SER got great support from @Sven but yeah, it's slower lately and i hope it will be fixed soon. Today i only got 9k of submited links, even with every project "green"
Woah, can everyone please stop pissing off the guy that helps me run my business.
Sven keep doing what you're doing - if anything I'd stop replying on all threads, it's gonna drive you crazy
I'm more than happy with my SER stats and rankings and earnings I'm getting. That's why I've gone from 1 copy of SER to 4 copies of SER and CB in 7 months. I will continue to buy more as I know it works and when to scale up. (maybe I'll not get to Hunar's level just yet).
I have optimised my setup (which I think most people haven't) so it doesn't eat RAM or CPU. I'll admit I saw a bump in speed of posting around the 8.21 mark but it's been the same since then and I'm running the latest versions.
People need to stop trying to run 500 projects at the same time on a shitty VPS with a 600 billion URL list they've scraped and fed into SER raw and on SER that is packed with gazillion combinations of spun content.
If you want speed, then test different things so you know how to make things quicker, don't just go and run to Sven saying that SER is broken, it's not, your setup is shit. Stop blaming tools for your ineptitude.
I just want to chime in on this as well. I love GSA SER as it is. I don't blast millions of links every week, so I don't need a speeddevil or 200 LPM. I understand posters like Gooner and others who want more speed and less, but I'm not in that camp, so I just want to support Sven in his current affairs and say it's not ALL his customers who want more speed less features.
I find it laughable that some on here tries to teach Sven the creator of this goldmine of a program how to code SER. You knew what you bought when you got SER, now live with it or get some coder to make your own 64 bit "SER". It's ok to have a wishlist, but come on show some respect when the creator again and again has rejected the idea of making it 64 bit.
And yeah - I actually have 3 copies of SER, not because I have SER 100% utilized but for other purposes.
I want to add, for me the worsest thing that happen with GSA for the last 6 month - very bad posting on platforms that need email verification, remember times when almost 70-80% verified engines was drupal and wordpress, now about 90% is XpressEngine (not need in emails), when such engines like Drupal, Joomla, Worpress, Zendesk,PHPFox verified some link it like a miracle, do u agree with me? or only I have such problem ???
Do you imagine how many links are built each day? WE are killing GSA, websites databases are down, ownersg are fighting against spam etc. etc. its not GSA fault you get much less LPM or verified links
I agree with everything, but I think the problem lies in keeping everything up to date when prob most people who use GSA already have it, already paid for it. So it is like free work. Look at senuke. its huge, and its cause the monthly price.
I dont want to pay nearly that amount (hence why I dont!), but like $24.99 Id pay per month to use GSA if that means he gets to hire other coders as well to optimize the software. It needs to be 64 bit. This isn't 2001.
But re coding the entire thing would prob be crazy long time and maybe costly.
Or maybe just re-charge for a 64 bit version, and I'd be okay with that again if that means it can use more than 4gb, and is faster. 99% CPU is insane my top games dont take that much cpu.
@tsaimllc - this may be because games stress the gpu not the cpu. I don't see a game in need of doing 10% of what SER does. Thus less cpu demands. If you need a 64 bit version because of memory problems you should really look into running it via scheduler.
I find it laughable that some on here tries to teach Sven the creator of this goldmine of a program how to code SER. You knew what you bought when you got SER, now live with it or get some coder to make your own 64 bit "SER". It's ok to have a wishlist, but come on show some respect when the creator again and again has rejected the idea of making it 64 bit.
And yeah - I actually have 3 copies of SER, not because I have SER 100% utilized but for other purposes.
All the game guys would tell me that 'you will never have a use for 8 cores' however marketing rpograms will happily use all that.