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have you ever ranked using GSA SER?

have you ever ranked using GSA SER on a competition keyword like 100k Monthly Searches and using GSA SER alone on link building? 

if yes with?
>premium list?
>tons of private proxies?
>using tiers? for tier 2-3-4's only?
>tons of well spun content?


  • spunko2010spunko2010 Isle of Man
    edited November 2013
    I think the question should be, "have you ever not ranked..." ;) I can rank a site at number 1 for a 200k monthly fairly easily. I don't usually bother with T3 unless it's tough. Non-english sites though.. that's another matter.
  • How long you see the result and average how many backlink you generate per day?
  • @spunko how long the backlinking process ? can you list down a tutorial or something stating how exactly you did it? :)
  • I am running gsa for almost a month now and struggling to get rank a 100k monthly search english keyword... 
  • 3 months for me struggling to get page 1 for only 5k-14k 8 diff kws.
  • Actually since the latest G peng update I'm unable to rank any new sites. They always get stuck on Page 2 or 3 so I'm wondering how anybody else is doing (I'm using only contextual links for tier 1 and PR 2+ 50 obl). Not seeing any progress.
  • me too and the same with everyone else i know which is why i think spunko is lying to try and impress us all with his e penis!
  • 2Take22Take2 UK
    edited November 2013
    I've done tests in the same niche with multiple sites (just using GSA SER) - some get stuck on page 2, some don't, it's weird, and I'm not sure why.

    Not the end of the world though, as 9 times out of 10 you can still get them to rank on page 1 either by using other tools/link sources, or by just being a bit creative with how you game the freshness algo.

  • I have same situation . My guess is thst many links not getting indexed , so that's my new priority . Get control over verified links get indexed.
  • @dimirtri I have worked with indexing service and nothing special happened only few climbs, not even page 3...
  • Here's my rankings on 1 server.  Just from SER

  • @2Take2

    Whats your suggestion to push them to page 1? Any specific tricks that worked?

    and @PeterParker  lol at the e penis!
  • @Hunar What's your technique. What did you find worked well and what didn't?
  • what I ask may sound silly!!
    "I can rank a site at number 1 for a 200k monthly fairly easily"  what is the 200K means?

  • @andy1024 200k means 200,000 monthly searches for a specific keyword.
  • so some post their great results... I wish some as well will donate some knowledge here:)
  • Hunar  are you buying private list? settings you use? and base on your screenshot how much the competition? really great results..
  • @spunko2010 yes please would you sheare some tactics with us
  • goonergooner
    edited November 2013
    The simplest way to increase rankings is SER is not enough is to rent high PR links.
    You can also build high quality manual web 2.0's, pdf submissions, video submissions, article directories, press releases etc. You can get the last ones from Fiverr.

    For me, SER is sometimes enough to reach page one but sometimes not. If it's not enough you must add higher quality links. SEO is about quality and quantity, SER provides quantity for sure but not always quality and PR +1 or whatever on SER is not real quality (before someone suggests using that setting ;)) )
  • guys...all the settings and methods for ranking are already on the forum. You just have to search for those nuggets of goodness, write them down, and then test, test, test. That's what I did and I'm ranking sites like a baus.
  • edited November 2013
    Lets see some other ppls ranks since guy above started, here is mine for my main site im working on...: Gooner I agree I bet that is one of the best ways but I dont have the money for pricey links blog networks :( As you can see what seems to be happening is im spinning my wheels as the month ago rank is the same as what it is now for most kws.
  • sammicurr @peterparker @2take2
    1. Google has an algorithm to downgrade display of two results from the same website on the same page. 
    If your TIER 1 websites have the same keywords (in title, tags, description) than your moneysite, Google may perhaps do the same. 

    2. Matt Cutts said: "Usually, the higher the pagerank of your incoming links is, the higher your rank". So, i guess that people who don't use TIER building rank less well. For instance, if you get your link juice directly from blog comments. 
  • i have seen few people using GSA SER not even ranked and some claimed ranking using GSA ser alone which i hardly doubt... and quite a lot of people suggest differently, oppositely to each and everyone.... best thing to do is TEST.... oh well...
  • edited November 2013
    I don't use premium lists of anyone.  I create my own lists not with Scrapebox or anything just SER.

    And as far as the keywords I go after they range anywhere from 2 mill competing pages to 100k.  I Don't do anything to different than what a lot of others here have suggested. More specifically @ron His posts are gold. :)

    One main thing I try to focus on a lot is On page seo.   I had always thought that if your onpage SEO is good.  You only need some links here and there and you'll rank pretty easily. 

    @jamesmurren and Yes I would agree,  that is the one major thing you always do is Test.  I have about 1000+ sites.  and I do sooooooo many tests.  Even when something clicks and ranks really well,  I still test.
  • 2Take22Take2 UK
    edited November 2013
    @peterparker - I'll play...

    Both sites are about 1 month old and I only used GSA SER on them.

    The site at the top is targeting 2 terms (the ones with the highest volume), and is in a niche where the top 2 pages are dominated by .gov domains.

    The site at the bottom, although low volume brings in the equivalent of £50 worth of PPC traffic every day.

    Still some work to be done, but just wanted to show that you can see page 1 with GSA SER.

  • edited November 2013
    It's definitely possible to rank sites using only SER. I have sites in medium-high competition niches which rank just fine using only SER. I'm sure a lot of other people can rank without problems using just SER. You have to learn the basics first and understand how stuff works. As @Hunar said I also focus on onpage too, do a little interlinking (and other onpage stuff) on each site, because it definitely helps. I also scrape a lot each day, create my own footprints, because more sites => better rankings. I try to use other linkbuilding tools too, just to diversify my links, but have sites which rank for good volume keywords (100K+ ) only using SER. So it definitely works, you just have to learn to use it properly.
  • @2take2

    1 month is not enough...

    Count at least between 45 days to 2 month and a half.

    I have been fortunate enough to see that google take 45 days to take new links into account.
  • edited November 2013
    Cheers @2take2, it is inspiring to see some solid stats of gsa alone. Do you care to share your linking structure. mine has been just one tier so maybe there is soemthing to what guy abov is saying about tiered structures working better due to pagerank.. tho i have anotehr site im doing some tiering and it isnt faring much better so it just seems like the usual russian routllete
  • 2Take22Take2 UK
    edited November 2013
    @Peterparker - no worries, you're welcome.

    The sites didn't really get any special treatment, but the onpage SEO was solid and tailored towards what the top sites in the niche were doing.- this is very important, if you don't feed the robot what it wants you will always struggle to see page 1.

    The first site was given a single blast of (Mixed) links then left for a couple of weeks until it settled/got stuck on page 2. I then updated the content and blasted it again, which made it dance around a bit (like +/- 50 places) until it settled on page 1 

    The second site was just given 1 overnight blast of mixed links and left alone. It danced around a bit, ranked on page 1 after a week, and then continued to climb to where it is now.

    Please bear in mind that these were throw away non branded sites though, so depending on what you're trying to rank a different approach might be necessary, and also that this approach didn't work on every site that I tried it on, with other sites needing some of the treatment that @gooner mentioned in his earlier post.

    Tiered link structures also still seems to work, but it seems (at least to me?) to take longer to see results than it used to, with link velocity and indexing needing to be kept an eye on. 

    As others have said, just take ideas that you see around, test them, adapt them, see what works, and run with it.

    @bloupbloup - I normally see results from links to my money sites within about 3 days to 2 weeks, but as you say, I have also seen it take much longer, particularly when using tiered link structures.

  • spunko2010spunko2010 Isle of Man
    edited November 2013
    If I posted my methods then I would just be repeating what about 10-15 other 'power users' here have said and discussed at great length. You really need to take the time to read and re-read the threads. I don't know why some sites rank and some don't but I'm pretty sure on-site SEO has a lot to do with it too. And if you are not ranking for one method then try another.. The definition of stupidity by Einstein etc. And finally site speed. If your site takes >4s to load then forget ranking. :)
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