Ultimate GSA SER List Building Video Guide + Video Case Study

I’m selling
a set of video tutorials that show you step by step how to build a list of
backlinks by importing your own lists into GSA SER.
There are 4 techniques taught in these videos, I use each of them as I build a list before your eyes in a 15 part case study.
To build a list by importing your own URLS, you need to scrape with an external program obviously. In addition to the case study, I have included a set of video tutorials that cover each of the 4 techniques used in detail for Gscraper, Scrapebox and Hrefer.
So you will receive:
1) Videos showing how to scrape using each of the 4 techniques with Hrefer.
2) Videos showing how to scrape using each of the 4 techniques with Gscraper.
3) Videos showing how to scrape using each of the 4 techniques with Scrapebox.
4) 15 part live case study as I build a list that ends up having 62,000 unique domains.
Bonuses you will receive besides the videos:
1) A resource list detailing the servers and services I use to build my lists.
2) All the footprints used throughout the case study.
3) A couple lists of English keywords, one with over 3 million words.
4) 20 foreign language keyword lists.
I’ve made a quick video to show what is included in your purchase, and to show what the quality of the video tutorials is like http://www.screencast.com/t/b3KcaGRPgv
The cost of the series is 49$ for the time being.
Your account will be activated manually, so there will be a short delay before you get access to the videos.
I hope there will be some tricks that loopeline does not show for free on youtube.
It would be nice if you could sort footprints by engines (platforms), otherwise it is hard to understand which one is intended for which.
I scrape aprox 10 - 20 million a week, but still the success rate is not as high as I would like to have.
Had been nice, if you had posted your previous comment from the start..
From ur point of view (selling fresh url lists) this in clear, because you want to test only the "fresh" scrapes, but on my side. i dont want to sell a list, so i dont need to identify fresh or old working urls, the "options > advanced > Tools > Import Urls (identifiy plattform and sort in)" should be a better way to import the urls right?
I've never done it your way (import into projects and post without verification) but I assume when you import 100k, GSA attempts to post to all those 100k?
So it seems like you spend time posting to sites GSA can't identify in the first place, and I'm spending time on the identification process. The question is - which is faster?
Maybe I'm missing something, too, as I never tried a direct project import.