What Type Of Backlinks Are Recommended Towards Tier 1 ?
Hi guys,
Purchased GSA SER a couple of days ago and I'm currently testing different options.
My link building pyramid concept looks like this:
***Money Site
***Tier 1 - Unique, High Quality, Manually Created Web 2.0
***Tiers 2 and 3 - I will let GSA handle them.
My question to those of you with more experience is: What type of links should i build, via GSA, towards my Tier 1 (which consists of manually created Web 2.0s) ? I am asking this because I've seen many people advising against guestbooks or image sharing websites. What do you recommend ( I'm trying to play it safe not blast those Web 2.0s into oblivion
Purchased GSA SER a couple of days ago and I'm currently testing different options.
My link building pyramid concept looks like this:
***Money Site
***Tier 1 - Unique, High Quality, Manually Created Web 2.0
***Tiers 2 and 3 - I will let GSA handle them.
My question to those of you with more experience is: What type of links should i build, via GSA, towards my Tier 1 (which consists of manually created Web 2.0s) ? I am asking this because I've seen many people advising against guestbooks or image sharing websites. What do you recommend ( I'm trying to play it safe not blast those Web 2.0s into oblivion

Any other opinions ? Which engines, in your experience, should be avoided when creating backlinks towards Tier 1 ?
Tier 1 - Contextual platforms where you can leave an article - Social Network, Web2.0 and Articles. I use KM exclusively for these with outstanding results (and I also endorse ACW which is great as well). If you have a prized moneysite that is worth the extra effort, I would also build some manual web2.0's that are human reviewed, and write some articles or outsource it.
Tier 2 - The kitchen sink, which is basically the other platforms. I don't use trackbacks, pingback or referrer for these. If you plan on having a Third Tier, then include in Tier 2 (as a separate project) the same platforms as Tier 1.
Tier 3 - If you do a Tier 3, then shoot the kitchen sink (above) to both Tier 2 projects.
It is important to understand that contextual properties will gather the most value in tiering. The other links are of lesser value (for example, a bookmark is not something to create tiers under if you get my drift - who would be linking in to bookmarks in real life - and it will never accumulate value like an article). So always draw up your tiering scheme to run contextual properties undermeath one another, and hit each layer of contextual links with the kitchen sink. These are the properties you want to feed the link juice.
Bear in mind that using Forum will get your email blacklisted quicker, so you may want to separate that platform. If you have anything that you must absolutely have a PR filter on (like blogs), you are best to break out those platforms as separate projects as you will slow down GSA and find fewer targets. The same applies to the OBL link filter.
Personally, I do not use these filters as I have found that I am ranking really well without them. I have always been a fan of high PR, but I have found since Penguin that this rule is no longer the rule. Most things you post on with the exception of blogs and maybe guestbooks have very low OBL's, so it isn't worth it.
Don't use guestbook, image comments, indexer, pingback, referrer, trackback in Tier 1. I use these platforms in Tier 3 along with ScrapeBox.
I don't use any PR filters as that decreases the number of links but I do use OBL filter of 60 to 100 (for blog comments).
You will however get the best results by having Tier 1 created manually. Also, use the Tier 1 as mini blogs i.e. having anywhere from 5 to 20 posts. You can get good results with single post Web 2.0s but they don't stick around for a long time, and with mini Web 2.0 blogs you can also use them for lead gen and eventually they will increase in PR and authority.
I also use Lindexed to get all the links indexed.
If you are paying for content, I would use those on non-GSA Tier 1 properties that are the tough/manual ones that you would have to do manually anyway. And then of course set up tiers underneath those.
For valuable money sites, I would create some of those prized elusive web 2.0's as a tier1. Then I would also use GSA to create separate Tier1's, and use a tool like KM or ACW for those, and everything underneath it. And then of course, put tiers below that.
I cannot tell you how much success I have had using GSA with just KM. People go on and on about all these high quality tier1's. To each his or her own. But I am knocking it out of the park with those spinners and just GSA with no manual web 2.0's. If they (your tier 1's) start to rank, then of course you will want to rewrite them into sales pieces.
Like I said above, Tier1 should be only those platforms that yield articles, and only those properties within that platform that yield articles. Like articles, web 2.0 and social network, wiki. If you just go two tiers deep, then tier 2 is the kitchen sink (all non article properties). If you have a tier 3, then separate tier 2 into two projects with contextual properties like tier 1, and the kitchen sink as the other project. Then tier 3 is the kitchen sink. Tier 3 then goes underneath the tier 2 contextual properties. Don't waste your time creating tiers under worthless links like the kitchen sink - they will never accumulate or store valiue - they are just links.
Also, PDF and document sites especially if the content is unique and reads well and then build web 2.0s to them and use GSA on the web 2.0s. Don't spam the document sharing sites... I've lost a few that way. But if done right you'll got lots to top rankings with them. I've got a ton of rankings using the likes of SlideShare.
PS - Don't spin the same articles for the lower tiers. Makes them lose their uniqueness. Use something like Kontent Machine or Fiverr for spun content for the lower tiers. My personal favorite is http://www.uniqueblend.net/... spun well, Copyscape pass and also they read ok.
If you are using unique or highly manual spun content for tier1 ..don't bother to use SER with spun content
If you are using SER with spun content, don't bother to use unique or manual spun content
Use either of the one :-)
And another question: do you word-spin your KM content ? Or just spinning paragraphs or sentences ?
@divatz - Take "Articles" as an example. Click the lead box so that all article platforms are highlighted. On the expander box, right-click on it and "Uncheck engines that use no contextual links". That leaves you with what you want. Social Networks and Web 2.0 are the others that are worthy.
If you want to see what they look like, right-click on your project, Show URL=>Verified, double click on a property and take a look.
I use the defaults for KM, and integrate a SpinChimp API.
Another thing i would like to ask is how do you approach indexing ?
I was thinking of using scrapebox...
Do you try to index only tier 2 (articles, social network, web 2.0) [for me tier 1 consists of only original, high quality web 2.0s]? Or the whole kitchen sink ? I assume it's the latter but i want to know your opinion.
I try to index everything. I have GSA sending everything to Lindexed. After a couple of weeks, I look to see what is not indexing (so that means I keep master lists for projects and compare).
Then I take those and put them in GSA Indexer. I love that program - it works extremely well. But I build so many links that I can't auto-feed that indexer - just too many links. So I do it separately.
Scrapebox is a great way to help something get indexed. I would highly recommend that as a way to help get links indexed. That is my final step in getting things indexed.
If you own scrapebox then you would know that it can scrape tens of thousands of blog sites to post to quickly. It does only one thing - it finds blog pages to target for posting.
Whereas GSA is dividing its resources across multiple projects - finding multiple targets - on multiple platforms. And then it opens emails, verifies, etc. If I can just get GSA to vacuum and get me some beer...
You really want GSA to do its thing because it is so good at it. Let it build links. Try to take the indexing burden and handle that separately. I think you will find that to be the best use of resources.
How do you index your backlinks with Scrapebox ? By posting comments to blogs right ? Do you use any auto-approve list (free or paid ?) ? Do you make your own auto-approve lists ? Any other useful approach ?
spintax is readable (!) created my self, no autospin. using approx 250 different anchortexts (will in crease that).
some other projects are like that:
L1 web.20 with ONE unique article, approx 400 words, related to money site.
L2 is spinned articles, postet to article dirctors.
L3 "junk" links, like forum profiles, etc.. (all the rest, except trackback and stuff..)
I think (some SEOs like greg morrison), point their spinned articles to their monesite too.
but those spinns are readable :-) and related.
for existing projects that have some links, traffic, customer, I would go for web.20 strategy. just to be safe..
@divatz - I take a multi-step approach to index:
1) I use the Lindexed API key to autofeed them as they are built in GSA.
2) After a couple of weeks, I re-verify all verified links. Then I take what is there and check if they are indexed in Scrapebox (I don't want to slow down GSA, and I need public proxies to do this anyway).
3) I create two separate lists for each Project Grouping- Indexed and NonIndexed.
4) I keep the Indexed list always updated and adding to it. I take the NonIndexed list and submit it to GSA Indexer - great program by the way, and deserves more credit. That program builds 1400 links to each nonindexed link.
5) I wait a couple of weeks. I then check that list I submitted to GSA to see what got indexed and what didn't. I add the ones that got indexed to my master list. Why? Because I use SB to compare any new verified lists from GSA to weed out ones I already indexed. Saves a ton of time.
6) I take the nonidexed ones from GSA Indexer, and I run a SB blast. Scrape your own list in SB to blast. If you already have a list, great. These are just links. That is my final step.
If I had xrumer, I would have just eliminated steps 2-6 lol
But I don't have XR yet. Doesn't mean I won't.
So if I am reading correctly you are using KM to product Articles for Tier1? I can't get KM to produce much readable content, any tips for that?
@ambition - No spinner is going to create readable content. I don't worry about that and my rankings are golden and they stick.
The only time you ever need to worry about readable content is if you are trying to create accounts at human moderated platforms. It's not google that's going to pick you off - it's the humans - remember that.
From my point of view, it was useless to blast to 1400 indexing site that more then half not allowed deep link, try to select this options "sue only indexing site that allow deep link", cause it only 450+ site, it was 1/3 of the full indexing site list.
By doing this, you will speed you GSA SEO indexing blast by 3x times...
correct me if i'm wrong... since i never use full blast... i use quick and now full but with only indexing service that allow deep links.
@darman82 - I completely forgot about that - too many balls in the air. Brilliant observation. I just checked Indexer and have full and deep link both checked.
Do you just check the deep link and that's all?