I have one question about this tier system, what anchor text should you use for links going from tier 2 to tier 1? Like should you use your keywords to point to tier 1 from 2 or just general anchor ? or maybe a little of both?
Also on a side note have seen people that appear to interlink their tier1 webpages, where they have anchor links pointing to each other on their webpages, I have always been curious about this does it help any with ranking?
@ron - thanks for your answers. Have your sites survived even last google changes happening last few days? My site went from nr 14 to 38 Not sure why, probably i have not mixed my anchor text enough - have not used about 10 different KWs like you suggest, just 2 or 3 of them...
Another question - do you build micro niche sites/exact domain match/authority site? Maybe my problem was that i was trying to rank a small 1 post free blogspot blog...
Nevermind, was probably just a dance, i am back on nr 14 now, hope to get to first page
@ron - so i suppose you dont care about how KM places your anchor text at all - if you use %url% and %anchor_text% then it must be completely not readable, like if you would use "blue widgets" as anchor text, you might get sentences like "Here you can buy click here" or "Here you can buy http:\\yourdomain.com". ..
Not sure what you mean. I use the url/keyword token in my KM spins, so I know that I am going to get one of my keywords. Of course I have a setting for naked url as well so that gets mixed in there too, as well as generic.
" If it gets manually reviewed, images or video isn't going to save it from getting deleted." Th @ron that's a very good point. Does that mean adding multimedia is completely worthless or are there any circumstances where you would add to an article?
@ron said - I group wiki articles into the kitchen sink because I don't hold those in as high of esteem as the others - just to avoid confusion about 'article type links'.
@Ozz said - so if you wanted to post wiki articles to your moneysite anyway you can tick that option.
so... i was wondering if there is a way to just post wiki articles and not the profile link in GSA for T1?
@ Ron-Thank you thank you. If this is not the best guide, and explanation..I tell you what!! Did i understand all of it? Heck no..But i got time, and hope, and I can always read it again..and again..lol ...How would like those links?? On the side!
@Ron i have yet another question - how do you recognize between profile links and contextual links (from Social Networks for example) that are created BOTH in your Tier 1?
I mean - you are probably not creating tier 2 or even tier 3 to profile links, just to contextual ones...so you cant use "Use verified URLs from different project" option when creating lower tiers directly as you would build useless tiers to profile links...
@ron - so i suppose you dont care about how KM places your anchor text at all - if you use %url% and %anchor_text% then it must be completely not readable, like if you would use "blue widgets" as anchor text, you might get sentences like "Here you can buy click here" or "Here you can buy http:\\yourdomain.com". ..
have the same question: @ron: are you using KM only with the tokens? so @traged is right; everything is mixed up and the sentences are without a logical sence. but the anchor diversification is then right, and you have not to think about it!
I don't see that many profile links, so I have the approach that the majority is good, and I don't have the time to go on a hunt. I have almost 100 projects.
You do make some sacrifices in quality when you do a lot of links. It comes with the territory. When you do get there, you will find you do have to take short cuts. You just try to take the best option which usually isn't perfect.
Yeah, wherever KM places it I am happy. Yes, only the standard token. Thank God my articles aren't used in the schools to teach people to read, lol.
ron said: I don't see that many profile links, so I have the approach that the majority is good
Well, if you are submitting to Social networks, you always get a profile link as well. And you will even get many profile links without any contextual one (many sites dont allow to post your articles). During my test, i have got 20 backlinks - 5 articles and 15 profiles
So I will be manually picking contextual link only, at least for tier 1...plus i will suggest a change to Sven so it would be possible to separate contextual/non contextual links.
"Well, if you are submitting to Social networks, you always get a profile link as well. And you will even get many profile links without any contextual one (many sites dont allow to post your articles). During my test, i have got 20 backlinks - 5 articles and 15 profiles"
i am getting lots of profile links from the social networks as well
don't want these links that can't build up value in my T1... ARH!
You can always delete them. But if the profile contains a link to your article, then I would leave them. It will flow through to the article through reverse osmosis. :-$
@Ron - how are you setting up your links in KM? I know you've said you only insert one link but is that link contextual, article body, or a resource box link?
I only use GSA CB in slot one. I do have DBC, and sometimes I might put up a special project to get some different properties that require manual captcha. But for all intents and purposes, my captcha bill is zero.
I am experimenting with AskMeBot for $5/mth for text captcha, but honestly can't tell you if it is worth it or not.
I post to the same properties not to save captcha costs, but because I can get more links. Captcha doesn't figure into that because CB solves captcha for free.
Links from the same properties have marginal value at best. But I still think it has some value, although probably very small.
ron said: Links from the same properties have marginal value at best. But I still think it has some value, although probably very small.
Well, dont know how you do it - but i dont link to same site from same properties, but to different tier 1 or tier 2 sites (that point to the same money page at the end). I think such links do have real value - not sure if google can find out that there are links from one account to several pages pointing to the same page at the end...
AMB solved about 4% of all total captchas. that was not worth 5$ for me solving 1000 questions a day. and I dont know if those questions could have ben solved to some degree by CB or SER..
I use the exact same keywords. If you want to rank, keep it the same.
Do not interlink. Repeat. Do not interlink.
Another question - do you build micro niche sites/exact domain match/authority site? Maybe my problem was that i was trying to rank a small 1 post free blogspot blog...
I only had one site affected, but not even for the main keywords.
Every site starts out small. If it is successful, I add to it.
@ron - so i suppose you dont care about how KM places your anchor text at all - if you use %url% and %anchor_text% then it must be completely not readable, like if you would use "blue widgets" as anchor text, you might get sentences like "Here you can buy click here" or "Here you can buy http:\\yourdomain.com". ..
I'm not big on videos. You're basically linking to someone else's work. Images are a little different, but not much.
These aren't properties that you are trying to rank. They are just conduits for link juice.
And they are probably spun to all hell. If it gets manually reviewed, images or video isn't going to save it from getting deleted.
@ron that's a very good point. Does that mean adding multimedia is completely worthless or are there any circumstances where you would add to an article?
Did i understand all of it? Heck no..But i got time, and hope, and I can always read it again..and again..lol
...How would like those links?? On the side!
Everything is for the long term.
I mean - you are probably not creating tier 2 or even tier 3 to profile links, just to contextual ones...so you cant use "Use verified URLs from different project" option when creating lower tiers directly as you would build useless tiers to profile links...
Are you picking them manually?
- so i suppose you dont care about how KM places your anchor text at
all - if you use %url% and %anchor_text% then it must be completely not
readable, like if you would use "blue widgets" as anchor text, you might
get sentences like "Here you can buy click here" or "Here you can buy
http:\\yourdomain.com". ..
have the same question: @ron: are you using KM only with the tokens? so @traged is right; everything is mixed up and the sentences are without a logical sence. but the anchor diversification is then right, and you have not to think about it!
So I will be manually picking contextual link only, at least for tier 1...plus i will suggest a change to Sven so it would be possible to separate contextual/non contextual links.
that makes a lot of sense @ traged +1 that
link as well. And you will even get many profile links without any
contextual one (many sites dont allow to post your articles). During my
test, i have got 20 backlinks - 5 articles and 15 profiles"
i am getting lots of profile links from the social networks as well
don't want these links that can't build up value in my T1... ARH!
What is the purpose of anchor text in the Project > Data if KM already insert the anchor text and URL token?
Do you post several times to same accounts (articles, soc. bookmarks, microblogs etc) to save captcha costs?
I only use GSA CB in slot one. I do have DBC, and sometimes I might put up a special project to get some different properties that require manual captcha. But for all intents and purposes, my captcha bill is zero.
I am experimenting with AskMeBot for $5/mth for text captcha, but honestly can't tell you if it is worth it or not.
I post to the same properties not to save captcha costs, but because I can get more links. Captcha doesn't figure into that because CB solves captcha for free.
Links from the same properties have marginal value at best. But I still think it has some value, although probably very small.