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GSA and proxies problem

LeeGLeeG Eating your first bourne
edited November 2012 in Need Help

Cut a long story short

Im running gsa on an i7 vps with 4 gig of ram, 100 mbt connection.

Friday I updated gsa to that days release and added my 30 new shared proxies from

My submissions dropped from an everage 1k an hour over 12 hrs to about 800 in 12hrs. Thats a total of 800, not 800 an hour

GSA went very sluggish, issued another 30 proxies

Submissions hit 2500 over a 12hr period

Running gsa with proxies disabled for searches and it runs very fast

Running gsa withe use proxies for pr checking and its running on octane

But the end result is you get flagged by the search engines and get slapped for an hour or three

Are there any tests I can do to show their shared proxies are at fault. At the moment they are blaming problems with gsa 

With proxies enabled for searching and pr checking, it keep causing the scheduler to hang

Up until the last batch of proxies from these guys, I had never had a problem with them and gsa



  • SvenSven
    did you change the setting to wait between search engine queries? Maybe that setting is to low.
  • LeeGLeeG Eating your first bourne

    I made no changes at the time except do the gsa upgrade and add the new proxies at the time.

    The first batch made gsa sluggish and hang. The main time for gsa to hang is when gsa was hitting the 30 minute change on the sheduler

    The second ones after I opened a ticket, just as bad

    I have a quick fix in place, which is using a HMA pro VPN and changing the ip every minute

    A lot of the ips they use are blocked, but Im still getting better results than using shared proxies from for searches and ip checking

    But with the speed gsa is running without using the proxies, it is compensating a bit

    As with any trouble shooting I have done with gsa in the past, I did a backup, complete uninstall of gsa with revo and then reinstall etc

    Search engine queries, I set to 30 seconds

  • LeeGLeeG Eating your first bourne
    Seems after complaining, they cancelled my proxies and issued a refund
  • LeeGLeeG Eating your first bourne
    Changed proxy supplier to proxy-hub, one Sven used to have a link to in GSA and everything is running fast again. Back to my 1k+ submissions an hour
  • Hi LeeG, im quite impressed by your stats of 1k+ submissions/hour. Thats awesome!

    I am currently using a BermanHosting vps with 2 gig ram 100 mbt and 30 private proxies. Ive been using GSA for about a month now and i average 500-600 submissions an hour, basically half of what you get.

    Do you mind sharing the key settings you use? Much appreciated!
  • One more thing i want to ask:
    what do you think about the settings in the 'GSA" best practice guide? Do you prefer tiered linking?
  • uh oh,   I'm running into the same exact issues as you Lee.  :(
  • LeeGLeeG Eating your first bourne
    edited November 2012

    1k an hour pffffffft that was then

    Yesterday I was doing 3k an hour

    Im averaging 2k to 2.5k an hour now after some tweaking of gsa

    The tweaking is in the html timeout. The lower you set it, the quicker gsa seems to lob out links

    At the same time, you dont want it set too low that it dont varify links. Mine is set to about 110 at present, running 200 threads. 300 threads and I can kill the vps with it running at warp factor god knows what, but Scotty keeps screaming :) About 1k an hour per 100 threads


    The trick to testing if its proxies

    If you think things are running slow

    Options button then submissions tab

    Disable use proxies for pr checking

    Same with search time

    Then set it to only use proxies for posting links

    In other words, disable anything that uses proxies and keeping on the right side of your host

    When I checked mine, the speed increase was more than double


    But there are a number of reasons gsa can slow down on verified links, not enough keywords, html timeout set wrong and proxies.


    In my case, the speed increase is something Im more than happy with


  • @LeeG Thanks for the tips LeeG, i tweaked my settings and am looking forward to seeings how it plays out :)

    @Hunar I might be in the same boat, installed the GSA update today, and so far have 54 verified for the entire day... I just restarted the program, applied LeeG's tweaks, and im hoping that it will improve. Plz let me know if you get the problem fixed, as i might need to do the same if the issue rests primarily in the's proxies.
  • edited November 2012
    Update: over the previous 2 hours submitted 1400, but verified only 12 :/

    I usually have a 10-12% verified/submitted ratio

    I have the html timeout at 110, and using proxies for posting links only.

    Any suggestions?
  • ronron
    edited November 2012

    @icashin You have to remember that your verified links run on a bit of a lag (up to 5 days from when you submitted them). So if you just dramatically increased your submitted links with those new tweaks, it will probably take a day or two to 'catch up' to your normal verified ratio. My typical is about 15% for the record. Here are my settings:

    • Html timeout at 120
    • 10 second pause for search engines
    • 3MB max size for website to download
    • 100 threads
    • 30 semi-dedicated proxies from

    This gets me about 1000 submitted links per hour. Fyi, I'm doing this from home on cable (36 Mbps), 64 bit, Windows 7, 3.6 Ghz, 8 Gb RAM.  Hope this helps.

  • Naw, I'm seeing very very poor results lately,  Usually i'd get like 3-4k verifieds per day.  and 25k Submitted Links per day.   As of now i'm barely scratching over 2,500 Links per day and this is on 300 Threads across 60 Projects.  

    Something is deff going on, but I know it all started when I got new proxies from
  • ronron
    @Hunar One thing I noticed with private proxies (in general) and GSA: If I see my submit/verified count down, one of the things I check is to see if all of my private proxies are working. For some unknown reason, I have noticed a correlation with a bad proxy and a much slower GSA. For example, if I have one bad proxy out of 30 proxies, I should see a loss in productivity of about 3%. But I find that sometimes I can lose 50%. I have no idea why. I can't prove it or anything. But one thing I do is test my private proxies daily in GSA, and if one is bad, I leave it unchecked. And then GSA jumps up a couple of gears into being fast again. It's just something that I do and it helps. 
  • Hmm,  I'll have to try that.  Thanks Ron. :)   I keep testing and testing they all come back as working.  but as we all know they aren't tested for google just bing,  and google is what matters.    So I use scrapebox to test them,  but i'm limited to 2 IP's  and scrapebox is on a completely diff computer  so I can't even really test them from there.   :/
  • @ ron That actually did help, thank you ron! i tested and indeed had one out of 30 proxies not working.

    But i believe that it might be more that just that, even with the 29 working running im getting very poor results.

    I keep seeing "no engine matches" messages

    and a TON of:

     [ ] 000/000 [Page END] results on Thunderstone for Quicksilver with query "The Quicksilver Forums Development Team" reflect


    [ ] Loaded 0/93 URLs from site lists

    My settings mostly like yours, but:

    1) Use proxies: For posting   (theres no Custom wait time bw search engine queries)

    "use proxies for PR checking" OFF

    2) Under Options: im using all "English language search engines"

    3) have "use URLs from global site lists if enabled" ON (im not sure if that means im supposed to import a global site list, i thought GSA)

    4) have Always use keywords to find target site OFF

    I've been trying to tweak GSA according to the advice on forums, and might have made a mistake in my settings. Guidance much appreciated.
  • @Hunar Wow, you can run 60 projects on a single GSA account? Are they tiered?
  • If u don't use proxy for PR is SER going to check PR? Does it use your PC IP to check PR? If so..Google will ban your home IP in no time..
  • OzzOzz
    edited November 2012
    - no engine matches = the site/platform is not supported by SER. very common due to the fact that the search results will give you all kind of links and not every one is a platform SER is able to post to. another reason could be that it is indeed a platform SER could post to, but just couldn't be identified (site was modified for example and the identificators doesn't work)

    - 000/000 [Page End] results = no results were given by the SEs but could also be a sign of bad or blocked proxies. In your case the SE "Thunderstone" is a very special one which won't give you results anyways for specific and multi part keywords. I always advice to not select "all english SE" for example as there are too many bad apples that won't give you much or any results. Take a look into this thread to know how to test them or just use the SEs I recommended in that thread.

    - Loaded 0/XXX URLs from site list = very common and nothing you need to worry about as long as you feed your site list with new target URLs. SER simply scans the site list in random order and found no target URL which it hasn't tried to post to yet. You can delete your history cache with -> right click project -> modify -> delete target history URLs to try to post to the URLs again.

  • @ron: how high are your proxy timeout settings (-> options -> submission -> configure -> options -> timeout). If it is higher than lets say 5 seconds than lower this setting as each time the bad proxy will be checked it waits until the timeout limit is reached. this could be part of the reason why your productivity is decreasing.
  • LeeGLeeG Eating your first bourne

    I run about 30 projects all with tiers

    Then run it with the scheduler. 10 projects for 30 minutes on constant rotation

    Takes about 4 hours to do a complete cycle of all projects

    But all projects get an equal blast of links.

    Ratio I work to is about 1 in 10 confirmed

  • ronron
    @Ozz Yeah, I have it at the default of 5 seconds. Do you have it lower?
  • edited November 2012
    Sorry just to add,  Something must be going on with buyproxies.  Cause i've heard of you who had terrible results, Myself and a few others.

    Maybe their block of IP's got banned?  cause i turn off the proxies and i get 1-2k links submitter per hour.    With the proxies on I get 1k submitted links in 24 hours. 

    Which sucks cause last month I getting fantastic results.  than this month (renew time)  horrible results. :(
  • ronron

    @senty4love This may be counter to everything you know about seo, but I have no PR checks on any project, and my ranking results have been stellar. Literally outstanding ranking results.

    I have always been a big time believer in high PR links, but I have come to the conslusion - based on what I have seen with GSA - that Google does not value high PR links as much as they used to. My only rationale for what I am seeing is that GSA's diversity of links may be more important these days.

    Needless to say, by not using the PR filter, my GSA is operating much more efficiently. Checking PR is one of those things that can slam a proxy into the dirt.

  • @ron: no, 5 seconds is fine. i was just guessing because i think that a very high proxy timeout could have thrawt the submission rate in the way you described.
  • Well, buyproxies is gonna refund me as well.  So, I had the exact same results as you so far Lee,  Gonna see if I can find another place.
  • Thanks to everybody for all the good info! Pretty cool to see a community forming around GSA.

    "- Loaded 0/XXX URLs from site list = very common and nothing you need to
    worry about as long as you feed your site list with new target URLs.
    SER simply scans the site list in random order and found no target URL
    which it hasn't tried to post to yet. You can delete your history cache
    with -> right click project -> modify -> delete target history URLs to try to post to the URLs again."

    @Ozz How do i "feed" or post my site list with new target URLs? Do i need to find a list on BHW or another forum?

    @Hunar I tested my proxies and none of them were working when in the proxy test i changed "http" to "google" So im going to ask buyproxies for a refund as well.

    Im using public proxies from GSA right now, and ill be looking for a new place to buy shortly, plz let me know if you find a good proxy provider.

  • LeeGLeeG Eating your first bourne

    Hunar, buyproxies are normally good.

    Open a support ticket and complain, explaining that they are all google banned etc

    They will normally issue a new batch with in an hour on a good day.

    I had two new batches and complained again about the quality of them.

    That's when I got a refund and a blunt message with it.

    This is the message I got when they issued the refund


    lets refund this and finish this "shitty proxies which are overselled", I already gave you proofs that they work without issues.

    We will send a refund in the next minutes, sorry


    The above was from the final support ticket from them. They also monitor if your using the proxies.

    So even when your using them and they are running like crap, they use it in their defence.

    One company advertising on bhw, proxy51, when I looked for a new provider myself, I found a divert on their site if you accessed it with windows explorer. Sends you to the 404 page. Sent the guy a couple of pm´s about the problem and as far as I know its still there

    Shop around, find the best discounts

    The provider I use now, I found a 15% discount, which made 40 proxies a few dollars more than 30 with buyproxies

  • I had gotten pretty much the exact same message from buyproxies.  and they certainly did refund me right away.     anyhow,  Thanks lee,  I'm gonna go shopping around now for another proxy provider. :)
  • @LeeG

    "The provider I use now, I found a 15% discount, which made 40 proxies a few dollars more than 30 with buyproxies"

    would you mind sharing the source ?
  • ^^^ I currently use BP for GSA and I think I'm running into the same problem...
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