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have you ever ranked using GSA SER?



  • Tim89Tim89
    @grax1 setting your tier 1 campaigns up with SN/articles/Web 2.0s all together is perfectly fine and is how I do it, I don't see a point in splitting these up, they are all contextual platforms.

    build out your first layer of links, link check, remove dead links, proceed and build your tier 2 links starting from your most important tier 1 links..

  • grax1grax1 Professional SEO, UK | White Label SEO Provider
    edited November 2013
    when we are already talking about articles and social network, I'd like to ask you a question guys. I set some filters to increase quality of my tier 1 bl (that I'm creating with SER) like this: image In 'type of backlinks to create' section there is only 'article' selected to avoid any profile links. I selected only platforms that creates blog entry or submit an article to also avoid any low quality backlinks like profile links. I decied not to set any PR filters simply because it hasn't been updated a while and as a noob with little experience I accepted some experienced guys opinion that it's no more a crucial factor (by the way, DA/PA filter would help a lot). What I'm getting at is that the sites that I SER post to with these settings looks like this: (I rounded the numbers to keep my niche private) As you can see, there are already plenty of posts submitted to these sites, look here: - more than half million posts. Is it still ok to use this kind of sites for tier 1 ? People here tell that Social Network and Articles are good for tier 1 as these are contextual backlinks but is it still good when there are already that many articles on certain sites ? I mean, does these websites really have value in google's eyes ? If yes, then it's ok, I will continue using them, maybe I'm just analyzing it too much. But if it's shit, then how to avoid them ? Is there any option in settings to avoid posting on sites that were already used by so many users ? lol, what's wrong, I write my comment with paragraphs etc to make it easy to read, but when I post it, it's all in a one piece, no idea why...
  • SvenSven
    edited November 2013
    You can add */blog/[0-9] [0-9] [0-9] [0-9] [0-9] [0-9] [0-9]* [0-9]/* to the Url/Domain filter. This will skip sites who have a big number in the URL. 
  • grax1grax1 Professional SEO, UK | White Label SEO Provider
    edited November 2013
    Thanks for this advice Sven. But not every url has /blog/, sometimes it's /article/ and there're many other options so I'm not able to include every possible of them. So can I just add */[0-9] [0-9] [0-9] [0-9] [0-9] [0-9] [0-9]* [0-9] /* ? so that it would skip every big numbers after " / " which most probably will be all numbers of posts already added on a certain site. Next question, Sven, can you please explain how SER understands this code ? */blog/[0-9] [0-9] [0-9] [0-9] [0-9] [0-9] [0-9]* [0-9] /* <- there're 7 times [0-9] so it means that it skips every site that have number up to 9 999 999, after /blog/ right ? Why there are spaces between [0-9] ? I mean in URL you see these numbers like /75464 and not /6 5 7 5. What is the last [0-9] between for ? [0-9]* [0-9] /* <- why there's * after 7x [0-9] and then one more time [0-9] ? And the last question what is this * for? I just ask all these question to be able to understand how these codes in SER work, so that I could figure out new things by myself in the future.
  • SvenSven
    [0-9] means any char between 0 and 9. The space was an error...skip that. You can also enter just the [0-9] and it will skip sites that have a big number in the URL.
  • grax1grax1 Professional SEO, UK | White Label SEO Provider
    edited November 2013
    so just like this image ? but will it automatically skip sites even if there's /blog/9 ? and I want to skip sites with let say 10 000 and more, so should I then add code like this? : image So in 2nd option, will it skip every site that have 5 or more digits and add only to sites that have max /9999, is it right ?
  • 2Take22Take2 UK
    edited November 2013
    Glad to see that this thread didn't get completely derailed. :)

    @grax1 - Nice idea about limiting the ability to post to domains with a high number of blog posts. 

    The only doubt that I would have is that lots of posts can be a signal of a spammy site, but they could also be a signal of an authority site as well - I guess that it really just depends on the editorial control?

    That being said, I suppose that if you're posting junk content then you want to be posting to a spammy site with little or no editorial control so that it sticks, just not one that's been spammed to death?

    Nice to know to know that it can be done though, and will definitely be having a play, although I think that filtering them via DA, although not possible at the moment, might be a better way to go.

  • grax1grax1 Professional SEO, UK | White Label SEO Provider

    @2Take2 but I still don't know how to use it properly, hope someone will answer my question on which string is correct so that I could get the settings that will post my articles on sites that have max 9999 arts for example. Is just this string ok ? ->  [0-9][0-9][0-9][0-9][0-9] It would be great if some experienced guys in area of increasing quality of links could share some ways how to do this properly. 

    Most of people say use only contextual links for your tier 1 such as Social Network and Articles. These gives you great contextual links and so on. But even if I set some filters to increase the quality, I still get my links posted to sites that are already spammed by a big SER community and in my noob opinion it may be the problem when using as T1. 2Take2 did you use any of these sites (Social Network, Articles) where already hundred thousands of SER users posted their content, for your tier 1 links with success ?

  • SvenSven
    Just one correction. You need to add *MASK* in all cases. The * is important at start and end.
  • grax1grax1 Professional SEO, UK | White Label SEO Provider

    ok, thanks Sven, so my domain filter looks like this right now: image

    shoudl I have it so: *!.com !.net !.org !.gov !.edu !.biz !.info ! ! !.us* right ? or every single end of domain separate like: *!.com* *!.net* and so on in one string, or maybe every end of domain in a new string ?

  • SvenSven
    No, thats OK here....Thats a special case for domains, no need for a * same for words that should be in the URL...there you don'T need a *
  • 2Take22Take2 UK
    edited November 2013

    Most of people say use only contextual links for your tier 1 such as Social Network and Articles. These gives you great contextual links and so on. But even if I set some filters to increase the quality, I still get my links posted to sites that are already spammed by a big SER community and in my noob opinion it may be the problem when using as T1. 2Take2 did you use any of these sites (Social Network, Articles) where already hundred thousands of SER users posted their content, for your tier 1 links with success ?

    Yes, you're right, in an ideal world you would want to post to sites that haven't been spammed to death. That's why a lot of the xrumer users get pissed off when the sites they've modded it to post to get added to SER, as the links from them subsequently lose value the more they get spammed.

    With regards to whether I post to sites with lots of spammed pages, to be honest, If I'm using SER for posting then I never really give it a second thought, and only really care that my pages are indexed and the links are live.  IMO going any further into it probably isn't the best use of your time. 

    That's not to say that it isn't important though, but in the grand scheme of things a few links on pages next to links to Pharma, warez, casino, porn etc. probably isn't going to hurt, as wont a few links on overly spammed domains.

    As long as you're constantly scraping new URLs, either via SER or adding them from another program, then for me it's really just a case of 'win some, lose some', with the majority of my articles going on fairly decent domains, and a few slipping through the net.

    At the end of the day, if you need more quality in your link profile you can easily add it in other ways.

    That's just my outlook on it though, others will probably have their own opinions.
  • edited November 2013
    Seems tim89 has scared spunko off after slapping him round the face with his great big e-penis! :D
  • spunko2010spunko2010 Isle of Man
    edited November 2013
    @PeterParker Lol. I just avoided this thread, shouldn't have posted as I had had a few too many that night. Oh well. I hope i wasn't too overly offensive to Tim89. I don't usually boast either, honest guv. Anyway I am happy to share via PM (nearly) everything I do for those who want some tips or guidance, it would be rude not to. I have done that with 2-3 people who have PM'd me. I don't want to post it here because a) I might not survive next update and everyone would be angry with me if they followed what I do and get slapped, and 2) I don't want to claim to be a guru or a marketing expert or anything. @Tim89 yes, six figures this month. Next month who knows? £50? Google gonna slap me down eventually. Lol. I hope I didn't sound vulgar. But since you wanted proof here you go: (easily faked of course but what other proof can I offer? I have nothing to prove except GSA + a good niche is enough to make good cash) The point of my post is if you are new and struggling as I was, and want to read the information on here then it is "easy' to rank pretty much anything if you follow the basics. Now roll on 'Hummingbird' and I'll see how I fair.
  • Tim89Tim89
    @spunko2010 nice earnings, you're right, you don't have anything to prove and the screenshot is enough for me, you're only cheating yourself if you're being dishonest, no one else.

    congrats mate, hope it continues.
  • spunko2010spunko2010 Isle of Man
    edited November 2013
    Thanks. And you can buy my eBook for $89.99 to find out more. For a limited time only! ;) ( Comes with an additional FREE eBook on miniature horse training worth $699!!)
  • Thanks spunko, very kind of you :) PM sent.
  • @spunko2010 that book was just a pun intended or for real? lol because I can already see people trying to reach out to you above haha.
  • hmm someone doesnt get sarcasm :D
  • grax1grax1 Professional SEO, UK | White Label SEO Provider
    only 19 copies left guys !! gotta buy this :D
  • do you hear that pratik!? don't wait or you will miss your chance!
  • LOL yes it was a joke. BTW I'm gonna stop replying to new PMs for a bit because I have family issues + my inbox is crammed and there's probably better thing to discuss on this forum :)
  • I can imagine Spunko.  One of the first things I learned in IM is to never let anyone know what I make.  And it's true even for online world and personal.  Just bad things happen when I tend to share that info.

    But Anyway I was gonna send this in PM but figured you are spammed to death right now.   Are you generating all your revenue at one place?

    Another thing I've learned is to never ever have all my eggs in one basket meaning I generate all my revenue with one place. IMo you just leave yourself wide open.  What if they don't pay?  What if they go under?  There goes alllllll your income.   Scary thought. :(

    Anyway,  Not trying to harp on ya or anything just trying to give some friendly advice.  :)
  • @PeterParker Someone easily is getting it otherwise he would have shot Spunko a PM regarding it. :)

    But someone doesn't have time to join the sarcasm line because someone is busy all day long. ;)
  • spunko2010spunko2010 Isle of Man
    edited November 2013
    Hi Hunar I agree. I am generating my income from 2 sources across ~10 websites - not ideal, but trying to spread that further over the coming weeks. I've learned before in online marketing you can have the money cut off overnight. Lesson learned, as you say, never put all your eggs in one basket. And the returns will of course diminish when Penguin 2.3 arrives, but I expect that. Just wanted to post this to prove you can rank + bank with Sven's software. Anyway enough from me. :)
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