[Tutorial] Web 2.0 - How to code a Web 2.0 engine (Noob Friendly)
Ok, that "Noob Friendly" is propably a lie, but I have to attract your attention somehow 

Nonetheless is scripting a Web 2.0 engine "kind of easy" compared to other platforms, because of its static nature. You have to define all fields just one time, they will (hopefully) never change as there is only one URL to target. The only disadvantage they have is that they are more difficult to debug.
Before we dig harder into that coding stuff I want to recommend you to use/download/install these tools:
- Web 2.0 Template: https://forum.gsa-online.de/discussion/137/template-web-2-0
- Notepad++ GSA Edition: https://forum.gsa-online.de/discussion/13/gsa-script-editor-notepad-gsa-edition
- Firefox + Firebug Addon: https://getfirebug.com/
- PHPFox Scripting Turorial: https://forum.gsa-online.de/discussion/20/script-phpfox-community-project
If thats too "hardcore" for you already, you can stop reading right now. Anyone else, fasten your seatbelts 

Well Im afraid Im offline from tomorrow the whole weekend. I can't help you here. But basically it would work like this...
; 1 = means to add a url if this form must use one (variable must be user).
auto add anchor url=1
;you can also define what to put at the end of the article (use %url% and %anchor%). This however gets only added if no word like %anchor_text% can be found in the article to get transformed into a link
auto add anchor url content=..
variable must be used=url
Ahh you mean the form variables? Well I always use Opera (my standard browser) for that. There you can right click on a website and choose -> "Elemente untersuchen" and you get the correct form variable. But in this case it seems to be a iframe!? Might need to debug with WireShark or alike and see what packet is sent. and if there are some undefines variables that are not seen in the source you need to add this...
add fixed data=<formvar>=content;<formvar2=content;..
You did a very good job with lots of efforts but it is really very complicated way to add sites.
Something like this...maybe have a closer look at existing engines.
url=the url where the link can be extracted
find url=*url mask of the link*
find link=*name or mask of the link*
verify url=% verify_url%