Extremely low verified URLs..
Since a few weeks ago, I am getting extremely low verified links on Contextual platforms.
I'm not sure if the problem is with GSA, the bulk Outlook email supplier or what.
But I went from getting 150+ verified links, to only 30 per submission.
No PR checking, no filters. Using a massive list of PR1+ that I scraped myself.
Any idea why? This is very bad -_- ;;; Can't do much with only 30 links.
Since a few weeks ago, I am getting extremely low verified links on Contextual platforms.
I'm not sure if the problem is with GSA, the bulk Outlook email supplier or what.
But I went from getting 150+ verified links, to only 30 per submission.
No PR checking, no filters. Using a massive list of PR1+ that I scraped myself.
Any idea why? This is very bad -_- ;;; Can't do much with only 30 links.
I highly doubt 100+ sites close registration overnight.
You expect me to believe "suddenly" one day 100+ sites close registration?
No. Something else is wrong.. not verifying emails properly, or CMS update, or something.
proxies are fine....think something is up with gsa right now...hope so anyways
Also, I don't even use XpressEngine anymore so that's not the same problem.
I am using yahoo and Hotmail and on the current version 8.08....ran a test on my emails and checked the blacklist as well
I noticed it this morning....i stopped gsa and running some clean up stuff and will see if sven sees a problem
tomorrow morning i will revert back if no change has been make
Thanks Justin!!!
Yea, same boat here. Verification ratio definitely dropped. I wonder if it can be measured by taking some sample projects with different:
* New Texts (DATs) for comments, etc instead of default ones. Maybe they sudenly became mass banned, I dunno. Yeah, I'm still using those for the time being...
* Different proxies, this is a long shot though.
* Bad mails. But mails are a fraction of all links, for me at least, so I doubt it will help much... http://i.gyazo.com/2f18f6a70f4f3e8fb24a60597b7409f4.png.
Maybe this option became Verifieds' Bane somehow? Just guessing here.
* I see many General Blogs unsuccessful Verifications. I guess its worth looking into those with debug panel.
* New version fixed something with Verifications. Maybe new batches of links would perform differently, but old ones are the same for me...
If there are any guys on version 7.60 or lower please let us know your Verification ratio. Just to know how things are there.
It's not emails, i can tell you that for sure. I have tested extensively with different providers.
It's not proxies and it's not my server, again i have tested many different ones with the same result.
It has to be a problem with SER...