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AutoContentWriter or Wicked Article Creator or anything else?



  • ranknow, if you are using spinchimp for word spinning, you will get even more readability if you increase the readability setting under ACW's options, this means you will get sentences kept together from the original articles :)
  • Hi @collywobbles

    A question, if I use a keyword "dog training" 10 times to generate 10 spun articles, will it produce 10 different articles or results will be similar across?
  • Let's say we scrape 20 articles on dog training from 20 sites each containing 50 sentences, that gives you 20*20*50 = 20K sentences in the "pool".

    If you then generate a spun article with 50 sentences in it, say the spin width is 10 (10 alternatives for each sentence) you will use 500 of the 20K sentences. I think that leaves quite a bit to spare if you want to generate 10 spun articles.

    Of course, if your keyword is less common, and we find less content when scraping then yes you will get more overlap.

    Hope that helps
  • Hi Collywobbles,

    I understand the refresh vs generate to get new links included and agree it should be changed. But what I am talking about is NONE of my second line links that I put in the Embedded Links box are showing up in the spins. Just the first line?
  • okay, just send me some screenshots of the embedded links and the whole create tab to and I will take a look
  • Sent it off to ya!
  • For Tier 1, I use unique masterspin for each campaign.

    But for tier 2 and tier 3 I'm looking for an easy way to auto fill content in French.
    A solution 'd be to get Kontent Machine and then translate with Systran?

    What's the best solution for get content in french language or other languages than English ?
  • I just bought AutoContentWriter and 'll be back for compare to Kontent Machine for get text translate in foreign language like french.

    What do you suggest for get content in French with ACW ?
  • Hi cander, at the moment ACW scrapes from around 20 English article sources, so you are going to get English output. We are working on scraping from custom sources for ACW 2.0 which should then provide other languages to English.

    For now, your only option would be to take your spun/plain article and pass it through Bing/Google translate. Alternatively you could find your own articles (in french) and use the local articles option in ACW.

    Hope that helps
  • @collywobbles Do you have a release date for Version 2.0. Still waiting for this option. It make sense when you implement the language chooser for Spinnerchief (maybe other spinner have this too). Do you?

  • No release date yet but work has started.
  • cherubcherub
    Here's a feature idea for ACW. You currently mash-up the sentences of various articles for output, so how about doing the same for author boxes and add an 'about me' generator? Would need to be filtered somewhat for urls etc
  • Good idea cherub, thanks for the suggestion. It would work for the article sites I agree, but what we are moving towards in 2.0 is general search for sources which could include newspapers etc

    I will take a look anyway.
  • Hello collywobbles - Would I be able to import my own PLR articles and scrape them somehow? Sort of like Article Builder does. I've read over this entire thread, but I am still not sure if that's possible (sorry if I overlooked the answer.)

    Also, is there a discount promo code? Last one I see is GSA47 from nearly a year ago. Thanks!
  • That code should still work. I added more as I get a lot of GSA users.

    Yes you have the option to scrape from the built in sources, use local articles, or a mixture. ACW expects the articles to be in text files. The first line is assume to be the title.

    Full 30 day returns period if it doesn't do what you want.
  • Thanks for the quick response. Great product. I plan to order as soon as possible!
  • I don't know what to do... ACW or WAC?...
  • I haven't ever used WAC, so can't comment on it, but I can say that ACW is fantastic.  You can create some decent human readable content that's good enough for T1, plus @collywobbles offers a 30 day money back, so why are you even asking?

  • edited August 2013
    does ACW post to blogpost?

  • ACW posts to Wordpress

    Thanks davbel :)
  • @collywobbles I too use ACW and like it. If you are looking for some features to add to the next version, may I suggest display an error if proxies don't work that is quite specific? Not just 'not enough sources' .

    Is it possible to generate an article with varied link placement? For example if I add spin width of 1000 and crawl from 40 articles, it always generates links in exact same place, i.e. 3rd paragraph, on ALL articles. Can we change that so link appearance is random?
  • I will go with ACW, thx
  • I agree about the proxy warning. Catches me out every month when buyproxies change. I will add it to my list.

    The problem with placing links in a spun article is that the spin syntax doesn't allow you to represent different positions for a link. When ACW generates plain text articles it will insert links randomly, but that is done in code and there is no spintax.

    The only way to do it would be to repeat the entire spun article over and over again within another mega spin, each article having the link in a different place. Gets a bit messy to handle.

    If I can think of an easier way I will do it.
  • collywobbles - I think SENX did something like this a while back (maybe it still does???).  I'll try explaining what I remember as far as how they handled it, but (a) I'm no coder, and (b) my memory may be more than a little off.  So with that said, if this idea is worthless for what you're trying to achieve, I won't take any offense to be told as much. :)  If it's good for planting a seed of an idea... cool! (also, there may be some documentation somewhere on the SENX stuff, just not sure where at the moment).

    What I think they did was wrap blocks of content in tags something like ##1##content variation A here##/1## and ##2##content variation B here##/2## then somewhere else ##3##content variation C here##/3##

    In the output it would randomly choose one of the wrapped blocks and ignore the others.  Precisely how it did that, I don't know (see caveat (a) "I'm no coder" above) lol

    Anyway, food for thought maybe???
  • Appreciate the input, but that's specific to SENX then rather than being something that would work in other tools that handle spun output.
  • spunko2010spunko2010 Isle of Man
    edited September 2013
    @collywobbles today I am not able to use ACW on my PC or my server :( Anyone else reporting this? I get either no error (it just stops half way through generating) or 'not enough sources' or breakpoint reached'.

    It always stalls on source 21/22
  • edited September 2013
    Just bought ACW. Looking forward to giving it a go on my Tier2/3.

    What's everyones thoughts on using something like ACW on your private blog network that links direct to your money sites?
    Asking for it, or should it be okay?

  • Hi spunko, best place for support is to email as it comes straight to me in m help ticket system.

    As you can imagine if it's happening on your server it's nothing that has changed with the software. The most likely cause is proxy issues. I just did a run from home with images and it worked fine.

    Try just generating 1 plain text article with no images, no video and no proxy. Then introduce a proxy, then introduce an image, then introduce a video.

    You could also look at the log file which is in 


    where XXX is your windows username.

    Please raise a support ticket at if you are still experiencing trouble.

  • I noticed when you use the template to import into GSA, it only imports one article.
    It would be super nice if it could instead place all of the articles generated into folders and use the GSA link to folder option.
    That way you wouldn't have to keep going back and making new spun articles.
    Make 50 spun and walk away for a month.

    Let me know if this makes sense or not.

  • Also it would be nice if you could edit articles after they're made.
    And also it would be nice if it auto-generated the PDF and added that to GSA automatically.

    Seems like a nice tool though. I'm only 5 minutes into it.

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