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*** from 0000 to page rank 163 in 5-6 days



  • ronron
    Hey @Brandon I'm going to look at all the threads to see if you criticized me unfairly. I want some of that action  :D
  • I am with @ron. @Brandon I'm eagerly waiting to be criticized somewhere haha.  :D
  • BrandonBrandon Reputation Management Pro
    @ron @pratik @johnmiller I totally recognize when I'm at fault and definitely attacked him unfairly. It's only right to make amends ;)

    Hopefully I've learned my lesson and will be slow to judge.

    I also try to remember that even though we are on a forum, people still have feelings even though we're not looking them in the eye. I wouldn't say those types of things in person, but I feel comfortable saying them online.
  • ronron
    Classy guy.
  • haha awesome info
  • wow ya really great info.. learning alot bout ranking from u guys.. im a little bit of a beginner in ranking and IM, just interested what kind of return or profit do you all "rankers" see from these set-ups and linking projects?? To clarify: i see communities and forums of people discussing and researching ranking techniques and im wondering if its for monetary gain or the "google chase" or a little both??? Not asking for specific numbers just how much of a difference does being on the second page of SERPS make than being in top 5 results....
  • Hi,....sure its for "monetary gain" :) ....from my experience: if my site is not in top 6-7 there are no sales...
  • If your site is not on the first 3 positions, or 5 maximum, you get very few visits compared to the first positions. I have now a website on the #2 positions of Google for my niche, and I'm getting much more visits than when I was #9, while when I was #120 I didn't get ANY visit :D

    Take a look of these infographics...

  • edited February 2014
    @Brandon This is to tell everyone that Brandon stand on his promise and he DID ranked my Video on #3 on Yahoo!! Thanks for this!
  • steelbonesteelbone Outside of Boston
    How come you didnt have wiki ticked??

    thanks for sharing this...looks great
  • BrandonBrandon Reputation Management Pro
    @Europa It's #3 on Google, nobody cares about Yahoo, right? :)

    Hopefully it makes you some money!
  • @Brandon sorry! I guess i was excited :) Its #3 on Google! I hope it will make some cash ^:)^
  • @Brandon - Hat off to you sir. Glad to see that you're a man of your word. =D>
  • ronron
    edited February 2014
    I'm still reviewing my records to see if @Brandon might have offended me. :D
  • Thanks for the great article.

    How do you do this?

    I then load in the top 100k searched keywords on the internet into each campaign and let the program go to work. 

    do you mean copy and paste 100k keywords into the Keywords section of the project?

  • ronron
    He probably does mean that, but I wouldn't do that - you are adding a very heavy load to the software. Try using a spin token in that field that aims to a folder with all the keywords:


    What I do is split the 100,000 keyword file into separate files of 250 each. So 4,000 files of 250 each. I use scrapebox to split the big file, and it does it with 2 clicks.

    So the last name "kwspins" is the name of the folder with all my keyword files.

    I moved to this method as I found SER operated much more quickly.  
  • edited February 2014
    @ron I just setup my keywords like you suggested. I wonder how this spinfolder works? Does it spin keywords automatically after X amount of minutes or after X amount of searches or I have to setup something more in GSA option like scheduler to work properly? 

    And second question is do you recommend selecting these 3 options: 
    1 ) Collect keywords from target sites
    2 ) Use collected keywords to find new target sites
    3 ) Put keyword in quotes when used in search queries
  • ronron
    No, you just stick in that macro and just make sure the folder path is correct. I'm not sure what you mean by "spin the keywords". It will access that folder and the files inside randomly to grab keywords for the search side of SER.

    1) No - never - you get crappy longtails - you want highly generic 1 and 2 word search terms
    2) No - never - for reason above
    3) Try that one both ways - someone here may have tested it - I didn't see a difference 
  • edited February 2014
    OK thx for the answer. Let me try to explain easier... 

    After I created macro spinfolder "%spinfolder-C:\Users\Administrator\Dropbox\kwspins%" with 400 files ( 1 file = 250 keywords ) will GSA change these files in GSA keyword field and scrape search engines automatically? If yes, do you maybe know how is GSA changing these files? Is it after X amount of minutes or after X amount of searches or maybe after all keywords in that particular file are scraped it grabs new one? 

    * "spin the keywords" = changing files with keywords (kwd1.txt, kwd2.txt, kwd3.txt,...)
  • Ok i think you are missing a point here, in your 250 batch of keywords those files should be in SPIN Format... what this mean? that every time ser pick a random batch of 250 keywords, it will only pick 1 single keyword from the 250 because they are on spin format...
    you dont have your bacth like this: hey, hello, hi,.... you should spin that like: {hey|hello|hi}

    everytime ser do a search it picks 1 new group of keywords from your macro, eg:
    ser picks 1 of your 250 files, it picks 1 random keyword in your 250 kw file, then do the scrape.... 
    in a new scrape ser picks a new random 250 kw file and picks a random keyword based on your spin macro... so every new scrape its a almost 100% random keyword.
  • edited February 2014
    rodol Are you 100% sure that keywords in txt files should be formatted in SPIN format? Right now my keywords in text files are placed so that each keyword is on its own line. After I press test button I got this: As you can see each test gives me new set of 250 keywords. So this isn't right?

    @ronmentioned this "What I do is split the 100,000 keyword file into separate files of 250 each. So 4,000 files of 250 each. I use scrapebox to split the big file, and it does it with 2 clicks." He didn't mention anything about SPIN format. How would I SPIN format 450 files? It would take ages...

    Update: I found that %spinfile% macro would do the job perfectly fine even without SPIN format (keywords must be each on new line and not comma separated) and this macro works with multiple files in folder too. So instead %spinfolder-C:\Users\Administrator\Dropbox\kwspins% I will use %spinfile-C:\Users\Administrator\Dropbox\kwspins%.
  • well for my understanding, and what makes more logic to me, if you press test there should be only 1 keyword on the keyword field.. not 250

    to put all the keywords on spinformat, someone shared a free tool here in the forum that can handle that part...

    if i find the link i will share
  • BrandonBrandon Reputation Management Pro
    @europa making any money yet?
  • edited February 2014
    @rodol Thx man for help! Spinfile macro fixed my problem and now it puts only one random keyword and not 250 like before. Don't bother with finding that free SPIN format tool...

    @europa You said you are ranking keywords 590 (exact monthly searches), Medium competition, $3.28 suggested bid. Do you find it is profitable enough? 

    Let me put this way. If you are on #1 for 590 keyword you would get at best 70% of that traffic. That means around 400 unique visitors/month. If you put Adsense on and get 2-3% click through rate that means you would get around 8-12 clicks. Now if you get 60% of suggested CPC that is around 2$ per click. 8-12 clicks x 2$ = 16-24$

    Is it profitable for you? You spent 60$ for content so it means you would need 3 months to get your money back. Could you please elaborate and explain me how could this terms be profitable for you? 
  • goonergooner
    @brandon - That was a nice thing you did, respect for that.
    If you get bored i've got a couple of hundred sites you could rank for me :P hehe
  • ronron
    edited February 2014

    I should clarify what I said above as I misstated the tool I use (it was lack of sleep, sorry!). I don't split with Scrapebox. I use KayKay's free spin tool to split them up. And yes - those files using the macro I stated need to be in spin format. I know there was another tool I used to do that previously but forgot about that one already.

    @SpecialOne - Good job bringing up the other macro. I'm not the macro king here, but you can pretty much macro out a lot of fields in the project, and basically update content, articles, descriptions, etc. all by updating folders and never opening a project. Not there yet, but I like the idea of keeping the project folders skinny. Everytime you add 100,000 keywords or whatever to a project, you are bloating the software and I'm quite sure it affects performance. So macros are good.

  • Yes, thanks for that.

    But you use keywords for anchor texts right? The keywords that you want your site to be ranked for?
    How many do you use per campaign? Is it safe to use just 1 keyword for anchor text withe generic keywords etc as well? Or is that risky? Does it bring better results by only focusing on 1 anchor text?
  • ronron

    No, keywords are for scraping, and anchor text is to build links.

    I would have at least 5 anchors, and then have a bunch of terms for LSI, branding, generic, etc. Your question on this is better handled in an SEO forum if you need to get in those details. 

  • Yes, thanks, thats what I thought...

    If you have 5 anchors, that means you are targeting 5 keyword search terms right?

    For example, 5 anchors would be, weight loss, fast weight loss, weight loss guide, lose weight fast, lose fat etc. Is this what you mean? Thanks.
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