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  • Hey Kind of confused slightly.  Who's offering the web 2.0 script service for GSA. @jamese or @awint?  Just wondering.  Other than that I'm down.  This sounds awesome.
  • AlexRAlexR Cape Town
    @Jamese - will your offering:
    a) Remove the default post. like "Hello world"?
    b) Upload avatar from a file we choose?
    c) Allow us to fill in extra details like hobbies, interests, etc, to make sure it passes human moderation?
    d) Choose a random theme so they don't all look the same. 
  • Is there anyway that I can beta test this service? 
  • @s4nt0s sounds perfect but what is release date?
  • @awint what are those 30 proprieties?
  • lol what a mess, @awint you should create your own thread, this one is for @jamese
  • s4nt0ss4nt0s Houston, Texas
    @AlexR - I am not Jamese but I can answer some of these from my experience testing his service.

    A) Yes it removes the hello world post.
    B) It uses the keywords you input in SER to scrape an image from the search engines and upload it to the avatar/profile
    C) I'm pretty sure it does that automatically 
    D) Yes it chooses a random theme

    @seagul - Honestly I have no clue. I couldn't imagine it being more then a week or two max. Then again, I'm not the creator so I can't say for sure. :P
  • Does it grab just ANY picture, so that there could be copyright problems?
  • AlexRAlexR Cape Town
    @Jamese - I would really like it to be able to use the %Spinfile- macro for the avatar images. This way I can control what's getting shown.

    Excited for this release. 
  • edited April 2013
    rodol  yes, i create an new thread, please check it.    The first 30 web2.0 engine is done.

    to @JAMESES Optionally I also consider work together to avoid reinvent the wheel.

  • @AlexR

    currently, have not support delete default post and random theme.  but some theme are random selected by nature. and it seem not many engine have default post need to deleted. If there, plz let me know, i can fix them.
  • for all you have contact me, sorry for delay. updated engine will release after you paid. payment info will be sent tomorrow. befor sven make api for me, all you need to do for update is download and unzip files to engine folder, it will overwrite origin one.
  • JamesJames
  • Awint i registered my email and havnt seen any roll out?
  • Count me in, man! That would be so great. 
  • if it is also possible,count me in,please
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