It will be a great feature to check if the email address we are using is in a blacklist and put an alert on each campaign about it. Check every x hours if our email address is in a blacklist and put some icon or color on each campaign.
Something like this was requested a dozen times already, but according to Sven it is not as easy to implement as you think. It is on his To-Do-List though.
Just use a will see this solves the issues and then lets Sven focus on other more important tasks. I requested both features, until I used a catchall and now they are unecessary and will just complicate things.
@tumpien - Inside your project look to the right of the email field and you will see "Check Blacklist". Click on that and it will check with two spam services to see if you made the list for that email.
Bear in mind that checking your emails to see if they are on the blacklist is a manual procedure. Everyone does it differently, but I do it once a day for all projects and clean up the bad ones as needed - it helps SER post to more properties and increases your efficiency.
@dogGoogles - check out the discussion on using a catchall on this forum. I think this has been tested for a while and nobody has had this issue. Still needs some more testing IMHO. But - the time saving after your catchall works is worth it!
Here is the thread if you need to know how to do it.
Wouldn't that "confuse" SER, if it didn't clear url history and cache ?
I'm using catchall also (from the actual domain using cpanel)
How to know if an email has been blacklisted? Will that mean it cannot sign up to new sites?
@tumpien - Inside your project look to the right of the email field and you will see "Check Blacklist". Click on that and it will check with two spam services to see if you made the list for that email.
Bear in mind that checking your emails to see if they are on the blacklist is a manual procedure. Everyone does it differently, but I do it once a day for all projects and clean up the bad ones as needed - it helps SER post to more properties and increases your efficiency.