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♔ reCaptcha OCR - - Unlimited Plans for GSA customers

edited May 2015 in Buy / Sell / Trade

Try out  my new ReCaptcha Solver with Monthly Prices



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  • edited January 2014
    Can you provide invoices for the purchases, as we (and probably quite a few around here) come from Europe and are thus in need of a proper invoice (tax reasons).
  • I will adjust payments directly via PayPal in few days (now it is very uncomfortable to add funds for english speaking). As I know, we can see all the invoices in the PayPal account

    may be we misunderstood each other :)
  • I think we do. I don't mean the payment method, but rather an invoice for the payment,as PayPal has no proper invoices, just a payment receipt. 

    I mean a real invoice like for example:

  • eveeve
    edited January 2014
    But there is no any official documents about my entrepreneurship that would make invoices valid... Difficult to become an individual entrepreneur with such kind of service as mine
  • @Eve, for Europe YOU HAVEN'T to be an OFFICIAL entrepreneur to make an invoice. If you can't generate an automatical invoice you can make it in free form, even hand written and so on.

    So if someone from Europe want to get such an invoice you can simply send him such an invoice.

  • Sorry, I can't speak about Europe (I don't know about whole Europe)  I speak about Germany.
  • I will provide this)  
  • Yeah, you can also issue invoices as a private citizen/sole pr. here in the EU.

    We just need something with our full company adress on it, so we can deduct it as business costs. :)
  • @sven isn`t better to integrate eve key into the CB, not into SER?
  • @libero @sven said that he'll be including it in the next CB update...hopefully he'll get a chance to do it today...
  • @davbel Great!

    @eve do we have to register with our paypal mail in order to add funds? I`ve registered with different mail, so when I make you manual payment if I leave as note my username will it be credited, or what? Leave some clear instructions for PP users.
  • eveeve
    edited January 2014
    You can contact me in order to change your e-mail on the PayPal one. 
    Then you can make directly payments on the e-mail you see in the instructions, when click "add funds"

    After a few hours or minutes (if I'm near the computer), additional credits will be added to your acc. 
    The day after tomorrow, I think, everyone can add new credits on the autopilot :)

  • spunko2010spunko2010 Isle of Man
    edited January 2014
    If they are outside the EU then you don't need a VAT number since you cannot claim back the VAT, so surely PayPal invoicing will suffice? Maybe it's different outside the UK. @eve what is your % solve rate for reCaptcha please? I am still trying to get Spamvilla setup a week later but that Kelvin guy never replies to tickets.
  • eveeve
    edited January 2014
    Solve rate is from 30 to 40%, we can bypass all ReCaptcha types.
    There will not be charge of bad captchas in the next release of GSA

    Who can name real solve rates of spamvilla? 
    Now it can be much lower, then 50 percents we see on there webpage... i think

    ReCaptcha was much easier in summer
  • I`d rather will wait for the autopilot "The day after tomorrow". Hope won`t be nessesary to use my pp mail in that case, true?
  • libero, оf course. 
  • edited January 2014
    @spunko: IF outside of the EU, then they don't charge VAT anyway. But it's not about VAT per se, it's about a proper document for the tax office. At least here in Germany they are very restrictive and if you don't have a somewhat decent invoice/receipt for your expenses, you can't deduct it (at least not if you are a corporate entity, i.e. a GmbH). A proper PayPal invoice is okay, though. 
  • spunko2010spunko2010 Isle of Man
    edited January 2014
    @eve I will sign up once it's integrated with CB, I am fed up of waiting for Spamvilla. when Sven has integrated this part I will keep checking.
  • spunko2010spunko2010 Isle of Man
    By the way I love the Cameroon domain name.
  • same here --> I will sign up once it's integrated with CB
  • Can you explain:

    1000 CORRECT BREAK-INS — 0.5 USD

    What is a correct break in? Does that mean a correct answer?

    There will not be charge of bad captchas in the next release of GSA

    Does that confirm above, only charged $0.50/1k correct captchas solved?

  • Just signed up; any tips on best way to set up in GSA SER and CB? 
    Screenshots of suggested settings @eve would be a great help.

    My readings on site monitor say correct 18 and rest are all zero. How do I adjust my software as instructed?
    My reading in CB says 40 sent to service but only 1 returned correctly.
    Anybody got this working properly yet?
  • eveeve
    edited January 2014
    1000 CORRECT BREAK-INS — 0.5 USD What is a correct break in? Does that mean a correct answer? 

    YES :) 

    There will not be charge of bad captchas in the next release of GSA Does that confirm above, only charged $0.50/1k correct captchas solved? 

    Yes, Of course) 

     My readings on site monitor say correct 18 and rest are all zero. How do I adjust my software as instructed? 

    Next release of GSA will send complaints! Don't worry, there is no need to adjust anything for yourself 

    My reading in CB says 40 sent to service but only 1 returned correctly. 

    In the settings of GSA you can find option(developer Sven told me about this), that allows you to send ONLY ReCaptcha images to our service. We can accept only ReCaptcha
  • I will be today after 5.00PM (Moscow), sorry
  • SvenSven

    No need to have a setting in CB, SER to only send recaptcha...thats done automatically

    Latest version of CB and SER support this service and also wrong solves are reported. Again nothing has to be configured, works out of the box.

  • Sorry @sven just to clarify, you just add it as a 2nd captcha service in the "Options -> Captcha" page within SER and you don't need to tick the "Options -> Send Captcha to the following serviceif solving failed" tick box within CB?

    Is that correct?
  • SvenSven
    I even suggest you to use it as 1st option in SER as CB can not solve recaptcha that well and would only wast time on it. 
  • OK, will do that

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