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۞MOST COMPLETE GSA Keyword Scraping List۞ • 10+ Major Languages • CREATE Your Own GSA Site Lists◄



  • Processed all orders.
  • Drop me a PM if you need any help using the lists.
  • Just purchased the lifetime package. Waiting eagerly to receive it.
  • edited October 2013
    @FuryKyle What's up? It's been almost 24 hours and I'm yet to receive the list. I also mailed you yesterday but no replies yet.
  • Ssup OP? Any luck or am I going to get the list? I've tried to email you 2 times since yesterday but still no fortune to get in touch with you. And you were online today morning and since then too. I'm not being impatient but its almost now 2 days. At least try to get in touch with your customers. This is not a service I generally expect as a buyer, anywhere.
  • @Pratik
    There was a slight delay in processing as I was not around the entire day. I've just sent out your list. I apologize for the longer than usual processing once again.
  • @FuryKyle Thanks, I've shot an email regarding a question I had. It's about footprints, its in the excel file, which doesn't open in VPS as I don't have it. But what's in it, may I ask? Could I get a text format or something? What is it in excel file, wouldn't I have trouble loading the footprints into software?

    Thank you.
  • when is the update comin?

  • edited October 2013
    No problem, spotted now. :)
  • Hi there
    I just made a pyament for  the lifetime update..pls send me list , thanks
  • Processed all orders.
  • Ordered, thanks.
  • royalmiceroyalmice WEBSITE: ---> | SKYPE:---> asiavirtualsolutions
    edited November 2013
    Are the keywords in categories so i can select my niche \ category and then scrape accordingly?
  • @royalmice No (I'm a customer of him so speaking...). I believe they're alphabetical.
  • royalmiceroyalmice WEBSITE: ---> | SKYPE:---> asiavirtualsolutions
    Pratik - Thank you
  • Just checking in to confirm purchasing the lifetime list package.
  • Yeah bought it yesterday :)
  • I bought it. I'm so excited to get my keywords :D 
  • its been 24h just wondering where the list is?
  • Processed all orders just now :)
  • FuryKyle - purchased and wait… Thanks Marc
  • Processed orders.
  • Hey, I just ordered it! Please send it ASAP, Thanks!
  • Hi fury,

    I'm unable to download the list from the link you sent
  • Processed all orders.Major update will be coming out mid\end November. @Vijayaraj What error are you getting? Drop me a PM.
  • edited November 2013
    The latest scrape after using half a list - this is the amount of successful sites I managed to gather, and it's not even done yet. image ALL duplicate domains removed before feeding this into GSA.
  • Can you help me how you scraped it? using which software
  • Looking really nice going to buy it soon :) waiting for the money from cpa.
  • Order has been placed, please send over the list as soon as you can. Will provide a video review after testing it with gscraper and scrapebox.
  • Hey I placed an order, please shoot over the list when you have a chance.
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