS is yours when we delivered it to you, we dont give access to anyone else.
  • edited August 2014

    Can you comment on this issue spammasta is having?

    I was interested in getting server from you and this is not the first time someone says this about your service.

    I would not feel safe having my data were this stuff is happening.

    Do you have explanation for this activity spammasta is talking about?

    @jpvr90: We replied to spmmasta's ticket and waiting for his reply now. For the link you posted you can PM Yashar or read the whole thread as we have nothing to do with customer's data.
  • jpvr90  they have asked me to change my password and suspect  malware activity .Is this normal ? anyone ?
  • @spammasta
    only thing i can think of is if you downloaded and installed software from unrialiable source that contained a virus.
  • Hi just purchased VPS SEO2: Transaction ID: 6P038794S8784945F

    Please send login details once setup, thx.
    @joland: Thanks for your order, we delivered all pending orders now.
  • I've been using using guys, I have no issues with your speed or whatever... however, i do have a bone to pick with you!

    Why are you snooping through my VPS?

    I rent a VPS to do my work and have personal data on that, which I thought would be secure... it appears not!

    If you decide to take a look at my VPS... at least leave GSA running!

    Really, really unhappy at the fact i come in and someone has "STOPPED" my GSA!

    If your going to snoop, at least try and not make it obvious someone has been on..

    If this issue persists, I will cancel my contact and use every oz of energy to highlight in multiple forums, that you might well be running a good vps... however, security wise... you are snooping through peoples VPS and turning off there GSA...

    Why on earth are you turning my GSA of for!

    What I have going and projects going is my business! none of yours!

    So do you mind!
    @liaser: Could you open a support ticket so we can check? It's weird that your GSA was stopped. We have hundreds of SEO VPS and we dont have any access or reason to snoop to customers' VPS(!). Thanks!
  • edited August 2014

    Again another user reporting issue with logging into there servers.

    That makes 3 different people saying this about your service.
    Data Security is Very Important to some of us.

    I was looking into ordering 2 dedi servers but Im glad I didn't submit order to this service, I will stay away from this service and have my data protected with more reliable provider.
    @jpvr90: liaser's issue is GSA stopped working, not related to any data security, the same to Yashar you mentioned if you read the whole thread. It's your choice to choose providers but please dont state anything that's not true.
  • Is there any security or command to get the email when someone logged-in in our vps, even if i do that too.  
    @redfoxseo: For now we dont have these features available, but you can enable Security log:
    Then check on Event Viewer for IP success/failure logged on. Fore example here is a failure logged on in one of our server:
    Success logged on:

  • What package should I choose to run GSA + Scrapebox? 
  • Ordered.
    @Nicklas: It depends on your need, but I would recommend start with SEO1 or SEO2 first then upgrade later if you want.
    @zero: Your VPS will be delivered soon.
    @Nicklas: It depends on your need, but I would recommend start with SEO1 or SEO2 first then upgrade later if you want.
    @zero: Your VPS will be delivered soon.
    We have a few FR2 with CPU Upgrade (E3-1230) available today :)
  • How much cost for extra 2gb ram in vps ?
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