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Proxies not being used at all?

I was getting 100% recaptcha blob images, and I had several thousand private proxies added.

I then deleted all of those, and added 200 other private proxies, from 3 diff companies.  Completely diff. IP ranges.

Again 100% blob images.

So then I verified the urls with recaptcha blobs, using several of the proxies - and of course, there's no blob, with repeated refreshes (many) --- tested with many proxies.

Apparently its' not using the proxies at all.  This didn't happen couple days ago, not sure if its a recent update or what.

Any ideas?



  • SvenSven
    next version will improve things here.
  • Yeah doesn't appear to use the proxies whatsoever..
  • SvenSven
    it does
  • So what is the next version improving then
  • I've loaded several urls its getting blobs from, and tested with a dozen of the proxies loaded.. No blob images are shown.

    Yet when used through GSA - they are.

    I turn off proxies completely, LPM is about the same.
  • SvenSven
    with improve i mean that the balancing is better. jsut wait and see
  • So there's no explanation why proxies work okay with recaptcha when used directly through a browser? It's pretty strange
  • They weren't even used for weeks - the group of 200 private proxies.  So would be very odd they'd be showing blobs at all (and they don't when checked manually).
  • SvenSven
    At least for me all proxies got used correclty. I don't know your setup.
  • Well, the setup is:

    private proxies added to GSA SER, tested anonymous, etc. Have tried thousands from one company, and about 50+ from 3 other companies.. They all work manually with recaptcha and browser. No blob.

    In submission settings in GSA SER, i've got use proxies for submission, public yes, private yes, skip for indentification Yes - (I've tested turning that off as well).

    I have CB setup to solve captchas, except recaptcha..  When recaptcha get sent to CB, it's already blob image at that point, that gets sent to OCR service, which can't solve.
  • Getting a very similiar thing. :(
  • Yeah I have no clue what changed.. but I don't use GSA SER daily, and the proxies should not be banned, and they aren't when checked manually - whatsoever..

    But GSA SER either isn't using them or something else is going on.  I've tested this many times.
  • Trevor_BanduraTrevor_Bandura 267,647 NEW GSA SER Verified List
    Post a screen shot of your proxies page and also the setting for proxy use. Something in your setting has to be wrong.
  • Hi Trevor,

    Can you please show the best setting for proxies. GSA stops working after some time as it detects non-working proxies, but as soon as it stops I check the proxies immediately and all of them work and GSA then starts again.
  • This is happening for me also, something is very wrong getting 100% blobs and I have hundreds of dedicated proxies.
  • Same here getting only blobs with dedi proxies.
  • Same here too... And I can confirm it's not SER leaking our real IP (or not using proxies). I run SER on a VPN and I can change my IP anytime. Before this, whenever I change my IP, I get normal recaptchas. Now, whatever IP I change to, from whatever location (country), I still get blob recaptchas. Is it cookies? or is google getting smarter?...
  • If working with browser, and not in ser, could be that target analyse browsing behavior (like partial download of content) and then act differently
  • How would recaptcha know that.. all its doing is outputting the captcha... it has no idea what is going on on the page its outputting to.
  • All I know is no matter how many proxies I throw at it, its 100% blobs.  Works fine in browser, and just checked with another program, again, working fine.
  • edited May 2014
    I also have the same problem.

    @Sven do you think there will be a solution soon or we should forget recaptcha for now?
  • I really think there is something wierd going on right now with SER and Proxies.  very hopeful sven will be able to fix it very soon though.
  • Did anyone try reverting to an older GSA version to see if it works? 
  • 100% blobs here =(
  • I haven't tried reverting because there's been a couple updates and only have the last one.

    I guess I'll try and get Sven to login to my server - show that the proxy will work without blob image and then show that same proxy in GSA ser being used to have it only output blob images.
  • Same thing, even without using proxies...

    Using my real IP, I ran SER+CB, and immediately I see blob recaptchas in CB.

    Copy and paste the url into firefox, and I see 90% normal recaptchas.

    Google seems to know I'm using an automated software (SER) and hence gives me difficult blob recaptchas. If I use a browser, like a normal user, I get easy recaptchas... :-/
  • SvenSven

    OK just debugged things a bit more here. Seems like they changed things. The way SER sends the recaptcha requests is a bit different from what real browsers do. The only way to overcome this is turning off javascript and use there other method. This however is also showing blob captchas for me.

    Would be nice if someone can check this (turn off javascript in browser). You should see the blog captcha every time.

  • cherubcherub
    Yep, the noscript/iframe version of recaptcha is the hard or double blobbed one
  • So I'm guessing there's no way to get JS parsing in GSA?
  • SER needs to simulate the browser when getting captchas so that its doesn't know the difference.
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