Where to buy lists?
Because i create more and more websites i now don't have the time to scrape new targets - we all know that if we always use one list, the amount of verfied drops daily, because more and more websites get deleted, change their cms or other things.
so i wanted to know if somebody knows where i can buy lists for different engines of gsa ser? i'm very interested in this.
already bought every list of fiverr, but all of them are really bad. one reason will be that the verified links weren't verified some days or weeks ago, but months.
any suggestions?
Surely a list you've built yourself is going to be better than a bought one that's been spammed to f**k
where is option for "delete profile links" from a project?
Why don't you stick your head up your ass and sing your national anthem as loud as you can because obviously you are too good for the SER forum
In all honesty the above comments sound like someone that cant be bothered to learn how to set ser up and just wants the easy route
Give it the big talk, to cover up their inept ability to use the software properly
I personally push out between 50k to 100k verified daily, using nothing more than ser scraping the net for links and the global sites lists
I would go broke buying in lists like that 7 days a week
where is option for "delete profile links" from a project?
Read your post.Hmmm... you make no mention of Scrapebox or Gscraper in your post, so call me a tad old fashioned or perhaps even a tad out of date, but being as you posted on a forum about GSA SER, I (wrongly as turns out) assumed you were letting SER do the scraping.
It tw@ts like you that..................................well, are just tw@ts..