@Olve1954 I'm very rarely get bloobs..and I didn't tried EVE's yet... I'm using reverseproxies and captchaeater services. Both of them showing 65-70% solved. But only 5-10% are correctly solved (after recaptcha MAY 2014 updates...) Before update it was about 80-90% solving and 30-40% corretly solved which was acceptable for me. Can you show EVE's solving on those 2 recaptchas I provide in last post?
Olve1954 Ok understand. Thanks for that info. I'm still waiting for someone to decode those new recaptcha fonts. Eve says maybe she finish this month, every others says the same...so I'm waiting, see you around.
i keep getting a lot of these, whats up with that, everything is set up like how i've had it and now all of a sudden i keep getting eve error: unknown error, i can't have this happening.
These are showing up in CB for DoFollow sites using Recaptcha. I have EVE doing all DoFollow sites in GSA. Recaptcha sites with NoFollow are passing through CB just fine. I think this is an EVE error.
I always look primarily stability and responsibility of offering the service. I've been thinking seriously eve.cm for its low price , but discount is Spamvilla or ocr reverseproxies .
To have the same success rate that goes Spamvilla much more expensive to pay for CPM , they are also service and falls % correct seems to be " weird" to eat more credits .
I'd rather pay a little more but knowing that the work is being done and there are no excuses, problems that may have a pay service users should not , as a pay-per CPM , here if the service is bad, you eat the credits but not resolved .
That page will be pretty is not enough for me. Arrastas I see the same problems as other much cheaper payment services alquilier OCR
For the cost of paying for CPM prefifiero in its place spamvilla + reverseproxies
my config is
1 - CB jumping all recaptcha and the like , in addition to train in recognizing captchas
2 - 20 threads spamvilla for recaptcha
3 - ocr reverseproxies for mollon and more things that CB can not , this does not recaptcha
4 dbc
5 decaptcher (because I have too much credit before)
I do not refuse to pay for CPM for service recaptcha solver but estabe should be much , much more developed and when failures do not impact users who pay for CPM for that and not a fixed fee.
I've been tested a while ago and have the same success that spanvilla REAL . Why pay more ?
I'm not a lover of Spamvilla not think it's the best, but is a fixed fee, preferiero more retries Spamvilla and pay the same, to pay MORE to get the same sad result REAL
I mean both are not perfect to solve recpcaptcha , this bad even write it accept it as good. IF the two are more or less the same rate . Why pay for CPM? I for a 5% difference will not fanciest $ 200 more per month in EVE , rather lose that 5% or more threads in Spamvilla pay and repeat more times the resolution .
This is my point of view , would pay for CPM if by human, not software...
After the May update, I prefer blob recaptchas as both my OCRservice (Reverse and CaptchaTronix) seems to have better succes with blobs...
See this thread: https://forum.gsa-online.de/discussion/11314/proxies-not-being-used-at-all
Thats why your stats are off latetly, they updated recaptcha only a few days ago.
can you help me please with the settings of eve in ser in cb also.
Thanks a lot,
and in Captcha Breaker I have to check"recaptcha"?
Is eve down?
I paid 6Y388040Y0551594L over 20min ago and the credits still not added. It says, credits applied in 5 min?
Also, when im in the control panel it shows;
SERVICE NOT AVAILABLE all over the place
Spamvilla is completely down and now this service is down also.
The idiot from Spamvilla still hasn't credited my account or even setup it up yet and I just paid for this service today and they are both down.
I have a bunch of money paid to both services and I cant use it.