Use a sledgehammer to crack a nut
Well I have now been using GSA Ser for a couple of weeks (4-5 weeks) and so far the results are really weak!

Let's start with the scraping part using a paid version of Gscraper:

As the image shows - I have scraped more than 43 MILLIONS URLS in a couple of hours.
Then I deduped these liks to ensure no duplicate domains (also removed redundant urls on top)
Then these potential targets were loaded into the Cannon aka GSA SER
And here are the result:
113 verified links

One could come to the conclusion that this is because of bad footprints?
I have tranfered all footprints from GSA Ser engines + plus added several custom made ones.
- Then removed redundant using textmechanic
I used 450K keywords all were randomized and all dupes were removed as well.
In terms of Captcha Solving - I would say I'm pretty good covered using these in combination:
Before loading GSA SER I did a HOUSECLEANING too, meaning all duplicate domains and urls were removed from the verified list.
My conclusion is that it would be cheaper to hire some homeless people for an hour to submit to different sites, and the result would probably and up with a higher rate of verified links.
Anyone else experiencing the same pattern or are you all lemmings, blindly following the ones up front?
Back a few months ago I was obtaining a very large amount of verified targets for example 250,000+ verified links per day on each installation and now in comparison this has dropped to around 20,000 which is amazingly bad, I'm not sure what is it, possibly the engines have been or not been updated in a while? Maybe maybe maybe... But I might have to revert back to my trusty 7.xx version just to give it a test.
But truth be told, SER is not hitting the same numbers as it was the start of this year.
Could be the email accounts failing on me too though.
Not sure if @sven can chime in on this issue? (if there is one)
If others are selecting "all types of links" then they would probably not notice what we are seeing.
When Ron first started selling their lists the lists lasted a couple of weeks, now they're spammed out in a day. I'm sure that Ron & Co aren't selling any more than they used to but COMPLETE IDIOTS are killing the golden goose. Then they post on here complaining that the software isn't working
The world's gone mad !!
I can read just fine, and I didn't call you a thief, you said it yourself.....
In one post you said you wouldn't buy lists as they could be downloaded for free, and in the next you stated that you used one as a test.... Not sure what else to read into that really, but they were your words, not mine.
As for the rest of your post, you've got that tinfoil hat on way too tight mate - as if we would need to bother going to those lengths to sell our [still decent, despite what you say] product. Seeing how much we've all helped people on here in the past and all of the free information we've given away, it's kind of insulting really.
Judging by your [over] reaction to my question, and the fact that you've not only launched a tirade of insults (both personal and professional) at me, but also threatened me twice, you've obviously got some kind of axe to grind, for whatever reason?
Anyway, I'm done with this thread....
- try this list with different ser version