Next I will be launching content scraping services, to include: articles scraping, GSA Target Url Scraping and also footprint scraping - these are my priority on the moment.
If you have purchased from my site in the past, then you will receive a email if and when new services are launched on my site.
AS yu might know by now, there are some issues lately with Outlook and Hotmail accounts which require that pop 3 be manually activated.
To avoid this problem all data packs from now on will be created with Yahoo accounts as well as a few other random free mail accounts, which will have pop 3 and spam filter activated, This will ensure your new data packs run smooth.
NEW TARGET URL SCRAPING SERVICE ADDED: I have added a new service over the weekend - Target Url scraping. Targeted urls can be imported into your existing GSA Ser projects or when u order new data packs and also order the Target Url scraping then i will import it for you into your data pack
I make use of just over 3200 footprints for the scraping, and the scraping is lightning fast. The cost is $10 per keyword -- So for $10 u can get anything from 20,000 to 500,000 and more targeted urls.
Glennf Yes i have reintroduced the unique top tier optional add on about a week ago, and email was send out to all that ordered data packs from me before. To ensure readability i have removed word and phrase spinning and now only use paragraph and title spinning.
Reznor - You order which i received 3 days ago is in progress. You have ordered a Data pack with unique top tier content, this mean we have to write the articles for you.
You will get a faster response by using the live help on my site for info related to existing orders. You can also login to your account here: to see the status.
These data packs are a wonderful thing put together by royalmice. I am using his data packs and they work great and save A LOT of time, especially if you are new to GSA SER. The data packs are a nice addition to the GSA SER ecosystem
Thank you both very much for the positive feedback, i highly appreciate you taking the time to do so. I am glad that i were able to save you some time with the GSA SER Data Pack
I am sorry for the delayed response but been really busy with the development of some new services and some onsite optimization. Some of the new service will include: GSA Ser Data pack management and Hosting - meaning i run your data pack for you on our high speed VPS's Also working on the new web 2.0 mini site service and hope to have that ready towards the end of the month. Other new services include: footprint extraction and article scraping.
I will update the thread when any of the new options became available, There is also a "get notified" feature which i added where you can add your email to any product on hold or showing out of stock, to then automatically get notified when it becomes available again.
I just tried the 7 tier pack with the target URLs add-on. Saves me a lot of time and the boring task of chasing down data, creating accounts and punching check boxes. Amazing and impressive service, will order again.
@royalmice how long would it take to churn out 20 x 7-tier data packs? Is the content you create for about us/comments etc the same for all new clients? For example, will I receive anything that is the same or similar to the previous customer?
I should be able to get you 20 x 7 tier project out in +/- 96 hours. ( Keep in mind my time zone is GMT+7)
I create each project from scratch, that mean the long tail keyword scraping and the content is build completely from scratch for each order, Even if you place 2 orders for keyword "dogs" after each other, the content will be slightly different as the sources used for the scraping are in rotation so it is not the same each time.
I am online now so u can chat live with me via the live help on my site - should you require additional info \ help.
@ilovebots -- Many thanks for taking the time to leave feedback and i am glad i was able to save you time and that you are happy with the service and the delivered work.
Wish you a great weekend and look forward to be of service again
Hello, I've purchased a datapack from you a couple months ago to build links to my tier 1 external blogs. I recently had to change URLs (my last URL was too similar to a competitor so and now I'm restarting pain in the arse) I'd like to know if buying the data pack + 5 tier add on + original content for top tiers + target URL scraping would be sufficient to safely build links directly to my new URL?
@Judderman Thanks, yes it is strange how many peole still think the earth is flat ) Thank you very much, i will keep an eye out for your order next week
@zubidoo GSA would be a great way to build links for your new domain, but if it is a new domain i would suggest you set a schedule filter to do only about 5 - 10 verified links per day for all of the tiers, this will ensure appear more naturally, you can later increase it to more verified as the domain gets older. If you remind me about this when ordering i wil set the schedule for you.
Please note however -- GSA SER is not a magic solution -- you still have to work on on page seo and ensuring you have a website which offer the user a good experience with good relevant content
Royalmice, I am a newbie in GSA SER - I have ordered a pack from you last week which you delivered during the weekend. I have load it up according to instructions and started the project, however, two hours later it says 0 submissions.
I have sent an email to your support page for some help in setting it up but I haven't received any reply - please check your spam folder.
I am using the SER and the Captcha Breaker via dynamic ip. Can you please help? Or anyone else in this matter?
All emails i have received has been responded to but i don't recall anything from you, but then again i wont know as i have no idea what your email address is or what your order number is. I will be online still for the next 4 hours or so so you can either chat with me via the live chat on my website or via my Skype address.
0 submissions sound like you either did not activate each of the tiers, or could be your proxies have a problem.
For all those that put value on time, this service is truly worth every penny. I witnessed clear and concise instructions as to what steps to follow. This setup saved me at least 2 to 3 hours in preparation time. Thanks for an awesome service!
@bestdays - Thank you very much for taking the time to leave feedback about your experience with my GSA Search Engine Ranker data packs. I am really glad i was able to save you several hours of preparation time.. I look forward to continue helping you with your future data packs
I have also completed the Sunday updates to the 5 and 7 tier data packs, so please to let you know that the data packs will include the very latest platforms, including the many new ones added and updated by Sven last week as well as SERengines. In addition i have updated the scheduling on all data packs, to ensure that you don't get clasified as a spammer or burn out your ip's -- All data packs link building are now set to appear more natural in terms with the rate at which they are being build.
I am re-posting a earlier post as i receive many inquiries about what urls \ keywords to use:
The reason why it says "Up to 100 urls" on the order page is so people
can use deep links. BUT it does not mean you HAVE to provide 100 links,
if you dont have then provide as many as you can; for example:
If promoting an entire website:
Main site link
Site feed link
Site comment feed
Sitemap link
About us link
contact us link
category links
post links
site's Facebook link
site's Twitter link
site's YouTube link
and any other high profile links pointing to your main web url (specially web 2.0 )
If promoting a category on your website:
Category link
Category feed link
Category comment feed
Sitemap link
About us link
contact us link
post within that category link
site's Facebook link
site's Twitter link
site's YouTube link
and any other high profile links pointing to that category (specially web 2.0 )
If promoting a page on your website:
Page link
Sitemap link
About us link
Contact us link
Facebook link
Twitter link
YouTube link
and any other high profile links pointing to that page(specially web 2.0 )
of the reasons i am asking for 3 keyword is if i am unable to find
content for a keyword, then i have 2 others to try for. I works best if
the 3 keywords are all on the same niche, for instance if you are
promoting a specific category on your site then the keywords should be
related to the category, and even sub category, as a stupid example: Category name is: Dog Sun glasses Your 3 keywords would be something like: dog sunglasses, sunglasses for dogs, Rayban sunglasses for dogs
What i then do is search for content (articles, news, images, videos) on those 3 keywords I also take those 3 keywords and do a longtail keyword search I remove all keyword phrases longer than 5 words Try to remove usa city names, dates, countries
The longtail list is then what will be used for your anchor text
you are going to use an automation tool like GSA Ser, then it means you
are going to create a high volume of backlinks. Now it is going to look
very suspicious to Google if every one of those backlinks have the
exact same anchor and all pointing to exactly the same link - Then it
becomes a problem with Google.
By randomly using a bunch of
related links and hundreds of relevant keywords we ensure that we have
link diversity and anchor text variation == if you know anything about
the Panda or Penguin updates then you will know how important that is
for successful SEO marketing.
CAN U CHANGE THE LONGTAILS IF U DON'T LIKE THEM Yes you can, infarct you can change anything and everything in the data packs after loading it into GSA SER.
keywords and anchors are not directly inserted into the content,
instead i insert, GSA SER placeholders like %anchor_text% and %url% , so
the links in the content you receive will look like this: <a href="%url%">%anchor_text%</a>
only place where keywords \ anchors and links are added is for the top
tier, on the option page. You can edit those keywords if you want to
add more or remove some. So whatever is added here is what GSA SER will
smartly and randomly use to replace %anchor_text% and %url% this ensure
greater diversity. For the lower tiers it will use the verified links of the Tier above and replace the %url% with that.
So the first few orders I did only took me a few days. After you had me write that review I haven't heard back from you about my order. At least tell me what's going on instead of ignoring me. I've send you 5 e-mails asking what was going on and contacted you through the website. This is not the best way to show customer service.
@iclosem if you tell me your order number i would be happy to look it up for you. I have received no emails from you at all and i dont recall any chats with you via live chat.
So if you sent me your order number then i can look it up.
All orders are completed within 96 hours as is indicated on the sales page, the oldest pending orders i have is 48 hours + 2 unique content order which are 72 hours and getting delivered this morning.
So again -- i can not tell you anything if you dont at least give me your order number or email used for ordering.
You did not give a order number but i were able to find your order as you registered with the same username as on this forum. I can see that your only order, order number #3068. was completed 3 weeks ago on the 13th of March 2013 at 05H43 (GMT}
I received 0 emails from you, nor are there ANY tickets in my ticket system that is pending, and there is no unanswered live chats from your IP location.
Here is a screenshot of your order -- take note of the Order Notes on the bottom right side of the screen and u will see your order completion date and action taken...
Awesone service. Really well done and effective. I was fighting myself for months using my own GSA SER knowledge with quite poor results, but using their 7 tiers pyramid within few weeks I am on top1 now. Also I learnt a lot watching how it was done. I highly recommend. Thank you for your job so well done.
I have just reintroduced the unique content service for GSA ser project - see post here :
Next I will be launching content scraping services, to include: articles scraping, GSA Target Url Scraping and also footprint scraping - these are my priority on the moment.
If you have purchased from my site in the past, then you will receive a email if and when new services are launched on my site.
AS yu might know by now, there are some issues lately with Outlook and Hotmail accounts which require that pop 3 be manually activated.
To avoid this problem all data packs from now on will be created with Yahoo accounts as well as a few other random free mail accounts, which will have pop 3 and spam filter activated, This will ensure your new data packs run smooth.
I have added a new service over the weekend - Target Url scraping.
Targeted urls can be imported into your existing GSA Ser projects or when u order new data packs and also order the Target Url scraping then i will import it for you into your data pack
I make use of just over 3200 footprints for the scraping, and the scraping is lightning fast.
The cost is $10 per keyword -- So for $10 u can get anything from 20,000 to 500,000 and more targeted urls.
More details on the Target URL service from here:
Thank and have a nice week ahead
To ensure readability i have removed word and phrase spinning and now only use paragraph and title spinning.
You can read the full details of The Unique Top Tier GSA Data pack from here :
Please go to the page you ordered from : and scroll down to where you see the heading DELIVERY TIMES you will get the info there how long it takes.
You will get a faster response by using the live help on my site for info related to existing orders. You can also login to your account here: to see the status.
Thanks and have a nice day
Thanks again.
Thank you both very much for the positive feedback, i highly appreciate you taking the time to do so.
I am glad that i were able to save you some time with the GSA SER Data Pack
I am sorry for the delayed response but been really busy with the development of some new services and some onsite optimization.
Some of the new service will include: GSA Ser Data pack management and Hosting - meaning i run your data pack for you on our high speed VPS's
Also working on the new web 2.0 mini site service and hope to have that ready towards the end of the month.
Other new services include: footprint extraction and article scraping.
I will update the thread when any of the new options became available, There is also a "get notified" feature which i added where you can add your email to any product on hold or showing out of stock, to then automatically get notified when it becomes available again.
For more on the GSA Search Engine Data packs and related services, please drop by my site:
Thank and have a great week
I just tried the 7 tier pack with the target URLs add-on. Saves me a lot of time and the boring task of chasing down data, creating accounts and punching check boxes. Amazing and impressive service, will order again.
I should be able to get you 20 x 7 tier project out in +/- 96 hours. ( Keep in mind my time zone is GMT+7)
I create each project from scratch, that mean the long tail keyword scraping and the content is build completely from scratch for each order, Even if you place 2 orders for keyword "dogs" after each other, the content will be slightly different as the sources used for the scraping are in rotation so it is not the same each time.
I am online now so u can chat live with me via the live help on my site - should you require additional info \ help.
Wish you a great weekend and look forward to be of service again
Thanks, yes it is strange how many peole still think the earth is flat
Thank you very much, i will keep an eye out for your order next week
GSA would be a great way to build links for your new domain, but if it is a new domain i would suggest you set a schedule filter to do only about 5 - 10 verified links per day for all of the tiers, this will ensure appear more naturally, you can later increase it to more verified as the domain gets older. If you remind me about this when ordering i wil set the schedule for you.
Please note however -- GSA SER is not a magic solution -- you still have to work on on page seo and ensuring you have a website which offer the user a good experience with good relevant content
Thank you it has now been fixed, was a problem with the Yoast Woocommerce SEO plugin.
The shop is now open for business again:
Have a nice day
All emails i have received has been responded to but i don't recall anything from you, but then again i wont know as i have no idea what your email address is or what your order number is.
I will be online still for the next 4 hours or so so you can either chat with me via the live chat on my website or via my Skype address.
0 submissions sound like you either did not activate each of the tiers, or could be your proxies have a problem.
I am really glad i was able to save you several hours of preparation time..
I look forward to continue helping you with your future data packs
I have also completed the Sunday updates to the 5 and 7 tier data packs, so please to let you know that the data packs will include the very latest platforms, including the many new ones added and updated by Sven last week as well as SERengines.
In addition i have updated the scheduling on all data packs, to ensure that you don't get clasified as a spammer or burn out your ip's -- All data packs link building are now set to appear more natural in terms with the rate at which they are being build.
5 Tier data packs scheduling now look like this:
7 Tier data packs scheduling now look like this:
The reason why it says "Up to 100 urls" on the order page is so people can use deep links. BUT it does not mean you HAVE to provide 100 links, if you dont have then provide as many as you can; for example:
If promoting an entire website:
If promoting a category on your website:
If promoting a page on your website:
One of the reasons i am asking for 3 keyword is if i am unable to find content for a keyword, then i have 2 others to try for. I works best if the 3 keywords are all on the same niche, for instance if you are promoting a specific category on your site then the keywords should be related to the category, and even sub category, as a stupid example:
Category name is: Dog Sun glasses
Your 3 keywords would be something like: dog sunglasses, sunglasses for dogs, Rayban sunglasses for dogs
What i then do is search for content (articles, news, images, videos) on those 3 keywords
I also take those 3 keywords and do a longtail keyword search
I remove all keyword phrases longer than 5 words
Try to remove usa city names, dates, countries
The longtail list is then what will be used for your anchor text
If you are going to use an automation tool like GSA Ser, then it means you are going to create a high volume of backlinks. Now it is going to look very suspicious to Google if every one of those backlinks have the exact same anchor and all pointing to exactly the same link - Then it becomes a problem with Google.
By randomly using a bunch of related links and hundreds of relevant keywords we ensure that we have link diversity and anchor text variation == if you know anything about the Panda or Penguin updates then you will know how important that is for successful SEO marketing.
Yes you can, infarct you can change anything and everything in the data packs after loading it into GSA SER.
The keywords and anchors are not directly inserted into the content, instead i insert, GSA SER placeholders like %anchor_text% and %url% , so the links in the content you receive will look like this: <a href="%url%">%anchor_text%</a>
The only place where keywords \ anchors and links are added is for the top tier, on the option page. You can edit those keywords if you want to add more or remove some. So whatever is added here is what GSA SER will smartly and randomly use to replace %anchor_text% and %url% this ensure greater diversity.
For the lower tiers it will use the verified links of the Tier above and replace the %url% with that.
I hope that answers your question, if not please feel free to drop me a PM or contact me via the LIVE HELP on my site and we can discuss
GSA Ser Data pack sales page -
For details of the 7, and 5 tier packs as well as the standard data pack, check out my blog page at:
I have received no emails from you at all and i dont recall any chats with you via live chat.
So if you sent me your order number then i can look it up.
All orders are completed within 96 hours as is indicated on the sales page, the oldest pending orders i have is 48 hours + 2 unique content order which are 72 hours and getting delivered this morning.
So again -- i can not tell you anything if you dont at least give me your order number or email used for ordering.
You did not give a order number but i were able to find your order as you registered with the same username as on this forum.
I can see that your only order, order number #3068. was completed 3 weeks ago on the 13th of March 2013 at 05H43 (GMT}
I received 0 emails from you, nor are there ANY tickets in my ticket system that is pending, and there is no unanswered live chats from your IP location.
You can easily see your order and al the notes, including the download link by logging into your account over here:
Here is a screenshot of your order -- take note of the Order Notes on the bottom right side of the screen and u will see your order completion date and action taken...
I hope you are happy with the customer service now, and don't worry i wont ban your ip from future orders.
Have a great weekend
I was fighting myself for months using my own GSA SER knowledge with quite poor results, but using their 7 tiers pyramid within few weeks I am on top1 now. Also I learnt a lot watching how it was done.
I highly recommend.
Thank you for your job so well done.