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★★★ Track up to 20.000 keywords within minutes with AccuRanker ★★★

edited November 2014 in Buy / Sell / Trade
AccuRanker is the new player on the serp market. It allows you to track up to 20.000 keywords, and is lightning fast, never seen anything this fast. It will let you intergrate your GWT and GA account, and is then able to tell you your NOT PROVIDED numbers. It support GEO Searches, and much more. It also allows you to recheck your keywords whenever you prefer, no need to wait 24 hours for the next update. Create amazing reports while having a meeting with your client. Or send a public report to your client, where they can follow their progress. - Trial accounts are available.


  • Is it web based like SERPBuddy? 
  • Yes, its webbased, no need for proxies. Its ultra fast.
  • Definitely interesting with GA and GWT integrated for whitehat sites. I am giving it a try. :)
  • Definitely the best tracking solution right now. We've been using Serpbook before, but quickly migrated to the biggest Accuranker plan (20.000 keyword) as we need to track huge quantities of keywords at the same time.

    Results are exact and the support is top-notch. 
  • Cool thanks, will give this a try.
  • Any questions you guys might have, feel free to ask. We just added a new extra cool feature. If a keyword is ranking on multiple pages, you will have a + char next to the keyword. Click it, and you will see the other pages, and which position it has.
  • goonergooner
    I signed up for a free trial and added some domains/keywords.
    I use Serpfox at the moment so i compared rankings shown by the 2 tools and noticed a lot of differences.

    So, i've been manually checking the rankings to see which tool was correct and AccuRanker is proving to be much more accurate!!

    Very impressed, will be switching over to you guys from now on.
  • Just signed up (trial), sound interesting :-)
  • Happy to hear you like the resulsts. We are taking rankings very seriously, and is constantly upgrading our networks to keep up with the demand from our customers.
  • Question for you xbyte - I work in local markets (US) and have been looking for a SERP tracker that allows for different geo-locations on a city basis.  For example, if I searched for "dentist Dallas" from my current location (NOT in Dallas), I get different results than if I change my location to say I'm in Dallas.  Similarly, I'd love to be able to search for just "dentist", but know that the results are for/from the Dallas area.  Know what I mean?

    Is this something that can be done with AccuRanker?
  • Yes, you can define the locale for a keyword, instead of having to type "Dentist Dallas" Then you just write Dentist, and set the Locale to Dallas, or the Zip, if you want to narrow it down further.
  • Nice! :D

    I'll definitely give this a try.  Thanks for the quick response AND doing what others haven't done (as far as I've found, anyway)
  • Your welcome, anything to make our customers happy :)
  • edited February 2014
    At first mention of YART (yet another rank tracker) I was skeptical but I decided to give it a try anyway. Once inside I am pretty impressed with what it is about and I am really excited to see what happens over the course of the trial. Few things

    * No help section? The wizard is good enough to get it setup but I want to know things like, what exactly does "Potential" mean?
    * Do KWs and data auto-refresh on a schedule or only when I click refresh?
    * When I click refresh, how do I know the status of the refresh?
    * I would really like to have a monthly search volume column for KWs
  • 1. We have a how-to section, - new content is constantly being added. 1.2 potential shows the potential of the keyword. With our special algorithm, we look at the keyword ranking, and how much organic traffic has come to that particular landing page. The more keyword you add, the more accurate picture you will get, to see which keywords you should focus the most. 2. Keywords refresh every 24 hour from the time they were added, you can at anytime click refresh, especially on reporting day, to get the absolute latest ranks. 3. When you click refresh you will see a spinner to the right for each keyword, the table will autupdated when its checked. no need to refresh the page. 4. We are working on a search volume column, it will be added over the next 30 days.
  • goonergooner
    Where is the "potential" data? Thanks
  • the column will show if you integrate with Google Analytics and Google Webmaster tools
  • goonergooner
    ahhh ok thanks
  • You are welcome
  • @xbyte that is awesome, thank you.
  • @xbyte As far as I can tell the help section is not linked from the dashboard. So once someone is logged in how are they supposed to get to it?
  • @Samx Yes that's true its only located on www. and not We are constantly working to make improvements, and our team is allready working on better help guides.
  • edited February 2014
    xbyte  add bulk domain importing. On my current rank tracker I can do something like this: |  anchor1 | anchor2
  • @cofege We have this in our roadmap.
  • Me too I would really like to see a monthly search volume column for each KWs. Actually, it's one of the option I love more of Serpbook, so I can easily see which KW can be more profitable or not.
    Another thing, I connected my account with GWT, but the connection with Goo Analytics it seems is not working. I tried to connect it many times, but everytime I check the Accuranker account it shows not connected.... Maybe I'm missing something
  • @peterperseo send me the email you used for registration in a message and I will help you out.
  • @peterperseo @xbyte I had an issue like that at first with GA. I think that part of the setup is a little confusing. It feels like you have selected everything you needed to but there is a final click before it is actually connected. I think it is part of GAs crazy site organization. Not sure how to explain and I don't want to unlink/relink to see it again but that final step of the process is not 100% clear.
  • @Samx you're right. It has to do with GA's site organization. You have to select the account, the property and then the profile.
  • Just started my trial and I have to say, this looks really good so far :)  For me with local clients, being able to specify the search location is fantastic. 

    One question though... what if I want to see the results for a specific location as well as from a non-specific location?  For example, for a real estate agent.  One for people within Dallas searching for "real estate agent", and one for someone looking to move to Dallas, so they look for "real estate agent Dallas", but it could be from anywhere...  would I need to create 2 different projects? 
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