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Im getting the worst LPM ever!

edited March 2013 in Need Help

Before I'm using 55 proxies and now my employer bought only 11. 

I think my 11 private proxy is the reason?



  • LeeGLeeG Eating your first bourne

    Try dropping it down to about 100 threads or less and then swap the search engines your using

    See if that helps make things better

  • im using Ozz pref SE's . 

    That would be difficult to do because Im running 100+ projects now.

    Dont know if I can mass edit it :(
  • LeeG, can you please open a new thread and let's us know what we must do to gain the LpM like you?

    The summary of what we have to do will be great.

  • that would be awesome for sure.
  • i know that thread.

    i already applied all i dont know why its now working on meh :(

  • done doing the changes on all of my projects w/ LeeG  awesome techniques .

    Hope to get more results :D

  • LeeGLeeG Eating your first bourne

    From time to time I get pms from people that basically say "thanks"

    And at the same time, some pass on what helped them improve submission rates


    This will help guide you where to look and make your own decision on what you can try altering to gain more results


    The two main areas people alter are

    1) choice in engines used

    The quick non technical way if your using cb, is to open up the list of engines and compare them to the captcha types cb can do

    Then decide what types you want to hit. Web 2´s I do not use. Along with a lot of other engine types

    One forum engine I dont use is the one that posts to forums.

    Dont ask what it is, I just right click on a box and disable engines that use that feature

    This reduces the endless inclusion in Stop Forum Spam

    Three days swapping out email addresses is not fun. Unless your a true geek like me playing with a beta toy and then it is. 2500 fresh email addresses in three days, built for purpose is fun and a simple copy and paste, makes that tool fun. And then waiting to see how many times your added to Stop Forum Spam


    After a while, you can then compare your results even more and see which engines give the best submission rates and then make even more fine tuning of the engines you use

    2) search engines

    Dont just hit all English engines

    This will give a lot of repeat results. Your aiming for maximum search results with minimum duplicate results. Less is more, Less engines selected, more results

    A few months back I gave a simple test on here so people could test my theory

    I used Traffic Travis for the test

    Enter a search term that you know a site ranks for on say page 1

    Then select all the googles and compare where that site ranked on all googles

    The results, when I tested it, gave an average position shift of about 7 places


    Years ago, I heard a term which was used in conjunction with seo and that was to gain the best results "think outside the box"

    This term can be used to help choose your engines

    If your on shared proxies, most people will use the same engine types

    If they are after UK results and terms, they choose google UK

    English search results, they will select all English engines

    So, a big chance that the proxies your using are being used to hit the same engines by several people and resulting in the dreaded search engine ban

    Are the others on the proxies doing 10 threads, 100 threads or even 1000 threads, using scrapebox to hit the same google your trying to pull results from?


    So, if you have done the test above, you now have access to the knowledge that you can use any google and pull similar results

    Now to make use of the "thinking outside the box" technique

    This does require use of a sometimes forgotten body part referred to or commonly known as the "brain" < dry British humour

    Why choose the engines that you will struggle to pull results from?

    Choose a handfull of random googles. From memory, Sven has included a choice of about 200 of them

    Less chance of getting the dreaded google ban

    If you use the same idea on all campaigns, projects, tiers or any other terminology people want to use, your spreading your search quiries over a much bigger selection of googles. Hence less search quiries to the same google and less chances of a ban. will normally divert you to the google for the country of your proxy

    So if you have five countries for your proxies, you have five different google straight off

    The bigger selections of proxies the proxy providers sell, normally include a much bigger selection of countries the proxies use


    Add to that other changes you can make like adding better content. Swap any standard blog comments etc

    Editing engine files to suit your requirements

    I run two sets myself. Both have a lot of extra footprints.

    One has edited timeouts for some engines, so if Im getting a lot of submitted, this just cuts those lists down a lot quicker by killing off the high submission types. Blog posts being the main one for those

    I have spent months ripping ser to bits and finding what can be altered, edited and not used to gain maximum submission rates


  • AlexRAlexR Cape Town
    @LeeG - when you edit footprints, how do you keep the latest version and handle with SER updates?
    Do you just have your own set and add in any updates? 
    Did you just rename them all?
  • LeeGLeeG Eating your first bourne

    I have several folder of trial and error editing

    I just copy the edited footprints over after each update

    I always check the engines folder first though by date to check if there have been any engine tweaks by Sven

  • AlexRAlexR Cape Town
    So to check I've got it correct:
    1) You make a copy of all platforms.
    2) You apply edits on the copies.
    3) You copy edited version back in SER folder and overwrite original.

    Then on updates:
    You let SER do update. Sort platforms by date and any that differ you note and check against your edited platform.

    I'm just planning this next phase. 
  • edited March 2013
    yes @LeeG, that's the way to do it!  Save and copy paste from now on mate, that is a perfect summary of the huge thread.

    Another important thing that people seem not to know / forget is that the displayed LPM is taken from midnight your time and this can totally alter what you perceive to have as LPM. (Disclaimer, Sven said this when the feature was first introduced.  If that has changed then apologies)


    Little Nick raids his piggy bank and buys himself a VPS so that he can get GSA running like a bad boi 24 hrs a day.

    He looks at his submitted links at midday and sees 20,000 so his displayed LPM is (12*60)/20000 = 27.8 lpm.  A bit shit but now he knows where he stands and he can put LeeG's great pointers to good use.

    Big Nicky is a tight arse and knows his rig is the top bollox so he doesn't run a VPS.  However, he has his computer in his bedroom and can't sleep with it turned on because the fans make it sound like he is in a force 10 gale.  

    Now, Big Nicky is a conscientious guy and always gets his computer turned on at 8am, along with SER. He quickly runs to the forum saying he has followed all LeeG's pointers, has the best proxies in the world, loads of spare RAM, CPU whatever.  

    He doesn't realise that the displayed LPM still counts the 8 hrs before he turned SER on and this alters the displayed LPM massively.

    So, when he looks at midday and finds 20,000 links submitted he is in uproar that he is only getting 27.8 LPM according to the display.  He has all the top shit and followed all the pointers to a 'T'.  GSA must be a shitter.  Get the pitchforks out, we are going lynching....

    In actual fact, big Nick is tearing it up if he works out his actual numbers.  8 -> 12 = 4 hrs = 240 mins

    20000/240 = 83 LPM .

    When he realises, Big Nick is pleased, he actually has 3 times the LPM he thought he had and can go back with his daily work with a smug look on his face.  He is a GSA king!

    Don't forget = Displayed LPM might not be your actual LPM, especially if you don't run SER 24hrs/day or you have a crash over night.
  • I think the best tip for more speed that I've found here is the one from @LeeG about looking at your stats and trimming out the engines that are not producing. Once I did that, my submissions & verifieds went through the roof!!
  • edited March 2013
    Brumnick nice storytelling
  • There are so many variables that effect everything about how well SER performs, that it is very difficult to determine in any individual instance why people get drastically different results (especially with the limited info that most people here provide!)

    Kuddos to @LeeG (and others) that do try to help and provide exceptional information for those that are actually trying to help themselves and not wanting someone to spoon-feed them.

    As others have said....God gave you a brain!...USE IT! Don't expect great results when you are running SER on a old PC with a slow internet connection and crummy proxies. You can have all the SER settings perfect and you still won't get any results! It's a package deal.

    I haven't been around for a few months and haven't been using SER during that time. Just started back up in the last few days. I haven't even implemented several of the the tuning tactics that have been covered. I am running SER on my home PC. But it is a half-way decent machine (quad-core, 8GB RAM). And I have a pretty good internet connection (25Mbps).

    I am only running 100 threads and only two projects, but over the past two days, I have been getting 25-55 LpM. I am not saying this to brag. I am saying this to show that it is not that hard when you have EVERYTHING set up half-way decent. It doesn't even need to be perfect (cause mine is not).

    I think one thing that is helping my throughput is that I am not using SER to scrape. I am scraping with GScraper and importing those into my projects. Along with only verifying once a day or so (like recommended in these threads). So most of the time SER is just trying to post.

    The 80-20 rule applies here too guys. Do the 20% of the things (first) that give you 80% of your improvements.
  • @Brumnik...might be a nice story, but I don't think it is least from what I see right now. LpM may have been calculated that way at one point. But when I shut SER down and start it back up, the LpM starts recalculating from the time it started...not the beginning of the day.

    So what you see on LpM is the average links per minute since the time you started SER. I am not sure if this resets at midnight. I will have to watch this and see if it does.
  • Yep, think you might well be right David.  It def used to be that configuration before but I have had a few crashes today and I have noticed the same thing.  I think I might now have to run off with my tail between my legs and go back to being a lurker!  :(|)
  • LeeGLeeG Eating your first bourne

    Finally, some that have developed the secret use of a body part commonly refered to as "the brain" :D

    Nick, Indylinks, DavidA2 I hail you as being some of the chosen few :D

    No magic button option in ser to make that part of your body work :O


    Im waiting on ron having a dig over my own admittance of swapping out my emails at present, after three months of teaching why its a waste of time

    But Im not doing that one at a time, Im adding thousands of hotmail accounts :D

  • ronron
    @LeeG - I was going to take a jab, but I thought if I demonstrated some restraint that it would be a good example to others :D
  • @LeeG...don't start heaping praises on me or I will feel obligated to get a cardboard cutout of you, like @ron has.
  • LeeGLeeG Eating your first bourne

    Ron has not told you his little secret, its now full of dart holes after I might have pulled his leg once or twice over some of his methods to implement ideas :D

    Im on a new mission at the  moment, I want to have pages like this on stop forum spam

    Thats one person that has registered on forums and only been added to their database when spamming links

    My mission has already started, but Im building my big arsenal of new email accounts as I type this :D


  • I can see from the image that he doesn't believe in using proxies! Probably posted to the same forum all those times too!

    I would be interested in this "secret" email mission that you are on. Care to share?
  • LeeGLeeG Eating your first bourne

    I found a missing part in how emails were generated

    Go on fiver but 500 emails cheap enough

    But in ser, those emails would need to be logged into and edited to use more than one in any ser account

    Each would need a forwarding address entered so you could use more than one

    Then in the email box on the first tab you use spintax {email1|email2|email3|etc}

    See how long it takes to edit ten hotmail accounts, by logging in and adding a forwarding address

    You loose the will to live day 1, day two you get highly bored, day three your on the stage of giving up


    I had been trying to find a dev that could create a bot that could create the forwarded email accounts

    I had one developer on here (TheOrbital) ask me what was needed in my ideal bot to solve the problem

    Since then TheOrbital has taken the idea, created it and then worked lots of magic on it

    Basic rule of thumb on creating hotmail accounts with proxies.

    3 hotmail accounts, per 24hr per proxy

    If you have 10 proxies, thats 30 hotmail accounts per 24hrs

    TheOrbital has set it up to do that, then done a magic trick, which adds 5 aliases per account

    So, your three accounts, become 18 hotmail email addresses

    Two proxies = 6 base accounts = 36 email addresses with aliases

    Ten proxies = 30 base accounts = 180 email accounts with aliases

    Im running 50 proxies, which is worth 900 email addresses per day

    Then TheOrbital worked even more magic, by making the bot produce a file with all the new accounts in spintax and you then copy and past the contents of the file into ser

  • ronron

    OMG, that is hysterical LeeG - ROLF. Now that is an epic stop forum spam page.

    "Lose the will to live" - priceless.

  • LeeGLeeG Eating your first bourne

    There are loads like that, trust me

    Now imagine how many pages there will be when TheOrbital starts selling the new bot :D

    I can do 900 email accounts a day and its not costing much in paid captchas

    150 + paid captchas to make 900 email addresses. It does come to a lot more if hotmail rejects a registration or three

    Forums will be under attack, as soon as one email is blocked and added there, I will have a thousand or two already created and in place :D

    Plus you cover your tracks more with any site that shows your email

  • btw , sir LeeG

    Can i ask what is MediaWiki article? and it is giving me profile link, not the article link.
  • LeeGLeeG Eating your first bourne

    Its good, trust me, its gooooooooooooooooooooooooood

    Did I mention I love it and its soooooooooooooooo goooooooooooooooood

    Playing with it the other day, doing two base and 12 total, was ten minutes a run

    But that also included setting up my initial proxi files

    I have my proxies split into small files, each with two proxies listed

    It just makes it easier to work through my first mass swap out of emails

    Sneak peek at the present beta. The version Im using at the moment


  • Now you're just being plain MEAN! You shouldn't tease like that! Didn't your mom tell you that's not nice! Come on @TheOrbital, let some of the rest of us in on the fun (or at least ME anyway - ha!).
  • LeeGLeeG Eating your first bourne

    DavidA2 I will race you to create 500 hotmail accounts and add a forwarder to the main email in each project

    For the next month, DavidA2 might be a bit busy guys :)


    Be a nice test to see if my verified take a boost once Im finished adding the new email address and if I can get past the annoying 400,000 submissions a day barrier I only ever get close to at the moment

    My best recorded so far was just a little over 350,000


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