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  • @medway and others that +1'd him..

    no-one here is saying that black hat is the only way.. I for one do the regular SEO, tier building etc etc on other sites, which is great for long-term etc..

    BUT, if this 'age-old' method that you despise is still working for people, and suits short-term domain users like me, then why the hell not. I currently have almost 30 domains in the top 5 spots and each one is making money.. so anyone that tries to say that's not right or I shouldn't do that is an absolute idiot.
  • ronron
    edited April 2013

    +1 @InSaNe for saying what it is: a short term strategy. As long as people know that, then all is well.

    There are plenty of people that take the approach of churn and burn. What's even crazier than that strategy -  is that sometimes the ranking stick far beyond what should be expected.

    This is not something you do for your most treasured sites. But it is a viable strategy so long as you have the proper mindset.

    You may have motivated me to branch out and create some throw away sites.

  • Very interesting thread yet again... +1 everyone for the sharing... i am feeling educated.
  • +1 Agreed.  Thanks for everyone's input

    I can't stop reading all these eyes are burning!
  • Let me share an idea I had THAT WORKED! I produced 2 similar sites for a niche. 1 quick ranking churn and burn site that earned me money for 6 weeks at number 2 spot. Took 2 weeks to rank. And 1 slow drip fed site (aka @ron's method) that earns me money and is at number 3 spot now that took 2 months to rank. Best of both worlds + a lot of fun. Bottom line is I am 2K richer than if I'd had built just the 1 drip fed site. I tried it and it worked. Guess what I'm doing now?!
  • edited May 2013
    Sneaky Update - don't wanna cause mayhem in this thread, but, I started my experiment so I will at least keep reporting results. Site has moved to 5 for the main keyword and I am getting a little bit of traffic from related words. Taken 3 weeks so far.
  • edited May 2013
    @seagul: you want to say that you have ranked completely new site in 2 weeks using brute force spam and this site was ranking for 6 weeks and you earned 2k just from this site?? And have you stopped building links after this 2 weeks?

    And this second site with slow tiered backlinking - is it still nr 3 for your KW?

  • i have got over 60k backlinks so far from GSA (verified and extremely mixed)

    i still have almost no increase at visitor count
    also rankings were dropped but there are some slow recovery
    still continuing backlinking
  • edited May 2013
    hmm i even pushed up my google doomed old sites again .. took bout 3 months 3 tiers project ; )

    used alot of articles and web2.0 (some hand made most with help of ACW and local articles)
  • @traged my quick site disappeared after 6 weeks. I didn't just spam it I built as many quality links as I could possibly get out of SER as quickly as possible on all platforms for the whole 8 weeks. I also built manual web 2.0 links. (This was before jameses web 2.0 service). I was just testing the waters where churn & burn sites are concerned and it went well for me.
  • @seagul how many links are indexed on the churn n burn site over the 2 weeks it took to rank for ya?
  • InSaNe  lol I don't despise it :) think my post got mis-interpreted but that's fine. carry on.
  • @medway no worries, I must have been tired when I wrote that, didn't mean to lash out at anyone :) x

  • @yavuz - try several domains at different times, not sure what you've done but like I said, probably 50% of my domains never pop up :(
    So its probably worth trying a few rather than hoping for one - will only take you an extra 15mins and a few more dollars...
  • @ron, the funny thing is, my original spammed domain from this entire thread, is still ranking #1 and #2 for keywords.. and that must have been a couple of months already..
  • Crownvic  a bit off-topic, but appreciate your help. You put all sites on the same adsense account, risky... if not, how do you manage the mess?
  • hey @insane did you build any more links to your original spammed sites?... or you just build those 5k verified and thats it so far?
  • @sobiman, I have 5 Adsense accounts (registered on relatives).
  • AlexRAlexR Cape Town
    @Crwonvic - thanks for sharing. I was wondering the same. 

    1) Also how many sites do you run per adsense account? 
    2) Do also put any adsense on your web2.0's or only main sites? 
  • @AlexR, to this moment about 700 sites per account. Main sites only.
  • AlexRAlexR Cape Town
    @crownvic - Thanks! Do you use the full allocated number of adverts? i.e. 3 graphic and 3 link per page? Have you found any particular positions are better in your experience?
    (you have a large number of sites and experience on this, and would love you input here...I'm in phase of testing out different combinations/placements of  adverts on different sites) 
  • @seagul @insane . . . Just wondering what you did for content on your churn&burn sites?  Did you actually create original content, or just spun stuff?
  • @dogGoogles TBH I threw up crap until it ranked and then optimised it for conversions.
    @splawnnitro I didn't measure at 2 wks but around 27k verified and 13k indexed over the 8 weeks period.
  • Crownvic  700 sites per adsense?  Wow!   I did not think google looks kindly to that. But if it works for you, great.

    You can also look at sole proprietorships, no extra tax returns, no relatives to burden (or pay % to)

    I am not big into physical products/Skim/Vig.. how's the ecpm comparing to adsense please.
  • @AlexR, I have no idea :-) I don't like micro-management, thats why I hire people. My local manager is testing things and maximizing revenue, he also get some % for that.

    @sobiman, Google doesn't care if you aren't breaking their TOS. I also don't care about taxes :-) I'm in Russia, they just don't care if you manage to cash out less than $20,000 per month from your bank account. So I split payments between relatives. That's a great way to forget about taxes.
    As for Skimlink/Viglinks - I always test. A week with Adsense against a week with S/V.
  • @crownvic, sorry I did not clarify.  I don't know how it works in Russia, but here in Canada you can set up sole proprietorship ($40) and then you can set up bank accounts with that document.  I did not mean that this is a tax issue.  So there is a way (here) to get more adsense accounts without relying on others.

    So adsense vs. vig, have you found which one performs better generally.  

  • @Insane , can you tell me how competitive are the keywords you are targeting? 
  • @rodol just built it and left it, I tried rebuilding more links to some.. No noticable difference yet
  • @dogGoogles and @theguruland - answers are in the forum cheers
  • @insane . . . I wasn't referring to the content on your backlink tiers, I was wondering about the content on your actual money site . . . is it original or spun?
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