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Spamvilla Recaptcha OCR is down, and no reply from Kelvin

Spamvilla OCR has not been working for me for 1 day and no reply to ticket or email. Anyone having the same problem? I create a discussion here because I seldom get reply from him, so maybe he will see problems here.


  • molchomolcho Germany
    edited November 2013
    the same here, and i have a question to all spamvilla user.

    How high are your rate to solve the captchas?

    I think there´s no more as 10 percent on my side, i have run the threads over the GSA CB, and the settings follow the instructions from spamvilla.
    and 10 percent for a flat rate is not so bad, the same numbers of captchas at DBC i paid 10 times more.
  • Yeah... still down.

    Kelvin could sure use better communication - at least a word *hey guys, stuff breaks, will be back then and then*... easy and useful. 
  • @molcho: it can solve quite a lot of captchas, but lots of captchas "solved" (70 to 80%) are just basically wrong. 
  • BrandonBrandon Reputation Management Pro
    I'm getting "Recognized by using captcha service" on my servers...many are wrong, but that's normal.
  • Is there an alternative to Spamvilla? It's down all the time and I'm basically tired of wasting good lists on bad captcha solves.
  • There is MegaOCR but that is basically it that I know of at least. :/
  • Spamvilla doesn't perform very well for me at all
  • Bought the product 12 hours and still don't have API or access
  • Sorry but we dont have any downtime in last 3 or 4 days if specific clients are facing downtime problems its due to there own setup
    Atm only 5 tickets are pending in my support 2 related to downtime yet server is perfectly working and rest 3 regarding order activation which will be processed by tonight i said many times make sure your setup 10 times before posting anything
  • @spamvilla. I'm still waiting. What do you mean setup 10 times!? I haven't even gotten an email from you.
  • If its a new order since 8th they will process today if not and your order says active pm me ur client email id please
  • Hi! Your support is a real bad :( You say 5 tickets? 2 of them are mine. Also My activation is pending from 08.10. Pmed you my registration email. Please fix your communication problems. 
  • A great service with a Russian style customer support: Take it or leave it. When it works it works just fine, when it doesn't you can't do anything than wait to get fixed.
    BTW, not it's down :)
  • 1 ticket here. Uanswered. Service down.

    I like your product, but the downtime is really bad.
  • donaldbeckdonaldbeck Advanced SER Videos -> | Learn SER For Free Step By Step ->
    Up time has been really good recently. Support is slow, but it's well worth the 30-50$ most will need to spend once it's setup. 
  • Yup, down for me too. IP ending 130:8079...
  • here service down as well
    seems to be normal to have service down every few days for hours or half days

    stop SER and do some maintenance work in mean time

    run without spamvilla and see if result still acceptable (that's what I do right now to avoid wasting SER-downtime)
  • I don't know what's wrong with their setup but i also got downtime every single day. It doesn't pass 1 day without having problems. 
    I am looking to move to another OCR provider if they won't fix this.
  • Acidut, do you know any? with same success rate? :)
  • Seems to be working again...
  • i've talked with the guys from megaocr and they gaved me a demo account for 3 days. It`s kinda the same success rate depending on proxies quality. You should add them on skype and request a demo. 
  • I would like to request a refund for the remaining days. I am switching to megaocr as we speak.
    I am tired of sending emails and opening tickets because their service drops. Every fucking single day i get problems with 1 or both of my plans. 

    I've sent you an email kelvin requesting to cancel my services and issue me a partial refund for the rest of the monthly days. 
  • After investigating I seen Aciduct u sending 250k images per hour to your 150$ monthly plan its pure overloading and overusage no wonder
    Why u facing timeouts
  • And about megaocr its having 10x downtime then us its just that our few threads are publically seen and they have none its as far as I know dont know there current setup best of luck as said I will reply to our tickets only not any public thread anymore
  • I also request cancel the spamvilla service last 1-2 days ago but never get any reply back?
  • I ordered a package two days ago, and it is still pending !!!!!!! Spamvilla told me yesterday that it will be ok soon but still I paid 2 DAYS AGO ! 

    Is this service scam ? I am ready to open a dispute with paypal if it is not solved quickly !
  • donaldbeckdonaldbeck Advanced SER Videos -> | Learn SER For Free Step By Step ->
    I bet Kelvin is going to change your next payment date to match when the service is actually started. So I wouldn't worry so much.
  • That's good to hear ! Hope he will make it work asap !
  • Yes donald is right if we delayed somehow we always revise everythng we have 9 orders pending all I m procesing atm within an hour you
    Get ur email back

This discussion has been closed.