Thinking back on it and lookng at my sites, the sites with multiple pages have definitely done better
If the keywords have quite low competition and fairly low exact match searches (0-3k) then I've found not much difference in the ranking, but definitely a difference in the longevity.
I reckon the best result would be (from my theories) in this order:
- create a 5-10page webpage (dont upload it yet)
- once its ready (in dreamweaver, not online), set up your GSA campaign (how I did it)
- now buy an exact match domain {or close to)
- upload website to FTP
- start GSA project
what do u think? have you actually given this a go? I get results with 1-2weeks, and the site pops up with 3-4days.
This has gone well for me on terms searched approx 1-5k per month locally
I am about to target a 15-30k exact match market so will see how that goes over the next 1-8 weeks!
also, a lot of people have asked for advice and said they'll give this a go, but havent replied.. so im just assuming it worked and they're swimming in money???
Just to update, I only tried it once, might do some more with a larger site. Mine ended up at 5 for its keyword and then slowly dropped to 11-13. I sent another 1k links to it over the weekend and it is sitting at 9. Still interesting that I can select all projects and blast away and it is still around the first page for over a month.
Maybe a bigger site will give me slightly better results. Gonna zap together a site with x-site pro quickly and try again.
InSaNe "also, a lot of people have asked for advice and said they'll give this a
go, but havent replied.. so im just assuming it worked and they're
swimming in money???"
Good joke mate. I am afraid it is not my case I am trying slow tiered method with a one site free blogspot blog (160k exact KW) - was nr 13 once, now i am at 33 :-( Not sure why, not sure what to change. A one-page free blogspot is probably not what can work here. Will probably try hardcore spam as well...
Yeah, the reason I was asking is because I was going to test a few things, so I wanted your input. I have always done better with multi-pages, and long copy.
I am a newbie to the GSA software but have been using it exclusively for about a month now. I have a brand of products where I mistakingly hired the wrong contractor for links for my top selling product's page, and went from page 1 in a 6M serp to deep, deep down in the index. Not de-indexed, but spanked pretty good. So I have the same product in a different size on a separate page. I figured, what the heck, it was #400 in the index, what have I got to lose? I set up a project similar to @ron has shown. It is a silo of 2.0's with three tiers on top of each other. Each tier also has the 'kitchen sink' pointed at it. I have GSA Indexer integrated. I use both GSA 2.0 and SER Engines 2.0 for the Web 2.0's. After one week, I had good movement. After two weeks, I saw the page up inside #200. Going on a little over three weeks, the page was on page #16 today.
Guys, I am overly cautious after my getting slapped. I keep things at arm's reach, no footprints. The software works. How well and how strong it is remains to be seen. I am not going crazy on the volume, just a consistent pattern of new silo's dripping out web 2.0's.
My observation on the software. 100% you MUST purchase private proxies. It is night and day in speed and success rate. The only thing is when you use the private proxies, you then can crank up the thread count, but that is when your CPU load is going to spike. So its best to run it off-hours or your pc will have performance issues.
I will report back in June with an update. So far thumbs up to Sven and team. Good software. Good results.
Lol. Everyone experiences good results. Here's a bad one.
I bought an EMD. After publishing 3 pages, I immediately blast the site. Add a few more pages again to a total of 8 now. As @InSaNe reported, a few thousand links in a few days. I got similar results.
Stopped that campaign after reaching 5k verified. Still going to see some more as they got verified. I still have more than 10,000 submitted, waiting to be verified.
Now, until today, after a week... my site has not been indexed yet by Google. I never had any problem getting my domain indexed. Seems like with this, Google refuses to index my site. I checked my log, to this date the crawler didn't come. Despite all those links, it is hard to believe, but that is what's happening.
I'm going to test another domain to see how it goes. If anyone has some feedback, I'll be all ears.
So glad to see everyone getting good results, it definitely seems like a multi-page approach to a slightly less competitive target market is the way to go..
@InSaNe - I once tried doing a 301 one the pages with the most linkst and with the least anchor verity and like magic it came back from the dead. I then just created new pages with different URL and it worked quite well for 9 months or so....only tried this once so it might have been other factors but for those that love to run tests this might be something they might want to try out.
I'm testing a couple of spam projects and haven't really had success with either - One is at #9 for a five word long tail and the other is nowhere. Both been running about 2 weeks so will leave for at least another couple and see what happens
@davbel - Just to add, I used Xsitepro up until a year ago to make all my sites, and it is probably the best way to do a html site. They always ranked well and I made a bunch.
I reluctantly switched to wordpress because there were so many plugins that I couldn't resist.
@davbel, most of my sites are Wordpress, but, I like x-site pro for doing things quickly. You can choose a template and slap together a site pretty fast. As @JamPackedSpam says the sites are simple and they run fast, which Google likes. You can build a site in the WYSIWYG editor which is sometimes a lot easier than fiddling around in Wordpress trying to make things look right.
I happen to have it and use it, but, I am not sure I would rush out and spend $200 on a license right now though. It is getting a bit dated and sometimes well built Wordpress sites look a lot more modern than older HTML. On other recommendations I have just bought Catalyst theme for Wordpress, seems pretty advanced at first glance and I plan to spend this weekend learning how to use it.
Cheers @Velocity, @Ron and @Jampackedspam - Does it offer anything over throwing a site together in Dreaweaver or other HTML editor?
I've mainly used WP and Thesis as it has always been ridiculously easy to rank sites on Thesis, but then Thesis 2 came around and the learning curve is immense. I've got Catalyst as well and used it for one site so far, but I haven't really got to the bottom of it yet.
I've also been playing with Visual Composer ( which is a plugin for WP but lets you put together great looking pages in a matter of minutes. The only issue is it's $25 per site and they don't offer a developer license
Have been thinking sometimes it would just be quicker and easier if I don't use WP as it's a bit much sometimes...
It's 100X easier than Dreamweaver. One of the issues that bugged me is that you have this 1990's box-style websites, and it lacks the nice looking 2.0 style of websites. Very old school designs. Yes, you could tweak stuff which I did, but that gets old. And the code does get a little unclean behind the curtain sometimes. I will always miss it, but now I prefer WP.
Maybe a bigger site will give me slightly better results. Gonna zap together a site with x-site pro quickly and try again.
Good joke mate. I am afraid it is not my case
I'm testing a couple of spam projects and haven't really had success with either - One is at #9 for a five word long tail and the other is nowhere. Both been running about 2 weeks so will leave for at least another couple and see what happens
@davbel - Just to add, I used Xsitepro up until a year ago to make all my sites, and it is probably the best way to do a html site. They always ranked well and I made a bunch.
I reluctantly switched to wordpress because there were so many plugins that I couldn't resist.
I happen to have it and use it, but, I am not sure I would rush out and spend $200 on a license right now though. It is getting a bit dated and sometimes well built Wordpress sites look a lot more modern than older HTML. On other recommendations I have just bought Catalyst theme for Wordpress, seems pretty advanced at first glance and I plan to spend this weekend learning how to use it.
I've mainly used WP and Thesis as it has always been ridiculously easy to rank sites on Thesis, but then Thesis 2 came around and the learning curve is immense. I've got Catalyst as well and used it for one site so far, but I haven't really got to the bottom of it yet.
I've also been playing with Visual Composer ( which is a plugin for WP but lets you put together great looking pages in a matter of minutes. The only issue is it's $25 per site and they don't offer a developer license
Have been thinking sometimes it would just be quicker and easier if I don't use WP as it's a bit much sometimes...
@ron and others how do you set up WP? Do you start from a scratch install or do you use something like jump start pro from Click bump?
I know there are far worse things to have to do, but I'm not sure I can set up another WP install