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  • edited April 2013
    crownvic  which affiliate networks you prefer as good to go?
  • edited April 2013
    @shan, Google Adsense for content, and Viglink/Skimlinks for goods. They are similar and provide access to thousands of affiliate partners without any approval. Viglink is better for USA, Skimlinks for the rest of the world.

    Skimlinks verifies every site you add their code on.
    Viglink allows placement anywhere without a prior approval.

  • wow, is a nice site, but surely not the kind of site a single webmaster could just setup in couple of days..
  • edited April 2013
    @svobada, I'm only referring to layout. Team of 2 writers can crank out 12-15 high quality articles every day. And my designer can complete the chosen layout in 3-4 days.

    My sites look like thedailygreen, but have a lot less content.
  • @crownvic how much you spend with promotion for 1 website? You said you do Press Release, as I know is pretty expensive only this service.

  • @InSaNe, do you have disabled MediaWiki? or you just selected only dofollow platforms
  • @unikbit, $5 for creation, and $5 for distribution :-) I use Fiverr. Search for gigs with SBWire.
  • @insane

    Thanks for the charts. I only started my spam project a few days ago so I need to wait until everything is verified and then I will compare yours and mine + my rankings results. (Not very scientific, but, it may give some ideas).

    So far, I have posted around 75k (submitted) links to my spam test (with 4600 verified so far), couple of rankings appeared on first page for related keywords but the one I am targeting was 50 after day 1, 25 after day 2, and vanished today! Will keep updates going and post a chart once everything has a chance to verify.
  • @crownvic considering you are handling so many sites and the nightmare management that must involve, do you find it easier to use the freebie web site creation tools usually included in hosting packages, or do you use sophisticated stuff to create your sites - if so what do you find to be the best web site creation tools nowadays (sorry, I'm a 20+ year computer programmer with very little experience creating 'internet" web sites- or at least not yet! lol)

    Also, when you register your new domain names, do you register them for only a year at a time? I've read that G likes long registration periods when it decides how to rank you, but not sure if that is true.... 

  • @Mike, I use local designers, they make stellar templates for reasonable money. Also I use a single template on a 30-70 sites without any problems (tiny changes, like other color palette also help). I have a dedicated local manager who communicates with all freelancers. I just give him a plan and he executes it.

    I register domains for an year. Even if you register a domain for 10 years, so what? $100 investment doesn't make you trustworthy in the eyes of G. It's just another SEO myth, according to my tests.
  • Hmmmm FYI some of my domains got slapped and penalized around 50 spots back... so I can forget about those domains! Time for new ones! :)
  • Any thing diferent about these domains from the rest ?
  • @insane ... where those the original spammed sites you set up?
  • edited April 2013
    Many thanks for sharing your knowledge- I've bookmarked this thread!
  • @dogGoogles actually they were 3 new sites I set up.. I think it might have been due to the fact that they are only 1-page templates, I'm going to go back to creating 10page sites..

  • @insane could u keep one or two slapped site(s) and their SER projects running for another 1-2 weeks? Am I asking too much?
  • AlexRAlexR Cape Town
    @Crownvic - thanks for the share. I'm working on increasing number of sites. How do you feed it fresh content? The net is an insatiable new content beast and it's tricky to keep it fed...would be curious how you keep fresh content on that volume of sites? 
  • @insane could u keep one or two slapped site(s) and their SER projects running for another 1-2 weeks? Am I asking too much?

    For what reason?  -50 is usually from an unnatural links notice, spamming it more with GSA ain't going to help.
  • @medway @insane cause I had some sites got slapped even more than 5 pages, and they do come back alive after 1-2 weeks (in some cases, not all)
  • edited April 2013
    @AlexR, I do not. I only add fresh content and some backlinks if a site was kicked out from top 10 for a main keyword.
  • AlexRAlexR Cape Town
    @crownvic - thanks for sharing. Send me a PM if you're interested as I am working on an easier way to generate fresh content for sites and blogs that isn't so intensive. 
  • @medway @insane cause I had some sites got slapped even more than 5 pages, and they do come back alive after 1-2 weeks (in some cases, not all)

    Then it's probably a different penalty or dance, exactly -50 is unnatural link warning and usually doesn't come back ever or if so months later after links disappear.
  • @dunce - yeh I'll just keep them there.. but @medway is correct.. i've tried it with others and they're absolutely nowhere to be seen now

  • edited April 2013

    @insane, this is my spam project chart after 12 days. The keyword is low comp with 1k exact match. It appeared straight away in position 50 and then vanished, a couple of days ago it popped up in 10th position.

    Am hoping it follows your trend and jumps up to the top 3, will update in a few days!
  • edited April 2013
    Yea when I see a -50 I immediately delete and start over, otherwise it's a waste of time.

    As far as direct spamming goes you guys are a little late to the party unfortunately..  It used to work much better and longer. Now sites get slapped pretty quickly so I'm actually moving to the other direction with more tiering.  It still works but for many niches not really worth it as creates too much work for the $$$.

    And although I can appreciate some of you are probably genuinely trying to help each other out, posting this stuff on public places only kills it over time.

    I see too many people on this forum who sound like they've never done SEO before trying direct spamming etc...which never ends well.
  • edited April 2013
    @medway bang on with every point
  • ronron

    @medway +1

  • @medway , what type of tiering? thx
  • spunko2010spunko2010 Isle of Man
    I disagree with @medway , sharing negative experiences is just as useful as sharing positive ones, in fact more so. I have learned from many people's and my own mistakes.
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