[1LINKLIST.COM] - ★MILLIONS of fresh urls, EVERY DAY★ - Guides, Tutorials, Auto-Sync, and More!

Skype General Support: Sagarspatil
Skype Billing Technical/Support: Epic1Links
Refund Policy:
There isnt one. Once you download your first list, no money back; sorry! As this is an service/digital product, be aware that paypal customer protection does NOT cover you. (So no scammy hit-and-runs, sorry guys)
Review Copies, Etc:
We have 20 beta-tester here on GSA forums, and we've asked all of them to drop us a line! Keep an eye out and see what they have to say.
Skype Billing Technical/Support: Epic1Links
Refund Policy:
There isnt one. Once you download your first list, no money back; sorry! As this is an service/digital product, be aware that paypal customer protection does NOT cover you. (So no scammy hit-and-runs, sorry guys)
Word Of Warning To Leakers:
Every. Single. List. Has a unique url embedded in it (In random places). This url is unique to your account. If we find a list floating around, it takes moments for us to identify the culprit, and ban them.
As we fill up our member-slots we will be adding additional security measures, to ensure we have a the most secure members area we can provide.
If you have any additional questions, dont hesitate to ask!Review Copies, Etc:
We have 20 beta-tester here on GSA forums, and we've asked all of them to drop us a line! Keep an eye out and see what they have to say.
Thanked by 1duyminhp
I can tell you that initially they planned to offer only identified links but after the Skype chats with beta testers, they now also offer a verified list and also plan to add more features for their members.
You can get links daily sent to your email or run it directly via sync
This service is lot better than buying those 1 time verified lists which almost cost the same. I highly recommend this service.
Here are my stats for running one of the contextual link file
I loved the way they interacted with us on skype and listened to our request and issue making sure all is fixed and we are satisfied.
I have been running their identified list everyday for contextual tier ones and was very impressed with the success rate.
Overall I must say this is a great service for the price and you guys should get the offer and give it a try
Thanks to all of our users who've popped in so far for dropping us a line.
Its actually pretty crazy the amount of links he is producing almost on a daily basis's
He is always on skype to answer questions which is a great plus for newbies
If you want a lot of links i would certainly give this a shot!
One thing I would like to add is that you are not de-duping by domain or by url on every list. I downloaded yesterday's list from the members section and de-duped by URL and had 130k I think it was removed.
Also, can you download each day's new list without the older urls too? Every new list I seen in the members section was just new urls added to the old urls.
Unfortunately verified lists are compounded for 7 days at a time, and were not changing that any time soon because it would get to cumbersome, very quickly, for people to be expected to keep up with a daily list. Even with 1Sync and email updates, the attitude was very much that a larger master-list was preferred to resetting the entire thing each day.
With 1Sync you can easily ignore the old urls though
Yeah I understand using the autosync and global site list which is probably what I'll settle on doing. I was only asking about downloading only the new urls each day because importing directly into projects is significantly faster and it runs thru the whole list without grabbing random urls like the site lists do.
Without having the new urls this makes it impossible straight out of the box but if I really need to do it then it can be done myself using scrapebox's "compare to" function. I just figured there would have been a way to do this automatically for you with a script or something. It's not a big deal but before ordering I was under the impression each day I was going to receive that day's new list (which I am but just compounded together with prior days).
Regardless, the sheer volume of links created from the verified lists and the amount of targets left in the identified list is impressive to say the least. Especially for only $55/month when some people sell just one list for nearly that.
So we'll have...
-Merged.txt (The full master list)
-The platform seperated subfolders pulled straight from GSA.
I've actually got a pretty good idea how to finish this pretty quickly, so I thank you for giving me the idea
If your using 1Sync, I'd check the c:/1sync/ folder and make sure those files are getting updated regularly. If your last update was more than a day or so ago, you've probably processed all the targets in that list.
If your experiencing this issue with identified lists, new projects, or manually imported lists as well, the only thing I can think to tell you is to make sure your proxies are valid, and to run a speed test on your server.
Feel free to contact me via skype, or use our ticket system if none of this resolves your issue.
I'd put this down to a misconfiguration in your Task Scheduler. If you'd grab a screenshot and send it to me (Skype, PM, Ticket system, whatevers fine), I'll get that sorted for you.
-We now display the total number of new additions to the Verified master list each day, along with the total verified master list size on the homepage, and in each days email. (449k in the master list, 66k NEW verified urls added yesterday).
-OnlyNew file added to Masterlist archive, so if you dont use 1Sync and want to import ONLY the new links (Compared against the previous day) you can!
-Fixed some minor deduping problems
-5 new processing server bought online, boosting our list sizes by about 15%
Spots are filling up quick, so if you want in - act now!
We've got more goodies planned soon so watch this space.