Problem with veryfication

I know that it's my X topics's, but I have really big problem for me.
Somebody on this Forum have really AMAZING results of verified links (e.g : LINK )
I used yesterday ~130 private proxies, but today only 1 private proxies is working (I don't know why).
I get projects and GSA SER options from this topic:
I submitt links to Articles, Social Network, Bookmark Network, Web 2.0 and Directories.
Schedule options: 5 project at one moment per 20 minutes, and it's my results:

Using anchor text as your login, am I seeing that right?
If so, the mind boggles as to why you are using that
Settings - Captcha Settings - put retry to 5, CS doenst cost you to solve so its worth trying more often
I ll recommend getting an additonal captcha solving service as backup, or 2nd option
Settings - Submissions - Custom Time between Search Engines, Remove the checkbox
Settings - Submissions - HTML Timeout, put it to 130
Proxy List - UNCHECK!!! - Auto disable bad proxies on use - if you have private proxies!!!
Forms - as LeeG said - WTF for login, remove it and put it to randomize
... i doubt you read the FAQ thou
sorry double post, had some browser issues
I was being polite.
In all honesty I was at the stage of calling my eye surgeon to have the surgery reversed so I could not see unbelievable things.
CSX, I personally run on zero retries
Run through this thread, it has pictures to aid your setting up of ser