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  • is spam-villa rechaptcha currently down? or just mine 
  • me too, I have spam-villa rechaptcha on 3 VPS but now all of them are down. They notice "unable to solve"
  • I want to get in on this but the uptime seems less than optimal. OP, get your fix on.
  • pony , andy1024  we dont have a single downtime if particularly few one of you guys getting unable to solve errors go to client area from your order and open a support ticket 
  • @spamvilla

    I am quite new in spamvilla world, but i cannot understand why my account is not active..May i missed something?

    Please can you tell me what i have to do?
    Thanks in advance... i sent you a mail and a ticked... i see always account pending....

  • zanzistor after order we hold funds especially from paypal for next 12 hours then it get processed and we set the clients emailed you this as well few hours ago

  • I have not received any mail, by the way i will wait the 12 hours like you told me know... thanks for the clarification kelvin...
  • zanzistor well i emailed you within 5 minutes in your gmail please check
  • @spamvilla

    i checked Twice, no mail in gmail, neither in tiscali.

  • @spamvilla

    I also check manually in the web mail in and no mail arrived
  • @spamvilla

    I am trying to catch you in skype, sent already an invite...
    Have you checked your smtp?
    I checked also the ticket and the status in your site, and is still in pending....Please add me in skype, if it will be possible....
    Really Appreciate,
  • Jeez, this thing seems to work for a few hours only. Always down.

    I set it SER up, watch it solve, head to bed, wake up to a stream of recaptcha getting unable to solve across my screen for a good ten minutues, and these are the easy recaptchas.

    It is like every day.

    I set my SEr threads to 200 and 50 proxies, and I even turn it off to ensure I am not crossing my limit of threads at Spamvilla and then turn it back on 10 minutes later and still not solves.

    What gives? This is like every time I run SER for more then 1 hour

    Such a let down
  • edited October 2013
    Ughh... So frustrated too, to be fair, worked with kelvin on some issues that appear to be coming from the SER / CB side of things. Still very frustrating
  • Spamvilla: Please publish a solve rate for your different plans. I'm on the low plan, but it looks like I only get one solve every 5-10 seconds. Captcha breaker is only showing a 34% solve rate from spamvilla. I turned SER from 140 threads back to 90, and it appears to have gone up to around 50%.

    Threads is a bad way to sell the service, because it's highly dependent on your server. A thread could mean just about anything. Please change your plans to solves / second, with reccomendations based on SER submissions per day (something that we can measure and understand on our own end).
  • edited October 2013
    ^ I think there is a bug with SER / CB ... Because it's not feeding the captchas fast enough to SV. At least that's what we narrowed it down to. I have 2 large plans and still having trouble. I use top of the line VPS's loaded with all the bells and whistles, and it's across all of them. (the issue)
  • If it is SER and CB, I can tell you I use older versions of both for a bit ( I dont upgrade for a few days when I see the button ) and it does this on older versions too and the newest one ( just upgraded a few seconds ago and tried again )

    It is a pain. I am trying to run campaigns where I rely on solving Recaptcha and while 60% is about the best I could expect, in reality I am only getting like 5% when you add in the all the down times from prior issues, recent API move, and now this.

  • edited October 2013
    This is what we found out:

    after a deep 6 hours investigation i can see the issue is completely different the captcha ports not getting enough captcha's on your side your last 5 min recent stats is avg 5-6 images per port

    25 images avg in last 5 min so its like GSA SER is not forwarding enough captcha;s in our end please send me stats screenshot of your software's here and tell me in detailed what your setup , like software you are using and routing through CB , whats your retry settings in SER 

    I know it's not specific to me because 1) I haven't changed anything on my end, I run the best VPS's money can buy and have several (happening on them all)... 2) I use the software everyday and have been for awhile now, I have everything optimized. I trim lists/isolate lists to only recaptcha, and when I do that, I can really see it choke up. I disable SV and the LPM will exceed 400 for a few min, then obviously taper off.

    The good news is support is working on solving this issue, so it's going to just be a waiting game now. I have just disabled SV altogether and am now paying a service provider.

    Looking at your issue, it may appear that we're talking about different things, Eliquid.
  • So if we are using spamvilla with GSA+CS do we need to enter the details in the GSA and CS or just in one of them ?
  • SvenSven
    @cucurucu so CS added support now as well?
  • hmm @Spamvilla is it down / not working right now ? getting login failure
  • @Sven, yes you can add Spamvilla in CS.
  • Hi i m just back and after investigation i found we were getting DDOS attack through http api we are configuring firewall for it it will be back in 30 min or so
  • eliquid if you run this 200 threads in SER with 30$/monthly plan don't even think it will work if you have heavy volume of recaptcha SER is multi-thread software it will overload your ports for sure solving will be slower as there will be rejections and queuing 
  • skoh i told you what i seen from my eyes, its somehow not properly sending to our system it could be restricted outgoing request by your vps data center i found very rare data center restrict outgoing requests in there end to prevent ddos attack from there servers
  • SvenSven
    @Ovidius so they updated there software? Sorry Im not monitoring any of there threads or activities. Stopped that long ago when they spread lies and fake reviews. I just didn't care about CS anymore.
  • eliquid If it is SER and CB, I can tell you I use older versions of both for a bit ( I dont upgrade for a few days when I see the button ) and it does this on older versions too and the newest one ( just upgraded a few seconds ago and tried again )

    so you have no id password you are just using plain ip:port settings now ?
  • edited October 2013
    @Sven Yes, they updated it 2 days ago. I was also told a lot of lies about their software being better that yours and I told the guy he is wrong. I just use it now as my 4th service.

    BTW, can you make CS work with SER on port 88 also? I want to use CB running as webserver on port 80 and CS on port 88.

  • Sven Yes CS added api too after 2/12 months later to be quite honest but it finally got added i asked by number of clients who use GSA + CS to add it there
  • SvenSven
    @Spamvilla no need to excuse...thats just logical to get your service added anywhere...I would do the same. I was just surprised to see them putting out updates again ;) Nothing new on that I guess though (except copying CB).
  • eliquid i asked you question let me ask again are u still using only ip:port ? from old api time ? lmk
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