@oil I checked my messages and I must not have clicked send yesterday morning apologies.
@jonathonjon, thanks for the great feedback. Let me answer those
1) Yep, template output is the current priority
2) Not yet, but it's already been requested to be able to position images/video more flexibly, so it's on our list to do
3) If you choose no spinning at all you will get just 5 totally different articles (mashed from many more scraped articles). If you choose sentence spinning / word spinning then the first article is the spun version (mashed from many more scraped articles) and the 5 would be unspun examples
4) Yes we have hardcoded best with max 5 synonyms. We have spinner option screens on the to do list.
I am a little more anal about content -- and while it's nice to have these auto-generating tools -- which I have KMW and ACW -- I seem to be getting finnicky.
I just realized that I also have a yearly subscription to Jon Leger's Instant Article Wizard that creates unique articles from content, but you put them together in an editor -- making it readable and unique -- and it also works in tandem with Jon's The Best Spinner.
So I am making use of that since this thread was about what OTHER ideas for content creators.
While I'm keen to spinning scraped content -- I am also thinking long term to make sure this content sticks even after Google figures out how to make little googlebot decipher jibberish from real quality writing.
Less quality links -- I'm not too worried about -- but the stuff up near the top.
And yet another reason why I decided to give folks access to my stack of content across 243 topics (see thread 842) so we can help each other build a library of highly spinnable, unique and readable content.
It's not to say that I have CHANGED direction -- however, I did take a look at the content in some of the spins I created and it gave me the creeps. But this is more of a HYBRID approach.
Definitely the content ain't that great. I'm banking on the fact that Google can't really detect this kind of bad content. Who knows for sure.
But one thing I really like is that when I've used these content creators (using the sentence spinning - say 100 variations for each sentence - and word/phrase automatic spinning using the best readability option like TBS' Best Thesaurus), I've gotten a higher index rate without doing any backlinks to those backlinks (I use the content for tier 1 backlinks). Higher indexing rate as opposed to my best manual spinning (even when it's manually spun with 3-4 variations per sentence and then manually word/phrase spun).
This IS what really worries me about this stuff though and makes me want to lean more toward this hybrid approach rather than just lazying out all the way on every project (NOTE: Where it says "human quality raters") quoting from Wikipedia.org/wiki/Google_Penguin...
"The differences between Penguin and previous updates
Before Penguin, Google released a series of algorithm updates called Panda[9] with the first appearing in February 2011. Panda aimed at downranking websites that provided poor user experience. To identify such websites, a machine-learning algorithm by Navneet Panda[10] was used, hence the name. The algorithm follows the logic by which Google’s human quality raters[11] determine a website’s quality.
In January 2012, so-called page layout algorithm update[12] was released, which targeted websites with little content above the fold.[13]
The strategic goal that Panda, Penguin, and page layout update share is to display higher quality websites at the top of Google’s search results. However, sites that were downranked as the result of these updates have different sets of characteristics. The main target of Google Penguin is spamdexing (including link bombing).
So just as I have expressed this above -- if G can incorporate an algorithm based on the human quality reviewers they've had working for them since 2005/2006 and incorporate their approach and logic in assessing a web page/document as to whether it's real or just spam/spun/garbage -- then I would say we are NOT that far away until a Gcrack is released -- and likely while not even knowing it. This stuff, they try to obscure when filing for patents -- language that would take a scientist to interpret how they explain the process of their patent -- so no one ever finds out that something is in effect. And more than likely, Google is just allowed to simply REFERENCE any part of their algorithm kept in a separate and secret document, so really no details are divulged in the more specific patents they file for.
Call me paranoid -- but I'm just taking the preventative care approach to adapt to this endless sea of changing circumstances.
And no matter how apathetic or chronically worried about Google's changes -- there's really NO WAY to be ready for something that you cannot expect.
So whether you are freaking out about Google's changes or pending future changes -- you are literally blessed to be the wiser and just know that it's just Google being Google.
For that matter, Google will always combat things that are UNNATURAL and feel that should be done by a human, and demanding high quality content must be unique.
Google basically wants this whole natural linking to occur between sites just finding other content -- I'm sorry -- but I think this died out back in 2000 when the internet was a baby. (What a pipe dream).
So this gives us a really good map as to what Google will do next.
And I believe the real way to figure out anything is to see what are the latest things people are doing to game Big G. You already know it because you belong to a number of other forums and see what people are using.
So whatever it is -- just put that on the list of what not to do in an ugly robotic slave driven manner.
In fact, it should just be an instinct to ask yourself before ever starting a new job...
"Will this GLA SER run, SEnukeX run, Magic Submitter Run, appear to be human if I start this campaign now and I haven't EVER driven any links to a site?"
If you have the slightest tendency to bend the truth to yourself or justify things, just imagine that you're probably pushing the line on appearing NOT human like.
Adapt to the "being human" state of mind on a constant basis and you will NEVER worry about ANY upcoming Google algo change, ever.
When you adopt the "appearing human" concept in your everyday GLA or whatever promotions, the actions and behavior that compliments the attitude is what you'll change to and/or adjust to.
Your actions and behavior will literally do things naturally that support "appearing human" without even thinking.
And you won't ever ever ever think about any G algo updates ever again because you aren't affected by that because -- why?? Becuz you're being human -- even with the use of your automated tools.
Okay -- rambled on way longer than I should have...
@sven -- as a compliment -- I would like to let you know how wonderful it is that you address this RANDOMIZATION factor in the anchor links options and the % of generic keywords, secondary keywords, and such.
In fact, I believe you are truly a pioneer in that area and sense because this one thing (which I believe to be mighty powerful) is not covered even by the TOP software programs out there - AND it wouldn't be that hard I believe. With other software -- you simply do NOT have any control over % of distribution of anchor text. Hence, less control over appearing to be human.
Thank you for the ingenuity you've put into this...
1st awesome post, if there would be a follow fullspeed button i would really read all thing he says,
@zaza i tried them both, spinchimp seems for me a far better spinner then TBS or SC2, or any other spinner out there however (not yet tried) it seems that only SpinRewriter is a true spinner which understands the meaning of a sentence
@darman82 i used ACW for some time and i loved it for the simple fact that it can select own txt sources, thats the big lack of all other Article Writers i tested so far,
SpinChimp has also the best free version imo. It has a global spin option and you can add hyperlinks to keywords. Everything that is needed for starters.
@fullspeed: I think people overrate Googles ability to read content and evaluate the quality.
I've just had a brilliant site with only original high quality content smashed by an algo update... and this is a site that has not had any 'funny stuff' done to it...
However one doesn't really know as you say...
I've just found this manual spinner which I quite like... and you can relatively easily make good quality spins... but it is manual...
@oil - Kontent Machine has the ability to use your own txt files and/or mix your own with scraped content and you can choose how much or how little of each with a little slider.
@darman82 - I have ACW and KM and about ACW: First off I have a very high level of respect for the developer, collywobbles. I have been a member of the sick marketing community for many years now and collywobbles has always provided fantastic support and a great product over there. Aside from that, ACW does exactly what it says it does and more. The articles it provides read well and "pass" copyscape in my opinion. I also like the fact you can run it from the command line, a feature I have yet to see in any other article creation software, and post to your wordpress blogs. One drawback is if you generate your content and you forget to insert in your links or you forgot something else you have to re-generate all that content again to get your links put in there. I wish it had a 'reload' button like KM did so it just uses the current content and reloads it with the links you forgot or the images or videos, etc... instead of having to generate new content. That is about the only negative I can think of right now. The biggest plus is it's a one time payment. So you get aFantasticDeveloper + oneTimeFee + stableSoftware = a winning combo
Regarding Kontent Machine: I also use this and really like the granular specificity you have over where things go and what they say. Plus they just launched their about me generator. The support has been fantastic as well. For instance, with ACW you can choose to have images and that is great but all the images go in the same place on every post.
With KM you can choose where you want the image to show up or have it random. KM also utilizes custom tokens. So if you wanted to put in %url% or any of the other macros sven has created you can have KM put those automatically in your article for you. It really is an amazing piece of software. With that comes the price though. if you signed up early you got it for $27/month and now it is going for $37/month. Alot of people don't like the monthly price and I understand. You have to ask yourself, are you getting $37 worth of content every month from it?
That is the exact reason I created biz adder. You get most of the options of Kontent machine but without the monthly subscription. right now i'll run a campaign for you that you can import directly into SER for $2.
I have not tried Wicked Article Creator and really have no intention of, especially since I feel like I have a great arsenal of content producing machines at my disposal.
Regarding my arsenal: I also use articlebuilder.net and use his auto posting feature. I like to use the opening super spun paragraphs from AB and put them in as custom content into KM and use that as my first paragraph. That way, the title makes sense as well as the first paragraph.
I snatched up Jon Ledgers Jiffyarticles.com when he had it on sale for lifetime membership and that has been pretty sweet to whip up articles for clients for their blogs and/or ezinearticles in a 'jiffy' when he says you can write a 500 word article in 5-10 minutes, well I do it in about 7 minutes. Its a lot of fun and it sure beats paying someone $5 to do what I can do in 7 minutes.
of course I also have thebestspinner.com and have been happy with that. The thesaurus that it provides is amazing. I took spinrewriter for a trial and liked it as well but couldn't justify another expense when I already have a spinner.
--speaking of spinners, I read in the changelog of the most recent version of KM that they allow you to use two spinner databases so you can compare the spins and do some other things with it.
I think that is about it. I have tried other content generators out there and none of them compare to the two at the top. They just work. PERIOD.
can you please enlighten me where to tell KM to use a folder of own .txt files as content source i am very micro niched so not much scrapers find what i need, but i have enough articles of my own, i just need it very good shuffled through - when i did with KM i always had the issue of not finding anything on the web, in ACW i could use own sources, but i had massive probs with TBS crashing whenever i did a spin where web access was requested, and this brought unfort. for me ACW down each time i scraped own content as well,
but now after i read that ACW does a very good sentece spin, i might give it anohter shot, just without the TBS option, maybe colly can add spinchimp API as well
@checkkermater -- "I think people overrate G's ability to read content and evaluate quality."
I'm sure you're right -- and the perfect time for me to illustrate that G's ability to read quality content and rate it based on that and that alone hasn't stopped me from ranking one of their web 2.0 properties for a client requested keyword at #2 right now -- and the blog has NO POSTS -- and absolutely ZERO CONTENT other than the title and a guy's pic on the webpage. The only thing quality about the web 2.0 site I set up are the scattering of links pointing at it (backed up by HIGH QUALITY CONTENT on the first tier -- and, my favorite, IN CONTEXT anchor links as well).
I can't stress how VERY important the anchor links (keyword phrases pointing to your site) to have paragraph-type TEXT surrounding the anchor text (both to the left and the right of it).
You'll get further boost when the CONTENT on the page with the link to your site is tightly themed to the keywords used in the anchor text. I believe Google WILL make a relational comparison to relevancy of "anchor text" and the text surrounding the "anchor text" in the existing paragraph.
And I believe wholeheartedly that you'll be aided by another boost to that backlink when the CONTENT on the web page receiving the link has text and discussion specifically about the keyword in the "anchor text," and possibly even incorporates the keyword phrase(s) being used in the anchor text -- as least one mention of it, even though this is not necessary at all since OFF PAGE FACTORS are way more powerful than ON PAGE.
Whole point of relevancy is this...
More important than actual SEARCH ENGINE OPTIMIZATION -- the visitor experience is really the one that gets enhanced as a result of the relatedness between (1) web page with content + (2) anchor text using keyword phrase targeted, but also incorporated into context of content + (3) web page with content receiving the text = HIGH RELEVANCY -- yes! But the visitor experience is completely there because the 1, 2, 3 demands and commands the fact that the visitor receive a CONTINUOUS EXPERIENCE.
So if you actually plan it through -- you will -- in advance -- begin to strategize content on another site (your backlinking Tier 1 site) where you bait visitors on Web 2.0 properties that will EASILY rank high for a keyword.
SIDENOTE -- I wanted to point out how folks DE-VALUE the actual worth of web 2.0 properties because if you consider their PageRank (i.e., potential authority) -- this means that you don't even have to worry about getting over the fact that you've got a brand new domain. Plus -- this is why I created the sidenote -- folks don't necessary consider that it looks a LOT LESS suspect to blogger.com, tumblr.com getting backlinks to it versus your own site. Now, obviously, you don't want to blow stuff into oblivion with a GSA SER assault on the entire niche community and the Global Lists used for good measure.
So rather than having to BLOW a bunch of resources in GSA on one (to four) keyword(s) trying to rank a web page on your domain, you can start running MULTIPLE campaigns without truly worrying about getting excessive links to your site.
@theorbital -- RE: Spinners -- I feel bad nowadays for people coming into the market for a spinner.
I mean -- if I hear another "Is the Spin Chimp with the Spin Rewriter going to Spin Me before they Spin Them.
I, too, tried Spin Rewriter -- but never really tried it as it went to wasted for the one year I paid ahead of time.
So I just shoulda stopped at The Best Spinner (TBS).
And it's really strange how some people will just bypass and not even mention TBS now -- but I see that happening with tools in the marketplace for quite some time already -- across various software types.
Those are my remarks -- now onto an old idea that would make this so wonderful for me (and you).
I'm going to preface this post first with the fact that what I REALLY REALLY REALLY want to discuss this something that I think would REALLY put things over the top -- makes me excited when I think of it -- and came to mind as I was reading the replies above (i.e. @theorbital's discussion of her arsenal of tools).
And lemme say this -- adding those two tools she brought up (AB and JA) into anyone's arsenal of tools would be able to whoop some serious bootay! I am YET to get AB as budgeted funds are on aimed toward other things right now.
So what prompted this IDEA (let's call call it) -- was the question I posed back when -- which was -- "How can I use spinning and using a comparison engine to evaluate uniqueness plus entwine community with a completely undetectable network of sites.
Now -- I've already started to have it (this idea) coded and being built out -- but never finished it. :P
At the time, the architecture was already configured into a site design template that I found. So this THING actually exists -- but just not in the finished sense. It just needs to have some of the remaining really splendid features thoroughly built out that haven't been fully coded -- and not sure if the structure or architecture or rules of the software -- is built out either).
But it's considerably there!
Shame is -- I don't have a single clue where exactly it was all left off.
@checkkermater -- "I think people overrate Google's ability to read content and evaluate quality" -- highly likely because, behind that ever-mysterious world inside the googleplex and the awe struck wealth of Google can lead one to ONLY imagine what the mad scientists (brainiacs) at G are doing. So I'm sure people sit around and WAY over-fantasize.
But returning to my original point -- being though -- whatever Google is NOW -- don't expect the same beast in the coming 3 - 6 - 9 - 12 months down the road. So my hybrid approach discussed above is built along the lines of making the foundation exceptionally strong, so even if the thousands of soldiers fall (my weaker 2nd, 3rd and 4th tier supporting links that may not be of great value/quality) -- I'll still have those strong -- high quality content web 2.0 pages alive in the SERPs. As long as content is golden -- then I am golden.
Naturally -- we ALL want to refresh our content and post some more elsewhere and feel like it's totally fresh and unique.
So Refresh My Content would theoretically be an online place where you
1) SPIN - Spin your text using a large database -- and spin text as many levels deep as humanly possible.
2) COMPARE - With your article saved to a server (nothing to download) -- you can now spin as many versions as you wish and then take those 10 or 20 copies and compare the documents to each other -- one to one -- as well as comparing and assigning a number to the overall uniqueness of ALL the copies spun. This second element (compare all) would truly give an understanding at WHAT VOLUME the article can be reproduced before it degrades in uniqueness. And if you could the compare across all spin variations and the volume at which the spin starts to degrade the content -- we could actually PLAN in advance how many actual sites we wish to submit the content that has been tested for spin tolerance.
Spin tolerance = an algorithm that requires the user to state what the MINIMUM ACCEPTABLE % would be for uniqueness across all spun articles.
So the code for the software could be written so that when calculating the Spin Tolerance of a spun article, the algorithm tests 10 spins, then calculates % -- tests 50 spins, then calculates % -- test 100 spins, then calculates %.
And once the Spin Tolerance figure has been reached, the algorithm then goes back 10 spins to test 90 spins, then 80, 70, 60 until it works back to finally find the Spin Tolerance of an article/piece of content.
This type of comparison can then tell us that we (1) have done a great job and can go submit; or (2) have got some work to do and better get to spinning again.
Once an accepting % is reached by the user (you) -- you conduct a final save.
That's when the next phase kicks in.
Once you save the LAST version of your content with that acceptable Spin Tolerance number, that number now becomes a bargaining chip in the marketplace of content.
So if Refresh My Content places on your 1 piece of content an overall 87% uniqueness with a Spin Tolerance of 1250 Spins -- you can now decide to just use that Spin Tolerance factor and submit your content using GSA or any other software.
But -- the marketplace allows to keep track of each piece of content each user has -- and those readily available Uniqueness/Spin Tolerance numbers.
So the 87%/1250 content is shared by the user (you) to the community and makes it available.
With a Spin Tolerance of 1250 -- and quite a high Uniqueness Rate -- that article can sensibly be swapped with up to one thousand two hundred and fifty other articles!!!!! (that is, if it's not submitted with an outside piece of software).
So one user, that is wandering the RefreshMyContent.com community marketplace, ends up finding your piece of content on a pretty related topic and wants to make a trade.
The interested user hits a button that notifies you on your end that he's/she's interested in said content.
Mind you, both users have already input however many number of URLs or domains they wish to offer as an exchange -- or a proposed "to be created page." The RMC platform will run some ip traces and discover what IP addresses all those URL/domains are on so each user can tell if they can post their quality content on multiple IP addresses and exchange more than ONE spin.
If you decide to conduct a trade with other that you can see a number of potential pages on the other user's URL list that you could post some great content with "in context anchor links" -- then as far as I'm concerned -- that is like getting 250 - 1000 lower quality links using GSA or any other software.
The power is in the trading platform and being able to place your content on someone else's site that could be on a related topic and can match whatever anchor text you wish to target.
Every time you exchange however many spins of each article -- the number of SPINS that article has until it reaches its Spin Tolerance continues to decrease one unit per one spin used.
The system would monitor the web pages exchanged by two users so there is an essential bit of assurance and neither user has to think about whether the content was removed. If content is removed, the system would let both users know.
This is where it really gets interesting -- and that is the WHOLE NETWORK cannot be comprised because a user can only see whatever articles are available and can only see URLs available to post to when they click the "Interested in Exchange" button.
Obviously -- it would be best to not post ALL your URLs in case an employee of Google signed up and wanted to exchange.
But this could actually be a stealth network that would highly limit any exposure to being completely discovered.
darman82, generate articles with the sentence spinner checked and then you will see the Save as Template option in the Publish tab. No point saving a template if you only generate 1 article, everything you posted in GSA would be identical
@fullspeed - great idea on the refreshmycontent.com
I'm at the place of generating the high quality spin articles...so I appreciate your patience with my questions on them so I can get them right.
About your idea though:
1) Far too many people want to just submit badly spun unique content to Google, but terrible for readers...so if I contribute a good human readible spun article...I could get a unique highly spun gobbledygook article in return?
2) how many times would the site use the spun article? You don't want your blog with 100 unique versions of the same article saying the same things...so what you're saying is basically like the guest post craze that is currently happening? You trade content for a link?
1) Not sure what you mean. The idea of RMC is to have a CONTENT EXCHANGE platform by offering up your content that can be used on someone else's site and in exchange, they give you their article that should be in the same range of Spin Tolerance and quality -- and thus, you've got a way to get your content on a site that you actually control.
2) You offer your article to be leveraged by someone else -- and you offer that agreement in return if all looks good. You hit the spin button once to grab ONE COPY and take the article you exchange with person and place it on the page designated. Other person does the same thing with ONE copy of your own article.
The obvious thing is having a sizable number of members to leverage hundreds of potential possibilities to get your content with sweet "in context" anchor text links backs to your sites.
You trade content for content -- you both end up with backlinks pointed wherever you like.
Let's say I place a well written human article that is spun. It takes me about a day to write this. Then l offer this to RMC. The algo does it's work and it matches the spin tolerance, but it can't match quality because if it can, well you could sell it to Google for a quick buck ;-). So then when I press spin to get a another users offered article it could be an auto global spun gobbledygook article that is 100% unique, but not worth placing on a site..
Just a concern...
Why don't we do it like this...to get it started...I really like the idea BTW! I saw your other post on swapping spun articles for work, etc.
What about if we get a handful of people together who collude like this as you suggest? This would be a good way to test the waters...I have 30 websites covering a range of niches...we're writing quality spun articles for these...so as you suggested in your other thread some kind of swap....just need a few more members who focus on quality rather than auto articles and we could test it out. It's all about ensuring that everyone meets the article quality guidelines...
As far as content exchange programs go. I am a member (free) of contentfacilitator.com and also was a member of the keyword academy and their flagship tool, postrunner, is a fantastic content exchange program.
I have yet to use content facilitator but get their emails and they are constantly improving it.
I have used postruner and it worked out great for me. It was my "secret weapon" for a while They have completely reworked it and it looks AWESOME!
I thought you have been having a good time with KM and ACW
Will check out the other thread.
But one thing I really like is that when I've used these content creators (using the sentence spinning - say 100 variations for each sentence - and word/phrase automatic spinning using the best readability option like TBS' Best Thesaurus), I've gotten a higher index rate without doing any backlinks to those backlinks (I use the content for tier 1 backlinks). Higher indexing rate as opposed to my best manual spinning (even when it's manually spun with 3-4 variations per sentence and then manually word/phrase spun).
"The differences between Penguin and previous updates
Before Penguin, Google released a series of algorithm updates called Panda[9] with the first appearing in February 2011. Panda aimed at downranking websites that provided poor user experience. To identify such websites, a machine-learning algorithm by Navneet Panda[10] was used, hence the name. The algorithm follows the logic by which Google’s human quality raters[11] determine a website’s quality.
In January 2012, so-called page layout algorithm update[12] was released, which targeted websites with little content above the fold.[13]
The strategic goal that Panda, Penguin, and page layout update share is to display higher quality websites at the top of Google’s search results. However, sites that were downranked as the result of these updates have different sets of characteristics. The main target of Google Penguin is spamdexing (including link bombing).
So just as I have expressed this above -- if G can incorporate an algorithm based on the human quality reviewers they've had working for them since 2005/2006 and incorporate their approach and logic in assessing a web page/document as to whether it's real or just spam/spun/garbage -- then I would say we are NOT that far away until a Gcrack is released -- and likely while not even knowing it. This stuff, they try to obscure when filing for patents -- language that would take a scientist to interpret how they explain the process of their patent -- so no one ever finds out that something is in effect. And more than likely, Google is just allowed to simply REFERENCE any part of their algorithm kept in a separate and secret document, so really no details are divulged in the more specific patents they file for.
Call me paranoid -- but I'm just taking the preventative care approach to adapt to this endless sea of changing circumstances.
And no matter how apathetic or chronically worried about Google's changes -- there's really NO WAY to be ready for something that you cannot expect.
So whether you are freaking out about Google's changes or pending future changes -- you are literally blessed to be the wiser and just know that it's just Google being Google.
For that matter, Google will always combat things that are UNNATURAL and feel that should be done by a human, and demanding high quality content must be unique.
Google basically wants this whole natural linking to occur between sites just finding other content -- I'm sorry -- but I think this died out back in 2000 when the internet was a baby. (What a pipe dream).
So this gives us a really good map as to what Google will do next.
And I believe the real way to figure out anything is to see what are the latest things people are doing to game Big G. You already know it because you belong to a number of other forums and see what people are using.
So whatever it is -- just put that on the list of what not to do in an ugly robotic slave driven manner.
In fact, it should just be an instinct to ask yourself before ever starting a new job...
"Will this GLA SER run, SEnukeX run, Magic Submitter Run, appear to be human if I start this campaign now and I haven't EVER driven any links to a site?"
If you have the slightest tendency to bend the truth to yourself or justify things, just imagine that you're probably pushing the line on appearing NOT human like.
Adapt to the "being human" state of mind on a constant basis and you will NEVER worry about ANY upcoming Google algo change, ever.
When you adopt the "appearing human" concept in your everyday GLA or whatever promotions, the actions and behavior that compliments the attitude is what you'll change to and/or adjust to.
Your actions and behavior will literally do things naturally that support "appearing human" without even thinking.
And you won't ever ever ever think about any G algo updates ever again because you aren't affected by that because -- why?? Becuz you're being human -- even with the use of your automated tools.
Okay -- rambled on way longer than I should have...
what about spinchief and spinchimp is not a good pieces of content software?
1st awesome post, if there would be a follow fullspeed button i would really read all thing he says,
@zaza i tried them both, spinchimp seems for me a far better spinner then TBS or SC2, or any other spinner out there however (not yet tried) it seems that only SpinRewriter is a true spinner which understands the meaning of a sentence
@darman82 i used ACW for some time and i loved it for the simple fact that it can select own txt sources, thats the big lack of all other Article Writers i tested so far,
I've just had a brilliant site with only original high quality content smashed by an algo update... and this is a site that has not had any 'funny stuff' done to it...
However one doesn't really know as you say...
I've just found this manual spinner which I quite like... and you can relatively easily make good quality spins... but it is manual...
@darman82 - I have ACW and KM and about ACW:
First off I have a very high level of respect for the developer, collywobbles. I have been a member of the sick marketing community for many years now and collywobbles has always provided fantastic support and a great product over there. Aside from that, ACW does exactly what it says it does and more. The articles it provides read well and "pass" copyscape in my opinion.
I also like the fact you can run it from the command line, a feature I have yet to see in any other article creation software, and post to your wordpress blogs.
One drawback is if you generate your content and you forget to insert in your links or you forgot something else you have to re-generate all that content again to get your links put in there. I wish it had a 'reload' button like KM did so it just uses the current content and reloads it with the links you forgot or the images or videos, etc... instead of having to generate new content. That is about the only negative I can think of right now.
The biggest plus is it's a one time payment. So you get aFantasticDeveloper + oneTimeFee + stableSoftware = a winning combo
Regarding Kontent Machine: I also use this and really like the granular specificity you have over where things go and what they say. Plus they just launched their about me generator. The support has been fantastic as well. For instance, with ACW you can choose to have images and that is great but all the images go in the same place on every post.
With KM you can choose where you want the image to show up or have it random. KM also utilizes custom tokens. So if you wanted to put in %url% or any of the other macros sven has created you can have KM put those automatically in your article for you. It really is an amazing piece of software.
With that comes the price though. if you signed up early you got it for $27/month and now it is going for $37/month. Alot of people don't like the monthly price and I understand. You have to ask yourself, are you getting $37 worth of content every month from it?
That is the exact reason I created biz adder. You get most of the options of Kontent machine but without the monthly subscription. right now i'll run a campaign for you that you can import directly into SER for $2.
I have not tried Wicked Article Creator and really have no intention of, especially since I feel like I have a great arsenal of content producing machines at my disposal.
Regarding my arsenal: I also use articlebuilder.net and use his auto posting feature. I like to use the opening super spun paragraphs from AB and put them in as custom content into KM and use that as my first paragraph. That way, the title makes sense as well as the first paragraph.
I snatched up Jon Ledgers Jiffyarticles.com when he had it on sale for lifetime membership and that has been pretty sweet to whip up articles for clients for their blogs and/or ezinearticles in a 'jiffy' when he says you can write a 500 word article in 5-10 minutes, well I do it in about 7 minutes. Its a lot of fun and it sure beats paying someone $5 to do what I can do in 7 minutes.
of course I also have thebestspinner.com and have been happy with that. The thesaurus that it provides is amazing. I took spinrewriter for a trial and liked it as well but couldn't justify another expense when I already have a spinner.
--speaking of spinners, I read in the changelog of the most recent version of KM that they allow you to use two spinner databases so you can compare the spins and do some other things with it.
I think that is about it. I have tried other content generators out there and none of them compare to the two at the top. They just work. PERIOD.
can you please enlighten me where to tell KM to use a folder of own .txt files as content source
- when i did with KM i always had the issue of not finding anything on the web, in ACW i could use own sources, but i had massive probs with TBS crashing whenever i did a spin where web access was requested, and this brought unfort. for me ACW down each time i scraped own content as well,
i am very micro niched so not much scrapers find what i need, but i have enough articles of my own, i just need it very good shuffled through
but now after i read that ACW does a very good sentece spin, i might give it anohter shot, just without the TBS option, maybe colly can add spinchimp API as well
But it's considerably there!
With a Spin Tolerance of 1250 -- and quite a high Uniqueness Rate -- that article can sensibly be swapped with up to one thousand two hundred and fifty other articles!!!!! (that is, if it's not submitted with an outside piece of software).
ACW still not support GSA template, i know @collywobbles being working on this template, i hope it will finish soon.
I have yet to use content facilitator but get their emails and they are constantly improving it.
I have used postruner and it worked out great for me. It was my "secret weapon" for a while