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۞MOST COMPLETE GSA Keyword Scraping List۞ • 10+ Major Languages • CREATE Your Own GSA Site Lists◄



  • Ordered your list - looking forward to recieve it :)
  • Ordered your list. Waiting to check it out. 
  • edited December 2013
    All orders processed. 2 new language keyword lists will be added today :)
  • Terrific news @furykyle! What languages?
  • Korean and Swedish. I'm afraid I can only send it out in 2 days as I've got something else planned.
  • Hello, i have purchased right now, waiting for the list thanks. My transaction id 0L529790UE130023Y
  • Interested enough. I hope we being existing subscribers won't need to do anything and will be automatically mailed to us?
  • Need korean list ASAP :)
  • Sorry if i send you messagges everywhere, but are more 48 hours and i don't receive my list, can i have it please?
  • Hey there!, I ordered your list. Waiting to check it out.

  • Yeah, already paid,  My transaction id: 9JD17620073619110
  • Processed all orders today. Update sent out as well. I've updated the keyword list with 2 new language lists - Korean and Swedish. I will try to expand the Korean list in the future as Korean keywords are pretty hard to scrape and compile. The current Swedish keyword list contains more than half a million entries which should last you quite a while. More language lists coming up next week.
  • Purchased life time one :D

    I cant wait to see the list :)
  • Also pay attentio on the footprints, they are just great. Thanks for the list!
  • I still didnt get the list, how did you get it? @dimcik
  • Okay, processed all orders today. New lists coming out next week.
  • @kpexoro you should wait for a while. I was waiting for 48h, but now i have the list! I think few hours don't change nothing, important is receive a good keywords. 

    @furykyle can i know if you think to add also italian keywords? It would be just great, thanks.
  • Hi, Please send me your List, paid Yesterday... can`t await ;)
  • edited December 2013
    Processed all orders today. @dimcik Yeah sure, it'll be on my to do list. An example of my scraping stats using my list. This barely touches the surface. image
  • @FuryKyle: Holy Balls! Those stats are impressive though so far I only scraped with around 50k keywords, not 2.5 mil. Should try it next time and see how many results I get. How many years does it take you to import+identify those 20 mil (after dupe cleaning) into GSA?

    Last thing: Is that keyword/footprint list the total amount of footprints you have (2.4 mil) or do you have more in your list and this was just part of it?
  • @FuryKyle You did that just with 1 proxy? :O

    Impressed lol.
  • @johnmiller After dupe cleaning this list will probably get me a few hundred thousand unique domains. With my current setup it should take a few days for it to get fully imported into GSA. And no, the list I used was only a small fraction of the total amount of lists available. You can go on scraping indefinitely and get every single potential site out there for every platform. I scrape occasionally for fresh sites. Here's an updated stat of my scraping progress. This is only with one virtual machine. image Also all orders processed today.
  • Just purchase your list minutes ago!
  • I bought the list 11 days ago and have yet to see it, pretty disappointing. I paid the money from the same email address as my paypal so there is no excuse as to why i haven't received it.
  • @simon69r I sent your list on the 8th to the email address you provided. I'm sure if you search your junk mail you'll find it.
  • Don't forget me, i'm still waiting.
  • All orders processed.
  • I can assure you that i haven't received it, it is not in my junk folder which i check daily and not in my inbox.
  • Can you send it again please as i have not received it.
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