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  • @2take2 what software are you using in your screenshot to obtain the google position? Always wondered this.
  • goonergooner
    Looks like serpfox to me
  • @spunko2010 - as above its a cropped screen shot from serpfox.

    If you don't like monthly fees, the (free) seobook rank tracker plugin for firefox works quite well, although you have to up the delay a bit to stop your IP getting dinged all the time. 
  • spunko2010  thanks . I think  this concerns about not going over page 2 -3 is good thing , we have people (like me ) joined not so long time ago , we not making money yet but making progress with SER , this a good thing . Jest another small obstacle I think , can be overcomed with time and more testing .   Do you make link analysis , if yes what soft do you use ? And may be what are you looking  for there  ?  tnx 
  • for ranking I found free  rank reporter plugin for wordpress . No problems, installed on every site of mine . Got payed Rank tracker soft but free plugin bits it till now  .
  • goonergooner
    For those of you that are struggling, you need to experiment and see what works for you. I used the methods you can find on this forum as a guide and tested all aspects and changed what i didn't like, even now after doing seo for years i still test daily, that's what seo is all about.

    If you don't have money to buy tons of domains there is another way...

    Search some popular affiliate product names and on page one you will find interesting results, sites that allow users to post content for free. I'm not going to give away the sites names but seek and you shall find.

    So, if people can rank these free pages then i'm sure an SER user can too, plus you get to experiment for free.

    Not bad eh?
  • @gooner @2Take2 @evergreenman @Hunar

    Since everyone keeps talking about testing and how the forum already has all of the info, can someone link to areas in the forum they found most helpful in their linking strategy with ONLY SER and On-page techniques.

    If someone can link to the best linking methods and On-Page techniques that worked for them on the forum that would be greatly appreciated. Or at least a good place to start testing methods suggested on the forum.

    I've read a TON of information on the forum and have adapted many of the techniques from tiered links, to SERengines web 2.0's, to contextual links for the first two tiers and I always get stuck on Page 2 or 3 of G. Some specifics or at least specific areas on the forum to learn from would be very helpful.

    I've read some area on the forum about On-Page techniques but it is quite hard to follow let alone apply.

    Not asking for anyone to do the work for us who are struggling but just asking for a specific point in the right direction to learn ourselves.
  • goonergooner
    hey @sammicurr

    This thread has links to all the tier info:

    Personally i don't find the suggested links per day are getting rankings as quickly as i would like, so i increase it usually to about 30 - 50 submitted per day on tier 1, but of course you do so at your own risk.

    Here'a a good thread about on-page seo:

    I have tried a couple of things from that thread recently and it did improve rankings with no extra backlinks, so well worth reading.

    Hope that helps.
  • edited November 2013

    Thank you. That was exactly what I was looking for.
    All that mention of "silo" on the On-Page guide is quite confusing.

  • goonergooner
    @sammicurr - You're welcome.

    Yea i haven't got into the silo thing, i mostly build smaller sites so not really that easy to make a silo structure, i'm going to build a new site and test the theory when i get around to it though.

    I had to re-read it a few times to get the idea but once you understand the concept it's pretty simple - Just hard to put into words i guess.
  • goonergooner
    @sammicurr - One more thing i wanted to tell you.., For the sites on page 2/3, go to fiverr and buy a 3 tier blast (like web 2.0's, wiki's etc) - That blast should give you a nice boost, if you need more try some of the other links i suggested above a week or two later.

    You can usually push it to page one doing little blasts like that and then SER should be enough to keep you there. If all that fails then i go for high pr links.
  • @gooner

    I'll re-read that post allot just to get it and apply it. Thanks again.

    What is your %verified  with that 30-50 submitted on tier 1?
  • goonergooner
    @sammicurr - Usually 50 - 80%, i've just trimmed the engines to use only the most successful so now it is on the high side of those numbers.
  • @gooner

    Thanks again for the help. One thing I get confused about is the amount of submitted on tier 1 when using a tiered stucture like Ozz's suggestion . Would it be 30-50 submitted for just the tier 1 or for the "Secondary Links -PR3+" as well? So is it 30-50 total for all links to the money site or just the Tier 1 Contextual?
  • goonergooner
    Well i build only contextual links for tier 1/money site. So for me 30 - 50 is the total.

    I wouldn't go much higher than that no matter what type of links you build. So yea 30 - 50 grand total.
  • @gooner

    Thank you so much for all of your help and really pointing me in the right direction. Thanks!
  • goonergooner
    @sammicurr - No problem, you're welcome.
  • spunko2010spunko2010 Isle of Man
    edited November 2013
    @dimitribanks I don't use any analytics software, all I'm interested in is conversions and money. If my site gets 10k visitors one day this may sound good but what if another day it gets 5k to another page and makes me 2x as much money. I never understood why people get so hung up over page views or whether they are position 4 or 5. Also as I have emphasises before you need to experiment. @gooner says above s/he does 50 contextual links, but others have found great success with doing 4000 links/day. It really depends on your niche and what works for you. You need to diversify if you want to survive Penguin 3.0. :) I have 3-4 different approaches across 10 or so websites. Hopefully Google won't hit me too hard next time.
  • 50 links per day or 50 links and then stop and build tiers to it ? Thanks spunko am on my way ;)
  • Test test test :D
  • goonergooner
    what @spunko2010 said is spot on, depends on niche, depends on factors we have no knowledge of to be honest.

    I start with 30 - 50 per day and review on a monthly basis, it's just a starting point.

    Sometimes a site goes straight to page one (rarely) in which case i lower the links per day.

    Sometimes is ranks badly, so i increase or add high quality links.

    If you are new to all this, just experiment and be prepared to kill a few sites, i still kill sites to this day :D
    It happens, after some time you will develop an instinct for what works for you and what to do next
  • It's about a lot more than links though... Links are jsut part of SER setup... What about your content? The email addresses you use? The captcha's you use/don't use? Your follow/dofollow %'s. Your anchor text %'s What platforms you hit. Your indexing methods... etc etc...

    All of these things are pieces of the puzzle.
  • goonergooner
    edited November 2013
    @meatplow - That's all true, so what are your recommendations on those factors?
  • edited November 2013

    Do you use human readable content for tier 1 links?
    How long does it take to first start seeing movements with the links created through GSA SER?
    How do you counter link loss (negative link velocity) after you have created numerous links?


    Any ideas?
  • goonergooner
    edited November 2013
    hey @splendour.

    100% yes to human readable content.

    It's hard to say about how long to see movement, sometimes a week or two... Usually within a month or two. But since the last Google update i'm not seeing much movement on new sites. Hoping this will return to normal soon or i'll have to re-assess each stage of the process.

    For link loss, i have a lot of sites to manage so i don't even look at it unless there is an obvious problem with the rankings. But you can increase the number of links of course, depending on how many you are building already.

    As an example i once handed over a site to a freelancer who apparently "knew SEO" - He "accidentally" built 30,000 links to the site in one month!!! I'm not kidding, it went straight to rank 1 but how can you deal with negative link velocity with those kind of numbers? lol

    I countered it with higher quality links and it dipped but returned to page one a few times and all was good for almost a year, then it got decimated in the last G update.

    Since then i've just been building steady links and it has returned to page one for 3 of the 8 keywords, the others are rank 50 - 65 still.

    So, i suggest more links and/or quality links and then change it up based on the results you get. Sorry i couldn't give you a more definite answer.

  • @gooner - have you tried giving your new sites a gentle spam blast to get Google to take notice of them?

    Nothing sinister, just a couple of 1000 mixed links in one hit as soon as you put the site live seems to do the trick.

    Better to let them index naturally though.

  • goonergooner
    @2take2 - I have done that in the past, but i'm a little bit afraid to go there at the mo.

    I got off lightly on the last update and didn't want to push my luck... Have you still been doing that recently with no ill effects?
  • @Gonner do you outsource your articles to be used on the blast? If not where do you get articles?
  • 2Take22Take2 UK
    edited November 2013
    I do it with every site that I build, and have never had any problems to date (except when I sent them all to be indexed at once).

    There does however seem to be a ceiling on what you can get away with in what time frame.

    That being said, I don't sell SEO services, so if it was a client's site I probably wouldn't do it just to be on the safe side.

  • goonergooner
    edited November 2013
    Thanks @2take2 - Time to give it a go i reckon. Any reason why you go for mixed links rather than contextuals only? Just link diversity?

    @jamesmurren - I use article builder. It's almost $200 for a yearly subscription but it does the job for me, takes about 30 seconds to generate 20 articles spun together for around 60 - 100% uniqueness, depending on settings.

    The only downside is that it doesn't cover every niche. In that scenario i just choose a niche as close as possible and it doesn't seem to make any difference to results.

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