Question. I kinda get this but need some questions answered...
If I give you 3 main keywords and you supply the rest, is this pack then used just 1 time as a major run Based on those 3 keywords?
So if I focus on 7 keywords then is it really best to buy 2 data packs (3 keywords each) as I take it once I run this I should run it again? This is the part I am confused on. As is this a 1 time blast with you supplying all the info OR we can reuse this data pack info over and over again for those same 3 keywords.
What do we do when we also target a lot more then 3 more data packs?
1) To scrape relevant content on which to build articles, and content to be used in GSA SER 2) Scrape Longtail keywords to be used as anchor text in the content and the longtails will be used to search for targets.
Data packs as is GSA Ser Projects are best used to promote a specific product or service or niche website.
The 3 keywords should complement each other, otherwise the content will be really weird if you list totally unrelated keywords.
A example of a how not to use it is : Lets say you have a website about a petshop. Good 3 keywords would be : Pet shop, Pet supplies, Animal store Bad 3 keywords would be : MICE, CATS, PARROTS
In the good 3 keywords we will get content relevant to our website, in this case petshop. In the bad keywords the content is going to be all screwed up as it will be mice,cats and parrots all mixed .
So a data pack, should be for a specific niche, if you promote more than one niche one a website, then you should order a data pack for each niche
irdeto -- You are the 1st person who tell me they have problems ordering, so i guess 300 : 1 is not bad.
Go here: Fill in the details and as you scroll down you will see a big green ADD to CART - click on that. Now there wil be a notice at the top of page saying item successfully added to cart -- you will also see the right sidebar has changed and at the top of the sidebar you will see your cart and option to go to cart or check out, click which ever you want and follow the screen instructions from there/
The links you can add: well obviously those are the links you want to promote. Some people add excisting backlinks they have, some people add deep links of their site and so on. -- if you dont have then at least add the link you want to promote.
I have been online for the past 16 hours and will be for a few hours more - if you are on the site, and get stick, just use the live help that is there - see bootom right of the page for the live help .
@RoyalMice....Ok that makes sense so I understand that part BUT now when I get that data pack. I saw in teh video it really is a run through for tier 1 through 5....Is this "pack" good for just 1 run?
Meaning If I run the pack and lets say I pause it after it reaches 20 tier 1 for the day and start agian the next day. if I "finish" the pack and it has done all the tiers is this pack done with. Then I would either buy a new pack OR can that same pack be run again from Tier 1 through 5?
Please note that i ofer 2 data pack options, as follow:
Standard Data pack - $10 - I give you 50 data files, 40 emails, 4 pdfs, longtail keywords ==> you need to import what i give you and set up your project, set your own filters and select search engines etc. How many tiers you build is up to you. You can use 1 data file or all 50 per tier. You can build several tiers and use all 50 files for each tier.
Data pack PLUS option - $15 - I fully set up a 5 Tier GSA project, all project filters are selected per tier and search engines selected. There is nothing that you need to do furter, apart from 3 clicks to restore what i give on your GSA program ( you do not need it, but i also include the 50 data files, 40 emails, 3 pdfs, and longtail keywords which i used to created your 5 tier project)
Each data file is highly spun and contain several articles, videos, images per file. for the Data pack plus option i use the data files as follow: Tier 1 - Data file 0 - 20 Tier 2 - Data file 20 - 30 Tier 3 - Data file 30 - 40 Tier 4 - Data file 39 - 49 Tier 5 - No Data needed only long-tail keywords used for both keywords and anchor.
You are more likely to run out of targets to post to before you run out of content to post to. Also if you use the recommended settings of not posting the same URL to same domain more than ones, and if you use different platforms per tier, then you will be able to post for a very long time ( months ), without any issues. I have projects that are running for over a year and still getting new verified links daily.
For my own projects is use the same 50 data files for each of my 5 Tiers.
Domainer - I am a little bit confused about your question of if it reach 20 tiers ???
I hope you have a better understanding now, I will be online for the next 16 hours ( except for the next 30 minutes, whilst having breakfast ), so go to my site and contact me via the live help so we can chat about whatever concerns you have
Domainer I use these data packs myself. In fact I have 12 of them running - the plus 5 tier packs all. Some I've been running for a few months almost. Yes you can let it build 20 tier 1 links and stop the project then resume it as you want on a daily basis or whatever. I don't leave them running 24/7, as I use my personal computer for GSA SER. You can stop and start the projects at will. If you only want it to build 100 tier one links per day you can do that.
As said above, you should make sure the option to not post to the same URL twice is checked - I do this for every tier. I also use a massive word filter list for every tier to not post on sites containing poison words etc. For tier 1 I check it to skip posting to unknown PR of domains and select PR from Domain - not sub-domain.
If you use all the filters in GSA SER you won't have much to worry about.
Domainer Try it. I've been using them on a few domains that aren't even 6 months old yet and already got one of them to organic spot 9 on Google locally.
adventurouslover i do not exclusively deal in selling email accounts, but could help you out. Please sent me a PM and let me know how many emails do you need, and i will give you a price
Hi @royalmice I purchased this but you refunded me cos you said there were not broad enough keywords. However all I really want is the Outlook emails and the spun About text, bio etc. I don't really need the KWs or the articles, I can do those myself. Can you please advise?
Also are about text/bio etc 100% unique or are you giving out same to all (spun) ?
spunko2010 in order to create a data pack i need to be able to scrape content online, so if someone give me a keyword for example " aunt daisy's apple tart secret" or "sex of a earthworm" , then obviously i would'nt find any or sufficient content online. I can not create miracles as the data packs are produced by scraping articles directories, image and video directories, and by spinning those.
If all you need is and the about bio and email accounts , then you are better of going to fiver and buy a bunch of email accounts from there and get someone to write and spin the bio's -- as i only produce a complete data pack - not partial or pieces of it.
On second thoughts i see a opportunity to make money here so sure i can do you a custom about me file with 100 variations.
I will do you one for FREE
To do you an about me file i would need 2 tings from you: 1. As many urls as you want, i will randomly use them for anchor text linking and also for naked urls. 2. As many keywords as you want ( all on the same niche is better )
Send the above to my email address ( you should have it, as u ordered from me in he past ( or tried to), if you dont have it visit my website and look for the contact page.
If you like the about me file i produce then we can talk about a package which include a About me file in syntax format with 100 variations and outlook email accounts ready to be imported into GSA SER
spunko2010 - Yes i can create the about me text without urls and keywords. I prefer we continue this discussion in a PM as it is not related to the service for which this thread was created, namely GSA Ser data packs.
ForeverNewbie Great, glad to hear you are happy with the datapacks you got and look forward to receiving the next order.
You will be happy to know that the datapacks i issue is completely updated to included the latest web 2.0, SEREngines and other updates, i also include the new field that is needed by blog directories, namely "About Blog"
I will be spending some time over the weekend at looking how i can further optemize the filters.
The 5 Tier Data pack Plus option has been a huge success and and i was kept real busy with the orders.
The 5 tier data pack is great, BUT i was looking for something with a bit more authority, more structured, so i went to visit a old post by GSA Ser Guru - @Ozz to get a few ideas here is his post from almost a year ago --> --
So based on Ozz's guideline i have now build a 7 Tier Data pack which will look something like the below image.
I am in the process of setting up the templates, filters etc, and will launch the 7 Tier data pack service in a week or so.
I have not finalised the costing but it would be more ore less same as current 5 tier data pack, which is $15 - The 7 tier GSA Ser Data pack will be between $15 - $20, but i might reduce the number of emails used per tier and offer email account upgrades.
The final pricing and what is included will be announced when it is ready for release - hopefully within a week
royalmice - cool - I will certainly try out one of these bigger 7 tier data packs and leave you a review after. Once they are ready I will buy. These have saved me a lot of time.
I have one local site which the domain isn't even 3 months old - using one of your 5 tier data packs and no other campaigns, backlinks, etc, besides for onsite SEO - I pushed it to organic spot 2 on page 1 of Google already for one of it's major medium comp key terms. Only changes I made to the original setup of the data pack campaigns is a lot of strict filters, and let it build 1000-2000 links per day then drip feed for 7 days, day after day.
A quick update on the new 7 Tier GSA Ser Data packs
The 7 Tier GSA data packs is now set up and I am running a few campaigns on it to make sure all is well. Videos and Blog post outlining full details of the 7 Tier project will be completed tomorrow and the current sales \ order page updated day after tomorrow.
Invite will be send to a couple of those members whom have ordered and left constructive feedback in the past.
The 7 Tier fully set up GSA Ser Data pack will be selling at $20 ( with the option to get $2 discount at checkout when you do a social share). There will also be a option added to upgrade from 10 email accounts per tier to 20,50,100 and 500 email accounts per Tier.
If you would like to receive a email or pm when it is ready then please drop me a pm with your contact details.
Untill the 7 tier is ready the standard data pack and the 5 tier packs are still available for sale.
@royalmice don't take it the wrong way, but you might want to change the direction of the arrows Surely they should all be pointing in the direction of the MS?
davbel Thanks for the comment. Actually it is not wrong because that is the flow chart of how it gets constructed and which links are used from where..
So if you look at the diagram above i will explain. Lets say Tier 3.1 -- it pulls the links Live links from Tier 1 and Tier 1.1. Then create new backlinks from those and pass it to the lower tiers. Look at Tier 3.1 it uses the live links from Tiers : 2, 2.1 and 3 and then after submitting those links it goes to Tier 4.
If it will help people understand better i could make it a two way arrow.
theorbital - Good to hear from you, and thanks for the remark. You aint seen nothing yet !! After the 7 tier is launched i will do a the mother of all GSA Ser Tiers - A 28 Tier project ( maybe ready end of Oct. ). Plans allready drawn up.
puzanov - Sorry for keeping you waiting, and thank you for the support.
- UPDATE ON 7 TIER PROJECT - The only thing that needs to be done if the over view page describing what the 7 tier is all about, and need to slightly update the sales page. I am working as fast as i can on getting the above done, whilst at the same time fulfilling orders for the 5 Tier, which seems to be very popular. I anticipate to launch the 7 Tier at just past midnight GMT on Sunday night - whic
theorbital - Good to hear from you, and thanks for the remark. You aint seen nothing yet !! After the 7 tier is launched i will do a the mother of all GSA Ser Tiers - A 28 Tier project ( maybe ready end of Oct. ). Plans allready drawn up.
puzanov - Sorry for keeping you waiting, and thank you for the support.
- UPDATE ON 7 TIER PROJECT - The only thing that needs to be done if the over view page describing what the 7 tier is all about, and need to slightly update the sales page. I am working as fast as i can on getting the above done, whilst at the same time fulfilling orders for the 5 Tier, which seems to be very popular. I anticipate to launch the 7 Tier at just past midnight GMT on Sunday night ( 29 Sept. 13) - which is Monday 7 am my time here in Thailand.
Review should be more than 10 words long. At the end of the review, write this: GIVE ME 25% DISCOUNT FOR THE 7 TIER
All reviews will go live after being moderated.I will send out your discount coupon to those whom have done the reviews on the day i launch the 7 tier, so you will be the first to know when it is ready
This discount offer expires on Sunday, 29 Sept. at midnight (GMT time)
If I give you 3 main keywords and you supply the rest, is this pack then used just 1 time as a major run Based on those 3 keywords?
So if I focus on 7 keywords then is it really best to buy 2 data packs (3 keywords each) as I take it once I run this I should run it again? This is the part I am confused on. As is this a 1 time blast with you supplying all the info OR we can reuse this data pack info over and over again for those same 3 keywords.
What do we do when we also target a lot more then 3 more data packs?
3 keywords I require are used for 2 things:
1) To scrape relevant content on which to build articles, and content to be used in GSA SER
2) Scrape Longtail keywords to be used as anchor text in the content and the longtails will be used to search for targets.
Data packs as is GSA Ser Projects are best used to promote a specific product or service or niche website.
The 3 keywords should complement each other, otherwise the content will be really weird if you list totally unrelated keywords.
A example of a how not to use it is :
Lets say you have a website about a petshop.
Good 3 keywords would be : Pet shop, Pet supplies, Animal store
Bad 3 keywords would be : MICE, CATS, PARROTS
In the good 3 keywords we will get content relevant to our website, in this case petshop.
In the bad keywords the content is going to be all screwed up as it will be mice,cats and parrots all mixed .
So a data pack, should be for a specific niche, if you promote more than one niche one a website, then you should order a data pack for each niche
Hope that makes sense to you...
Go here:
Fill in the details and as you scroll down you will see a big green ADD to CART - click on that.
Now there wil be a notice at the top of page saying item successfully added to cart -- you will also see the right sidebar has changed and at the top of the sidebar you will see your cart and option to go to cart or check out, click which ever you want and follow the screen instructions from there/
The links you can add: well obviously those are the links you want to promote. Some people add excisting backlinks they have, some people add deep links of their site and so on. -- if you dont have then at least add the link you want to promote.
I have been online for the past 16 hours and will be for a few hours more - if you are on the site, and get stick, just use the live help that is there - see bootom right of the page for the live help .
Meaning If I run the pack and lets say I pause it after it reaches 20 tier 1 for the day and start agian the next day. if I "finish" the pack and it has done all the tiers is this pack done with. Then I would either buy a new pack OR can that same pack be run again from Tier 1 through 5?
Please note that i ofer 2 data pack options, as follow:
Standard Data pack - $10 - I give you 50 data files, 40 emails, 4 pdfs, longtail keywords ==> you need to import what i give you and set up your project, set your own filters and select search engines etc. How many tiers you build is up to you. You can use 1 data file or all 50 per tier. You can build several tiers and use all 50 files for each tier.
Data pack PLUS option - $15 - I fully set up a 5 Tier GSA project, all project filters are selected per tier and search engines selected. There is nothing that you need to do furter, apart from 3 clicks to restore what i give on your GSA program ( you do not need it, but i also include the 50 data files, 40 emails, 3 pdfs, and longtail keywords which i used to created your 5 tier project)
Each data file is highly spun and contain several articles, videos, images per file. for the Data pack plus option i use the data files as follow:
Tier 1 - Data file 0 - 20
Tier 2 - Data file 20 - 30
Tier 3 - Data file 30 - 40
Tier 4 - Data file 39 - 49
Tier 5 - No Data needed only long-tail keywords used for both keywords and anchor.
You are more likely to run out of targets to post to before you run out of content to post to. Also if you use the recommended settings of not posting the same URL to same domain more than ones, and if you use different platforms per tier, then you will be able to post for a very long time ( months ), without any issues.
I have projects that are running for over a year and still getting new verified links daily.
For my own projects is use the same 50 data files for each of my 5 Tiers.
Domainer - I am a little bit confused about your question of if it reach 20 tiers ???
I hope you have a better understanding now, I will be online for the next 16 hours ( except for the next 30 minutes, whilst having breakfast ), so go to my site and contact me via the live help so we can chat about whatever concerns you have
As said above, you should make sure the option to not post to the same URL twice is checked - I do this for every tier. I also use a massive word filter list for every tier to not post on sites containing poison words etc. For tier 1 I check it to skip posting to unknown PR of domains and select PR from Domain - not sub-domain.
If you use all the filters in GSA SER you won't have much to worry about.
Thanks for your fast delivery.
BY anu chance, do you sell email accounts alone set up for GSA? I need to buy a few.
Also are about text/bio etc 100% unique or are you giving out same to all (spun) ?
If all you need is and the about bio and email accounts , then you are better of going to fiver and buy a bunch of email accounts from there and get someone to write and spin the bio's -- as i only produce a complete data pack - not partial or pieces of it.
On second thoughts i see a opportunity to make money here
I will do you one for FREE
To do you an about me file i would need 2 tings from you:
1. As many urls as you want, i will randomly use them for anchor text linking and also for naked urls.
2. As many keywords as you want ( all on the same niche is better )
Send the above to my email address ( you should have it, as u ordered from me in he past ( or tried to), if you dont have it visit my website and look for the contact page.
If you like the about me file i produce then we can talk about a package which include a About me file in syntax format with 100 variations and outlook email accounts ready to be imported into GSA SER
Await your email
You will be happy to know that the datapacks i issue is completely updated to included the latest web 2.0, SEREngines and other updates, i also include the new field that is needed by blog directories, namely "About Blog"
I will be spending some time over the weekend at looking how i can further optemize the filters.
Many thanks and have a great weekend
The 5 tier data pack is great, BUT i was looking for something with a bit more authority, more structured, so i went to visit a old post by GSA Ser Guru - @Ozz to get a few ideas here is his post from almost a year ago --> --
So based on Ozz's guideline i have now build a 7 Tier Data pack which will look something like the below image.
I am in the process of setting up the templates, filters etc, and will launch the 7 Tier data pack service in a week or so.
Watch this thread for updates.............
I have not finalised the costing but it would be more ore less same as current 5 tier data pack, which is $15 - The 7 tier GSA Ser Data pack will be between $15 - $20, but i might reduce the number of emails used per tier and offer email account upgrades.
The final pricing and what is included will be announced when it is ready for release - hopefully within a week
I have one local site which the domain isn't even 3 months old - using one of your 5 tier data packs and no other campaigns, backlinks, etc, besides for onsite SEO - I pushed it to organic spot 2 on page 1 of Google already for one of it's major medium comp key terms. Only changes I made to the original setup of the data pack campaigns is a lot of strict filters, and let it build 1000-2000 links per day then drip feed for 7 days, day after day.
Really looking forward to the new and improved.
A quick update on the new 7 Tier GSA Ser Data packs
The 7 Tier GSA data packs is now set up and I am running a few campaigns on it to make sure all is well. Videos and Blog post outlining full details of the 7 Tier project will be completed tomorrow and the current sales \ order page updated day after tomorrow.
Invite will be send to a couple of those members whom have ordered and left constructive feedback in the past.
The 7 Tier fully set up GSA Ser Data pack will be selling at $20 ( with the option to get $2 discount at checkout when you do a social share). There will also be a option added to upgrade from 10 email accounts per tier to 20,50,100 and 500 email accounts per Tier.
If you would like to receive a email or pm when it is ready then please drop me a pm with your contact details.
Untill the 7 tier is ready the standard data pack and the 5 tier packs are still available for sale.
Have a great day
So if you look at the diagram above i will explain. Lets say Tier 3.1 -- it pulls the links Live links from Tier 1 and Tier 1.1. Then create new backlinks from those and pass it to the lower tiers. Look at Tier 3.1 it uses the live links from Tiers : 2, 2.1 and 3 and then after submitting those links it goes to Tier 4.
If it will help people understand better i could make it a two way arrow.
Samx - Sorry for keeping you waiting
puzanov - Sorry for keeping you waiting, and thank you for the support.
The only thing that needs to be done if the over view page describing what the 7 tier is all about, and need to slightly update the sales page.
I am working as fast as i can on getting the above done, whilst at the same time fulfilling orders for the 5 Tier, which seems to be very popular.
I anticipate to launch the 7 Tier at just past midnight GMT on Sunday night - whic
Samx - Sorry for keeping you waiting
puzanov - Sorry for keeping you waiting, and thank you for the support.
The only thing that needs to be done if the over view page describing what the 7 tier is all about, and need to slightly update the sales page.
I am working as fast as i can on getting the above done, whilst at the same time fulfilling orders for the 5 Tier, which seems to be very popular.
I anticipate to launch the 7 Tier at just past midnight GMT on Sunday night ( 29 Sept. 13) - which is Monday 7 am my time here in Thailand.
GET 25% DISCOUNT VOUCHER FOR 7 TIER PROJECT (Exclusive to GSA Ser Forum Members )
Every one that ordered data packs from me in the past or from now till Sunday night -- Leave a positive review about the Data packs at Scroll down to where you see the review tab -- This video will explain how to leave the review.
Review should be more than 10 words long. At the end of the review, write this: GIVE ME 25% DISCOUNT FOR THE 7 TIER
All reviews will go live after being moderated.I will send out your discount coupon to those whom have done the reviews on the day i launch the 7 tier, so you will be the first to know when it is ready
This discount offer expires on Sunday, 29 Sept. at midnight (GMT time)