I'm trying to signup but I can't..I'm getting this error
An Error has occurred
The database has encountered a problem, please try again later.
1linklistFREE TRIAL Linklists - VPM of 150+ - http://1linklist.com
Just went through the signup process myself and I'm not seeing any issues. If your attempting to enter special characters in your username or password this could be the issue. (Non-unicode usernames and passwords are not supported.)
Hi Sagarpatil, i bought and am using your linklist. It seems like LPM is dropping after the 1st day even when i update list everyday. is it suppposed to be like that?
what is th best way to import new daily updated list in GSA?
do i let GSA extract from idenitifed folder, or is it better i manually right click and import from site list verified?
also, saw on ur site that its better to use identified list than verified list both of which can be downloaded manually from ur site daily?
It seems like LPM is dropping after the 1st day even when i update list everyday. is it supposed to be like that? If you let it run on auto-mode, the LPM does drop down. If you want high LPM, I suggest you stop SER everyday, delete URL cache and history, run 1sync.bat and use scheduler to run say 20-30 projects at a time.
what is the best way to import new daily updated list in GSA? Let SER pull url's from identified folder
also, saw on ur site that its better to use identified list than verified list both of which can be downloaded manually from ur site daily?
Identified lists have hundreds of thousands url's which SER won't be able to process in a day. Personally, I use verified lists and even then SER can't process them in a day, so I end up moving on to next verified list.
1linklistFREE TRIAL Linklists - VPM of 150+ - http://1linklist.com
To backup Sagar here, please see our best practices guide - It seems like you may have missed it. (Which is OK, we just released it recently.)
#3: When trying to reach us Via skype, add me to. When Sagar is not available, I sometimes am.
Skypeid: Epic1links
Ps: despite my certainty, I just manually deduped the latest Onlynew file in Gsa AND Scrapebox (Even though we do this on our end before release anyways).
None found.
Not sure what your doing to get those kinds of results.
You know full well that we are NOT republishing duplicate lists each day, if your unable to understand the manual, and the difference between the "Masterlist", "Onlynew list", and "Identified Lists", then your beyond either my - or Sagars - help.
PM me your paypal address here (Since you do not seem to understand how to use the support system), and I will refund your purchase.
Please understand that you will be barred from purchasing any products from 1INC in the future, as we (As a policy) do not generally offer refunds for information-based products.
I'm sorry you had a negative experience with our service, and wish you the best of luck with your ventures.
hi, ur list used to work well, but past week it has been really bad, i can leave it running the whole night n im getting LPM 1-2, getting around 200-300 verifieds in one night.
then i just wanted to test is the problem from ur daily lists or from others such as my proxies, emails etc,
so instead of using ur lists, i imported my own verified list.
Please head through the support portal or Skype room and someone will help figure out what your issue is.
Offhand, it sounds like your overloading to few projects. The masterlist is *very* large at this point, and for direct imports should be split between 10 or more projects.
Our reprocessing servers are hanging steady at 70-80LPM, so the list is fine or those servers would reflect the problem.
@alexander34 - I think you were not updating your lists from our server or your scheduler wasn't working. We haven't had any single complaint from other users. If you wish to use our service again, please refer to http://www.1linklist.com/1LinklistBestPracticesGuide.pdf for best optimization tips and tricks.
1linklist i am still experiencing the problem, what skype acct should i contact?
i have a lot of projects running, when u say add few to each project, doesnt that make it random n wont follow my instructions of for eg, blog comments only? Pls advise, thanks
An Error has occurred
The database has encountered a problem, please try again later.
If you let it run on auto-mode, the LPM does drop down. If you want high LPM, I suggest you stop SER everyday, delete URL cache and history, run 1sync.bat and use scheduler to run say 20-30 projects at a time.
Let SER pull url's from identified folder
i am test list. i am install 1 week gsa link list. and to muny same sites.
you install 1 week list. and remove links you will see.
he not give every day million list.
Beyond that, read the user manual if you havent, and talk to Sagar for further support.
where is million links ?
Please, re-read your Welcome email. All the information below is noted multiple times there, but since you seem to have missed it:
#1: Read the user manual - thoroughly - It has very important information and your just hurting yourself if you dont.
User-manual: http://www.1linklist.com/1LinklistBestPracticesGuide.pdf
#2: If Sagar has been unable to answer your query via Skype in a timely manner, Open a support ticket.
Support System: http://1linklist.com/memberarea/helpdesk/index/p/index/index
#3: When trying to reach us Via skype, add me to. When Sagar is not available, I sometimes am.
Skypeid: Epic1links
Ps: despite my certainty, I
just manually deduped the latest Onlynew file in Gsa AND Scrapebox (Even though we do
this on our end before release anyways).
None found.
Not sure what your doing to get those kinds of results.
you konow this beter than me. i give SAGAR my dedicated login pasword. why he is not looking.
your list never verfity list. and not million list. every day same list and CRAP LİST
if people dont belive me. you donwload last 1 week verifty list and remove dublicaties links.. you will see the result...
And your verfity list i am put about 2000 budpress,drupal and wordpress . GSA make just about 10 verfity
why you dont show me anyting if you right ???
You know full well that we are NOT republishing duplicate lists each day, if your unable to understand the manual, and the difference between the "Masterlist", "Onlynew list", and "Identified Lists", then your beyond either my - or Sagars - help.
PM me your paypal address here (Since you do not seem to understand how to use the support system), and I will refund your purchase.
Please understand that you will be barred from purchasing any products from 1INC in the future, as we (As a policy) do not generally offer refunds for information-based products.
I'm sorry you had a negative experience with our service, and wish you the best of luck with your ventures.
Please head through the support portal or Skype room and someone will help figure out what your issue is.
Offhand, it sounds like your overloading to few projects. The masterlist is *very* large at this point, and for direct imports should be split between 10 or more projects.
Our reprocessing servers are hanging steady at 70-80LPM, so the list is fine or those servers would reflect the problem.
all the links same link... every day same link list
They play game
thats why everybody no get result
Your domain expired...
Also I've added epic1links to Skype more than a week ago and never got accepted. Not very impressed so far.