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  • 2Take22Take2 UK
    edited November 2013
    @gooner, I do it partly for the juice, partly for the diversity, but mainly for the search engine spiders.

    I'm of the opinion that in its quest to stay relevant for its users, Google has got its relevancy/fresheness algo way out of line with most of the other ranking signals, to the point where it even seems to trump domain age, trust, and authority in certain circumstances.

    I look at it kind of like this...

    1 - New site/page appears to Google via lots of hyperlinks (but not so many that it sets alarm bells ringing)

    2 - Lots of Google spiders visit it in quick succession.

    3 - Google says to itself "Shit, this page must be relevant, lets get it indexed and ranked quickly" (in an attempt to keep its users, and subsequently its advertisers happy and further lining its pockets)

    The best part is that there is nothing that they can really do about it if they want to stay relevant, and you can game it all day long (even on older sites).

  • +1 ^^^

    It's the "viral buzz" element that makes this work.

    Have you tried doing "mini-blasts" a few months in? 
  • 2Take22Take2 UK
    edited November 2013

    Yes, I've tried doing mini blasts and they seem to work well, especially coupled with updated page content.

    I've not tried adding any social signals into the mix as well, but TBH so far I haven't needed to.

    I'm actually just putting together a test domain where I'm going to solely build links like that; put a page up, blast it, update it a few weeks later, blast it, etc, etc.

    To me that seems a more natural link pattern than the standard 10-30 links per day, but I'll have to test it out before I draw any conclusions.
  • edited November 2013

    Thanks for sharing your experiences, much appreciated.


    When you do the quick blast of mixed links, how long does it take for you to start ranking? What do you do thereafter as you are likely to start losing links over time, do you then take the normal route of building a steady flow of links? Also, does it make any difference whether or not you use human readable content for your tier 1 links?

    Anyone else with a direct experience, kindly share your experiences if you feel comfortable doing so.
  • 2Take22Take2 UK
    edited November 2013
    @splendour - on a new site it will normally be indexed within a day, ranked on about page 10 after a couple of days, and steadily climb from there over the course of 1 - 2 weeks. Where it ends up depends on the competition, but in a medium comp niche you would expect it to reach at least the middle of page 2, if not higher.

    You can then build on that initial ranking boost in various different ways.

    When linking to my lead gen sites I use scraped spun content for everything, although I keep my tier1 stuff human readable (at a glance) so that it sticks better.

    When promoting my branded money site/s I use manually spun content to try and help protect me from any future algo updates.

  • @2Take2

    Looks amazing, have you tried something like that on a penalized site?

  • Nope, never tried it on a penalized site, but I might give it a go next time I get one dinged.

    Also, just to be clear, although I mentioned the type of content I use for my branded sites in my previous post, I don't, and probably wouldn't recommend, building links to them in that way.
  • sagarpatilsagarpatil 1LinkList Ninja

    Sure. I started using GSA a month ago. I have 61 keywords I'm targeting which are medium to high competition. I'm glad with the results so far, although I have used other services to get here, but majority of the credit goes to GSA SER.
  • @2take2 thanks for the info. Do you mind sharing where you get your content from? Do you use wickedarticle creator, kontent machine? Also is this what you are using for tier 1 content? I'm new to this and the main challenge I am coming across is where to get useable content from.

  • Thanks for the post sagarpatil do you mind sharing your settings or tips? :)
  • sagarpatilsagarpatil 1LinkList Ninja

    1. For tier 1, write one unique article, spin it using TheBestSpinner. Submit it to web 2.0 properties using If this sounds like too much work, you can outsource this to someone on BHW. Just search for web 2.0, you'll come across guys like seotrain, they charge $30 to write the article, spin it and submit it to 60 web 2.0 properties.

    2. For tier 2, I use ArticleBuilder. I'm not a very big fan of Kontent Machine, I prefer human readable articles (compared to uniqueness). To get backlinks to tier 1, buy the list from donald from this forum and blast away to glory.
  • sagarpatilsagarpatil 1LinkList Ninja
    @jamesmurren I just followed what everyone has written on this forum. Especially -

    If you have any specific questions, feel free to ask.
  • sagarpatil my LPM is freaking very LOWWWW.. can you post some screenshot of your settings please? I followed some recommended settings increase for a little bit about 2%... my usual lpm is below that..
  • sagarpatilsagarpatil 1LinkList Ninja
    It depends on a lot of parameters. Why don't you add me on skype and I can look at your settings? I'll PM you my skype.
  • 2Take22Take2 UK
    edited November 2013
    @seang - Personally, depending on the site, I use a combination of Kontent Machine and manual spinning, although I would probably substitute the manual spinning for Article Builder if they catered for my niche.

    However,  you could just as easily use; content foundry, WAC, ACW, Word AI, the article builder that's built into SER, or any other of the available programs if you like.

    What content you use where really depends on what you're doing, and how much risk you want to take, but all it really *needs* to be (at the moment) is unique so that it gets indexed.

  • jammer i wouldnt get caught up on lpm, if you look at my other recent posts you will see that was my main focus and many threads and advice related to it. after alto of good tips i realized it isnt a good metric to focus on since if you want quality/diversity lpm will be lower but junk tiers lpm will be higher. Now im more interested in verified links and jsut making more projects for that.
  • @sagarpatil i dont think it is a good test saying gsa is what gave you the rankings when you used otehr things as well. sure it may have contributed but you cant say how much unless you have done splittests on same kws or at least very similar and diff domains with and without using gsa as only thing.
  • Tim89Tim89
    I have been ranking sites for high competitive financial related keywords with only GSA.

    Might take longer to accomplish but it is certainly possible, also depends on your strategy.
  • grax1grax1 Professional SEO, UK | White Label SEO Provider
    edited November 2013
    @Tim89 are you talking about short or long term results ? maybe you could tell the period of time, because everyone may understand long and short term in a different way
  • Tim89Tim89
    edited November 2013
    @grax1 I have yet to see a site of mine get penalised.

    The last two updates my sites increased in rankings.

    The most I've ever suffered during an update is fluctuations of around -2 to -8.

    I can appreciate when users complain about losing rankings and penalised sites but I have not experienced this before and I've been doing this for around 2 years full time.

    All of my sites are long term projects, two or three I've had since the day I started in this industry and they have remained the same as usual.

    I presume it has to do with my strategy, it can take anywhere between 1 - 6 months for me to rank top 3 for my keywords but I tend to stay there for a very long time.

    I fabricate my own authority and plan ahead rather than catching a lift piggy backing on authoritive sites which are sitting ducks themselves waiting to get hit, may take a little longer to rank but I'm not in a rush.
  • grax1grax1 Professional SEO, UK | White Label SEO Provider
    it's really impressive that you didn't make any big mistake through 2 years, can you tell something more about your anchor text diversity ?
  • Tim89Tim89
    SEO is an ongoing process, you can't expect to rank forever with the links you create.

    Anchor text diversity isn't a major factor, it's not that hard to keep your keywords under and around 30-40%

    If your using the tiering feature within SER then your not really getting the best out of your link building.

    I'm not going to talk tactics or strategies here, just build some links and test for yourself, what have you got to lose? Purchase 5 domains, put some content on them and set up 5 different strategies to rank them with.

    It is imperative you index your links and regularly index check your tier 1's, SEO has more so to do with organisation than anything else, a complete no brainer can build links, it takes an SEO to organise and analyse these links and make sure these links stay indexed, replenish lost links, increase diversity when needed, dilute anchor texts when needed.

    SEO in theory is simple but in practice it's a pain in the arse.

    Or ofcourse you could simply spam the living day lights out of your websites but don't expect them to stay where they are during updates.
  • spunko2010spunko2010 Isle of Man
    edited November 2013
    ^ What on earth is the point in boasting about SERP gains but not sharing how you do it- indeed in a thread where people are requesting exactly that...? You don't have to divulge every little piece of information. You can leave parts out. If everyone had the viewpoint of keeping everything close to their chest and didn't bother sharing tactics then SEO would indeed be dead. I owe all of what I've learned about SEO in the past 9 months to people on here, i.e. @ron, @2take2, @davbel, @leeg and a few others, just be reading their posts. In most cases they probably don't even know how helpful they've been. Of course they've held back their key tactics, that's how it works. FWIW if I survive the next Google algo I will write out everything I do to rank my sites, of course with the proviso that I won't identify them. I'm seeing six figure earnings this month all from Sven's software (and a few BHW addons) and literally everything I've learned is from this + few other SEO forums. I don't have a clue how long it will last so that's why I'll hold off for a bit. Be assured you can rank with this software for anyone in doubt. You just have to go for it, and take calculated risks, be prepared for the fall, but still the rewards are sweet.
  • dint you jsut do the exact same thing in your post :D. 'i make 6 figures yo, but im not telling'
  • grax1grax1 Professional SEO, UK | White Label SEO Provider
    @PeterParker but he said he's going to explain his tactics if his sites will survive next google's animal, however I thnik that the purpose of this thread is to share your present-day experience, so it actually would be nice if guys posting here about their success with gsa ser only could also tell something about tactics, of course not with every details.
  • Tim89Tim89
    edited November 2013
    @spunko2010 wow dude six figures a month in 9 months that's quite an achievement there.

    You must be one bad ass internet marketer! Why would you get so annoyed and judging by your reply frustrated with me not revealing my SEO method if your pushing 6 figures a month.. Heck I've been in this game for a little over 2 years and I don't know many people earning a minimum of 100,000 a month you did say 6 figures didn't you? That would mean your close to 100,000 this month? In 9 months, that's truely astonishing good luck to you.

    "Saying you will completely document everything you do after an update" is pretty retarded, why would you? On a public forum? That's fine by me, give google insight to what helps rankings, like I care, I refuse to.

    You would honestly risk your SIX figure a month strategy by documenting it all on here... Your better off donating a couple grand to charity mate.

    And regarding being 'helpful' I have shared some things on this forum too if you would have had the decency to browse my posts instead of arselicking a few golden boys on this forum.

    I've showed my rankings just after google updates I've even uploaded proof of my rankings on this very forum, if you want to know my strategies then I will share them with you, personally on a 1 to 1 level, if it were that easy to rank everyone would be doing it.

    Please, I do not brag about my earnings but rankings.. That's another story I've backed my words up with picture proof, I'd love to see your 100,000 month proof if possible, please do share.

    And whilst your sharing your proof of earnings why don't you share your SEO methods that make you these 6 figures a month, why wait until the next google update? You make no sense at all, you've actually annoyed me and I personally think you're a douche.

    Rant over, for me anyway.
  • grax1grax1 Professional SEO, UK | White Label SEO Provider
    @Tim89 "If your using the tiering feature within SER then your not really getting the best out of your link building." Can you explain what you mean by this ? I don't get it, do you tell that building tiers, like t1,t2,t3 and so on is not a good way of building links ?
  • Tim89Tim89
    @grax1 tiering is perfectly fine and I do it but using GSA's tiering feature is a little less effective simply due to the fact you can't control what link is be prioritised etc.. You'll rank much quicker if your tiering important high authority links first, this means creating each tier invidually and then running your links through back link monitor and then planning your next tier that builds links directly to your links of importance, which essentially speeds up the ranking process.
  • grax1grax1 Professional SEO, UK | White Label SEO Provider
    edited November 2013
    Ok, now I get what you mean, but let me ask you one more thing. Do you mean this in a campaign where I have Articles, Social Network, Wiki and Web 2.0 all together(tier 1) and this is the case where I should be able to precisely give the importance for some links, or do you mean it in a campaign where I have a project with Articles only (with all the filters to increase quality) and even here where I build links only with for example articles platforms(also tier 1) I still should choose links by priority when building 2nd tier ? I hope you understand what I mean, it's sometimes hard to precisely express my thoughts as a non english native speaker
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