Im running on Win2008 R2. I bet alot of these problems are also platform specific. I stopped upgrade GSA at v4.64 and reverted CS back to the previous version due to Tesseract.exe issues.
My GSA is not crashing and neither is CS. Iv had one Tesseract.exe popup since i reverted back 6hrs ago. I wont be upgrading for awhile.
>I do have to recommend something to all users, I think there is absolutely no point of setting CS to do retries if Captcha is wrong, as I think that effects stability of the software and I'm not even sure if GSA knows that captcha that CS sent is wrong or right
You are wrong. Many captchas will send you a modified version with the same answer or a different captcha with another answer to solve.
In the first case you will get no result at all within the first 3 tries in CS but the 4th try could be solvable for example.
In the second case the background and characters of the captcha differs each time and there is a good posibility that CS can solve that one.
@Ozz Thank you very much for correcting me, as I'm really not sure how it works... Thank you!
So just to confirm, if GSA output says "captcha answer is wrong", it will retry to post to that same page, over and over again (based on the X number set on the Captcha Retry option)? Is this correct?
I agree with @ozz solving captchas with OCR is done by brute force so retries are absolutely a necessity.
I have asked @sven about this and from what i remember he says that ser tries to request a new captcha and solve it if it can. so moral of the story is, it is not 100% but just the best it can
P.S.: I would reply back with a report if my server have been available... I don't think that GSA crashed it as it worked just fine and now it's just unavailable... I'll see if it happen again...
Apparently It doesnt affect CS performance, i'm not 100% sure but probly you get a failed captcha decode in the specific captcha that triggers that error.
tesseract.exe is the ocr engine that gets the image file as argument. tesseract.exe has a bug and crashes on some types of captchas. CS is not able to get any results from these captchas but should perform fine on all others.
Well here is one more update from me, after testing and monitoring system resources for couple of days I have concluded that I should upgrade my VPS, so I did that and I have to say that everything runs smooth now (but tesseract.exe error) that pops up even on older version of CS (the one with memory leak)... I run older version as tesseract error is quite annoying if it pops up more often on new version (that I would love to use BTW as it seems much faster and stable then previous one except tesseract thingy)...
Thank you Ozz, I just installed it and set it up...
And I think that I finally get it (if this is correct)...
Captcha Sniper works normally, and then at one point comes up Captcha that needs tesseract.exe and Captcha Sniper calls engine and says, hey help me solve this captcha, then tesseract crashes. Click off tells tesseract error to well... click off and Captcha keeps running just fine...
Same happens when new captcha comes that requires tesseract and so on and so on...
Sorry for bothering so much about this, just trying to figure out how it works...
@anhhung I'm not some desktop programmer or anything, but maybe that makes sense? Maybe then somehow CSX2 is taking priority then and works more stable when it's active window?
@LWD I'm not a programmer either. It has been running very smoothly for the last 24 hours. (I had the same problem of it hanging like you guys before that too). Can you do the same test?
I have similar issue, if CS is not active window GSA is very slow. Keeping CS activated helps, GSA works 20 times faster, this issue appeared after last CS patch.
its best to try it by yourself and compare the results.
i can't really recommend anything. i tried 0 and 2 retries with Captcha Breaker and playing with the settings until i find the setup which is working best for me.
Yep, for me the 5 retries lead to better results. I was just trying to find out if I'm the only one who noticed this. Zero retries deliver more submissions but most of them are low quality.
My GSA is not crashing and neither is CS. Iv had one Tesseract.exe popup since i reverted back 6hrs ago. I wont be upgrading for awhile.
Thank you very much for correcting me, as I'm really not sure how it works... Thank you!
So just to confirm, if GSA output says "captcha answer is wrong", it will retry to post to that same page, over and over again (based on the X number set on the Captcha Retry option)? Is this correct?
I'm going to set retries to 5 now and test again.
Thank you!
I have asked @sven about this and from what i remember he says that ser tries to request a new captcha and solve it if it can. so moral of the story is, it is not 100% but just the best it can
P.S.: I would reply back with a report if my server have been available...
Older version runs fine if I reset it after let's say 2 hours... But it's annoying that I can't run it on autopilot...
Btw I'm on Win 7 if that has anything to do with it?
Also @CaptchaSniper and @poweruphosting are you guys using some custom definitions for captcha found here on GSA forum or just fresh install?
Is this error that affects solving captchas, or it's just error that pops up from some other reason?
Well here is one more update from me, after testing and monitoring system resources for couple of days I have concluded that I should upgrade my VPS, so I did that and I have to say that everything runs smooth now (but tesseract.exe error) that pops up even on older version of CS (the one with memory leak)... I run older version as tesseract error is quite annoying if it pops up more often on new version (that I would love to use BTW as it seems much faster and stable then previous one except tesseract thingy)...
And I think that I finally get it (if this is correct)...
Captcha Sniper works normally, and then at one point comes up Captcha that needs tesseract.exe and Captcha Sniper calls engine and says, hey help me solve this captcha, then tesseract crashes. Click off tells tesseract error to well... click off and Captcha keeps running just fine...
Same happens when new captcha comes that requires tesseract and so on and so on...
Sorry for bothering so much about this, just trying to figure out how it works...
I'm not some desktop programmer or anything, but maybe that makes sense? Maybe then somehow CSX2 is taking priority then and works more stable when it's active window?
Here is simple AutoIt3 script I use to keep CS activated:
darman82 yes . We have the same problem
Do you still set it to 5 retries ?
I tried the Zero suggestion and I didn't like it since I miss a lot of good blogs. ( not much of them on the web anyway )