So took a look trough the videos, I mostly bought it out of curiosity. I have been scraping a for a few years and was wondering if there was some trick in the book that I missed.
Unfortunately not, in my mind this product is GOLDEN if you're just getting started in the game and want to learn some neat ways of scraping.
So in my min if you been doing this for while so is the product a bit of a wast, if you're new GET IT.
I still buy his links already even though I have 2 gscrapers running 24/7 on my own. Can never have enough frsh stuff.
donaldbeckAdvanced SER Videos -> | Learn SER For Free Step By Step ->
I just have scrapebox with me so can i buy video tutorial of scrapebox only? If yes then what will be the price?
donaldbeckAdvanced SER Videos -> | Learn SER For Free Step By Step ->
edited February 2014
Regardless of what scraping program you want to use, the price will be the same.
I covered all the popular scraping tools so no matter what tool you use you can use the tutorials.
The techniques are the same no matter what tool you use, so the price isn't different.
Really what I'm selling is useful, immediately actionable information where you dont have to do any guesswork at all. Video is just the medium that info is delivered in.
Anyone who bought this Video. Please provide
some screen shot how many verified link you can able to build using this method.
I need minimum of 100k verified link with unique domain. Any one able to make
this much of verified link using the video tutorial.
I use a proxy service. They are not private proxies though.
I also want to mention, for anyone who purchases the videos, Je9s8m8 please make
an account at, and PM me your paypal email and email.
If anyone wants to see reviews, there are a couple available elsewhere already, just PM me and I'll show you kit.
So with gscraper method I should get about 60.000 links in 2 weeks or what?
Could you also tell me how long are the videos in total?
donaldbeckAdvanced SER Videos -> | Learn SER For Free Step By Step ->
You'll get that, give or take. I can't guarantee an exact number of course. It depends on you to. If you scrape and post 24/7 you'll get good results. If you slack off you'll get bad results.
It's a little bit over an hour if you watched 1 technique training series and the case study.
1) The lists that you will scrape using these techniques are not auto approve. You will find a lot of auto approve links of course, but not all will be AA. Although some of the techniques provide a decent % of verified links compared to the raw URLs.
2)"Are they to supplement GSAs list of platforms??" I'm not sure what this means.
3) You will scrape faster, find more verified links, broaden your internet horizons, expand your mind, and have all your wildest dreams come true.
4) SER in most peoples hands is probably a clunky piece of slow junk. Where they use 1 private proxy with a 2 year delay between searches.
If you want to scrape FAST, if you want to get shit done and not waste your life with 90 second search delays, then these videos are for you. After you watch the series you will be collecting millions of raw URLs FAST, and you will be finding 10's of thousands of unique verified domains.
Sorry for the delayed reply, I intended to answer you sooner, but it didn't happen until now.
@donaldbeck: curious: I have Scrapebox and am wondering, would it be worth my while to grab Gscraper too? (going to grab your course obviously)? or can I just stick with SB?
@donaldbeck: curious: I have Scrapebox and am wondering, would it be worth my while to grab Gscraper too? (going to grab your course obviously)? or can I just stick with SB?
donaldbeckAdvanced SER Videos -> | Learn SER For Free Step By Step ->
Unfortunately not, in my mind this product is GOLDEN if you're just getting started in the game and want to learn some neat ways of scraping.
So in my min if you been doing this for while so is the product a bit of a wast, if you're new GET IT.
I still buy his links already even though I have 2 gscrapers running 24/7 on my own. Can never have enough frsh stuff.
I covered all the popular scraping tools so no matter what tool you use you can use the tutorials.
The techniques are the same no matter what tool you use, so the price isn't different.
Really what I'm selling is useful, immediately actionable information where you dont have to do any guesswork at all. Video is just the medium that info is delivered in.
Anyone who bought this Video. Please provide some screen shot how many verified link you can able to build using this method. I need minimum of 100k verified link with unique domain. Any one able to make this much of verified link using the video tutorial.
Got a review at the other place I'm selling the videos, just wanted to share it here.
I also want to mention, for anyone who purchases the videos, Je9s8m8 please make an account at, and PM me your paypal email and email.
If anyone wants to see reviews, there are a couple available elsewhere already, just PM me and I'll show you kit.
Are they autoapprove ??
Are they to supplement GSAs list of platforms??
Do they basically get you a better success rate with building links ??
What can i expect to get that is different to just regular use of GSA??
Sorry for the obvious questions but if you don't ask you don't get..
I set you up and replied to your email, let me know if you have any trouble.
I have seen major improvements on how i build my links.
I strongly recommend this to everyone who want to dig deeper in link building.