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AutoContentWriter or Wicked Article Creator or anything else?



  • Yeah at the moment you can generate several plain text articles or a single super spun article.

    You may not realise but everything can be done via the command line so you could put all those things you listed into a batch file and leave ACW generating...just saying :)
  • edited September 2013
    Nice! I'm a command-line junkie actually. :)
    Any chance on a video showing how that works with ACW?

  • Nope, but just read the PDF manual, or click the command line options under Help. Should be straightforward


    --articletype=plain --mx=850 --mn=450 --no=1 --pa=5 --mnimg=2 --mximg=2 --imggoogle --savepath=c:\temp\templates --format=text payday loans
  • cherubcherub
    Would it be possible to add the option to include a link in the Description_450 field? I'm using this for the about yourself text on contextual profiles and it works well, but I would rather have ACW insert it into it's spin as it currently does with articles. Thanks in advance! ;)
  • Does anyone know how in ACW to have The Best Spinner work more magic?
    I've noticed some of the articles ACW makes come back with only 20-30% unique ratings which is SUPER bad. Some are fine, some are bad... I would rather just make them less readable for my Tier2...

  • user_name, you mean 20-30% unique before word spinning? Try increasing the sentence width to get more source material when generating a spun article. Also you could make the articles longer. Without word spinning each sentence will of course exist elsewhere, in another article online for example.

    The TBS settings are hard coded, too many options for each spinner to handle right now.
  • edited September 2013
    Hello, are there any plans in future auto content writer to be able to make your own spinner/ synonmen databse for wordspinning?


    How or is it possible to create text files that has on each line a generic sentence and mix them up with other generic senetences from other text files or the same one.. for example

    a text file that contain questions.... ie

    So you might be thinking if %keyword% is right for you?
    Have you ever used %keyword% yourself?
    some more questions similiar to this......?

    a answer files to answer questions

    I bet you didnt know that %keyword% cost only £999
    some more answers.......

    generic sentences (fillers)
    In my opinion %keyword% is a super piece of tech
    %keyword% is the best thing since...... i dont know what!

    ....With a bit of word spinning 1 word from each sentence it possible to get unique, readable and totally cool articles like this...

    Or what about scraping and seprating articles and putting them into their relevant files..... Could even be like

    Sentences found at top of article go in intro's
    Sentences at bottom conclusions
    Sentences that have ? added to questions......

  • Hi, no plans for a synonym database at the moment. I don't quote understand the rest of the post. If you want to mix up your own list of sentences you can use excel by putting the sentence in one column and a random number in the second column and then order by the random number.
  • Sorry in advance if this is a repeat questions. I am using the embedded links with each link on a separate line. The thing is its only one of the lines is used in the spin version? What to do?
  • I would recommend creating a single line mega spin so instead of



    that way the whole link spin will be added to the article and be unspun in SER

    Hope that helps
  • ok I can do that but I already have spintax in each line so now it gets very ugly to keep track... what is wrong with the line feature?
  • When you select spun article, ACW produces a single article. This means that the position and content of each link will be fixed in the spun article.

    If you only choose to insert a single link, the spun article will only contain a single link (chosen randomly from the links list).

    What you actually want is to insert a spin containing each of your links. This would be easy for just inserting once, but impossible if you want to insert two links (that are NOT identical).

    So the work around I suggest gives you complete control on inserting spun links. You could still have different lines to get two randomly placed links eg

    Hope that makes sense :)

  • cherubcherub
    Hey @collywobbles
    Is there any chance of upping the amount of characters that can be added to the Embedded Links box? I'm finding using generic sentences with %url% and %anchor_text% here effective, but the box only allows me ~40kb of input, whereas I have a few hundred kb in total.
  • Sure I will do that in the next release
  • cherubcherub
    Many thanks @collywobbles!
  • spunko2010spunko2010 Isle of Man
    edited October 2013
    Hi @collywobbles are there any plans / ways to do away with the ALT text for images always being just the same keyword over and over? Eg for me if my keyword to find articles is 'hello' then the image alt always appears as hello|hello|hello|hello etc. Can it be disabled?
  • I'll make a note to look at adding that, thanks for the suggestion
  • spunko2010spunko2010 Isle of Man
    edited October 2013
    Hi @collywobbles also another thing i discovered.. Not sure if the documentation is wrong or what.. When you go to add Proxies, it has it in this format as the example:


    Any chance you can change this to fit the format used by SER/many others eg:

    IP:Port:username:password ie no brackets? Or is that already the case? It works when I use the [ ] format too. Just wondered if this explains the problems I am having with proxies.
  • Yes the [] was meant to indicate an optional part so you can use



    This should be the same as everyone else.

  • Anyone Heard from @wacadmin I've tried to contact every way I could think of and no response. :(
  • collywobbles we need a good update because you didn't update your software for a a long while we need more feature we need a good sheme we need a good content.

    Good luck.
  • I've been working on an update for AutoContentWriter but lost a little heart since Sven added his own article grabber!
  • SvenSven
    @collywobbles sorry I was not about to destroy your business here. Just added things I had fun playing with. Though I know your content generation might be way better than the internal SER one.
  • Hey no worries, I'm a programmer too, can't blame you for tinkering and making your product better :) I have a full time software business and AutoContentWriter was just something I created for myself at the start.
  • yeah please push the update @collywobbles ,)
  • edited December 2013
    1.2.8 NEW WordAI Turing spinner now supported NEW Updated to work with latest Google images NEW Added article site ehow BUG Fixed title spinning bug with certain spinners
  • @collywobbles yeah great thanks for update !!!
  • @collywobbles please, keep it rolling. I use ACW a lot as I need to generate contents for other projects outside of SER too and it's been a great help! 
  • Thanks guys :)
  • Never tried other spinner except The Best Spinner which works best so far.
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