GSA+CS crashing servers?
We recently have some weird issues with either GSA or Captcha Sniper (or both) on our private servers.
We found that our VPS and our Dedi Servers crash over night. They seem to be running, but we can't connect via RDP. After talking to PowerUp (one of our providers and well recommended), he gave us some insight and the issue may have to do with the use of unused RAM resources, subsequently resulting in a system crash - but we are not 100% sure.
We had this issue over more than 5 servers for the last 4-5 days. We are sure we are not the only ones with that problem, but it's rather frustrating to restart servers all the time.
Would be great if any of you could confirm our problem.
330 Proxies per server
~200-300 threads per server
No scraping, just using our own link database.
Unable to access the server via remote access in the AM.
GSA is crashing my server for the past 2 nights.
It has never done this before. 2 days ago i upgraded from 4.58 -> 4.61. By this morning i could not access the remote server which meant it was hung up or crashed. I had to do a reset for the 2nd time.
Finally when i logged in GSA stated it was back at v4.58? How is that possible? I did an upgrade 2 days ago. Then i ran though the upgrade again.
Whats going on with this?
Also, you state this in the changelog; 4.60 - new: added a basic default badword filter list that gets added to newly created projects. You still need to enable that option though.
But where is this option? When i click NEW i dont see this option anywhere.
Thinking about it, i should not have upgraded to 4.61 again this morning. I should have left it alone and continued to run 4.58 until such time that this issue is fixed. I have no idea how it reverted back after this crash anyway.
For testing purpose, I setup a brand new server, I decided to run only 1 Project @300 threads on the dedicated server. Here are the initial stats:
CPU : 13%
RAM: 23%
I left them running for 24 hours and then the consumption of the resources increased after 24 hours. Here are the stats:
CPU : 15%
RAM: 50%
I decided to leave them running for another 24 hours and the RAM consumption further increased. Here are the stats:
CPU: 15%
RAM: 80%
After this, I decided to close both the programs one by one. Here are the stats after closing GSA.
CPU: 15%
RAM: 80%
So with only CS running (it wasn't even breaking any captchas), above were the stats. So based on these tests, I can make an assumption that GSA is leaving a bad port open for CS which is resulting into a memory leak issue and causing servers to crash.
I have PMed Sven about this issue and I can setup some more test servers for him to ensure that issue gets fixed very soon.
Either way, we gotta find out the root cause and get it fixed
I'm thinking maybe a batch file to kill and restart CS, or something like that.
I had GSA running the whole night together with a "captcha-solving-app" (other than CS).
No memory leaks on both sides. All running stable without any issues. So as CS was not involved here I can only assume that CS is the problem. Just a guess though.
I can't run CS on my system as it keeps crashing almost immediately (tessact error). Maybe I should give it a try with that popup closing app that Ozz mentioned once.
You can Schedule a restart task for your VPS/Server inside Windows every 6-12 hours. This is a nice lil decent solution until the everything gets sorted out.
Well I got this tesseract pop-up almost on every captcha that is analysed by CS. And that was from the start. Only solution for me was the exchange of the exe with a newer version. But even that was crashing sometimes. But you mentioned once that this is not a good idea as you tested CS only with that older one and so I didn't run CS anymore.
A test with just exchanging CS with another captcha-breaking-executable was not showing any errors either crash or memory leaks as Ozz pointed out as well. And the way GSA-SER is sending the captchas is the same here.
@CaptchaSniper naw don't get me wrong, I only tried to see what the problem is. As I can't run CS for some odd reason, I was using another one and as this one communicate in a same way with SER than CS and everything was OK, I thought I would through it in here to get this sorted out.
Anyway good you got it fixed on your end
@mozzer, thats right. The program will wait till it gets an answer from CS before sending a new captcha to analyse. Thats done to not cause any conflicts or hammering CS.
This however is not slowing things down in the end as CS can only work on one captcha at a time and would queue things anyway (Im not sure if it does though). You might see threads hanging but thats due to the wait of CS to answer the captchas.