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Capv2v3 - Free ReCaptcha / HCaptcha Solver



  • SvenSven
    edited March 23
    Original post updated with v59 which is now able to solve hcaptcha as well.
  • Wow, this is getting more interesting! Nice Job!
    Please help me. After sending a test captcha from GSA SearchEngineRanker to GSACapHV2V3, I get an error:
  • SvenSven
    This is Windows7 I guess? It seems that python is expecting to have that specific function in kernel32.dll and can not find it. So my guess is that you need to update.
    Sven said:
    This is Windows7 I guess? It seems that python is expecting to have that specific function in kernel32.dll and can not find it. So my guess is that you need to update.
    Yes, this is Windows 7. Yes, it looks like it. It turns out that this function is available starting from Windows 8. Thank you
  • thanks this free script,Can you update the current recognition effect? Previously, using webshare proxy was not possible, thank you.
  • Can I ask why some users are using windows 7 and OS's that have not been supported for years?

    These are ripe to be exploited and hacked pretty easily.

    Have a quick peek here if wondering:

  • SvenSven
    @SWORDMAN maybe you can see what changes are required to not use that function? I will update the script if possible.
  • highsave said:
    thanks this free script,Can you update the current recognition effect? Previously, using webshare proxy was not possible, thank you.
    Webshare is not good with Google. At least try to get their Google verified proxies. I am a user of xevil 5 and 6 somi own and tried with rotating text file. It works . But it's super slow and my lpm went 50 to 13 in mins. After a day now reproxy stopped work and now they are not working with any tool. The treads are not counting. Not sure what happen seems reproxy guys also don't have a clue.
  • googlealchemistgooglealchemist Anywhere I want
    Thanks guys...

    Is this redundant if we have xevil going?
  • daviddig1daviddig1 San Antonio, TX
    edited May 9
    Ok so I've noticed for some reason it's not working anymore - I started it to solve recaptcha v2, v3 etc. but the command prompt just sits there in perpetuity without recognizing the queries...

    I indeed updated Python, FFMPEG etc. but still the same problem...
    Port 8181 still open too...
  • daviddig1daviddig1 San Antonio, TX
    Ok so I think I solved my own problem: all I had to do was firewall inbound and outbound rule python's exe files as 'allow'
    Thanked by 1organiccastle
  • @daviddig1 Is it still working now?

    Botmaster / Xevil are mentioning Google ReCaptcha changes since Thursday this week and thus many failures.
  • daviddig1daviddig1 San Antonio, TX
    Thanks @organiccastle yes and even better than before as far as I can tell - after whitelisting python's exe files the number of positive solves seem to have gone way up :D:D Standby as I test further...
  • daviddig1daviddig1 San Antonio, TX
    Yeah @organiccastle still so far so good it seems :):) - I strongly recommend trying that potential solution yourself to see if that boosts your number of positive results
    Thanked by 1organiccastle
  • daviddig1daviddig1 San Antonio, TX
    edited May 11
    Just one thing I wanted to mention: web contact does find false positives for recaptcha v2/v3, but that's only because of the sites' malformed scripting, NOT the fault of the program or the capv2v3 solver.

    Therefore, I added the following code to trace those false positives as well as the more specific failures (added right after line 1255 in

               elif line.startswith('ERROR_RECAPTCHAV2_AUDIO_NOT_FOUND=The reCAPTCHA was not found'):
                    return PlainTextResponse('ERROR_RECAPTCHAV2_AUDIO_NOT_FOUND=The reCAPTCHA was not found')
                elif line.startswith('EXCEPTION=Event loop stopped before Future completed.'):
                    return PlainTextResponse('EXCEPTION=Event loop stopped before Future completed.')
                elif line.startswith('ERROR_RECAPTCHAV2_AUDIO_RATE_LIMIT=The reCAPTCHA rate limit has been exceeded.'):
                    return PlainTextResponse('ERROR_RECAPTCHAV2_AUDIO_RATE_LIMIT=The reCAPTCHA rate limit has been exceeded.')
                elif line.startswith('ERROR_NO_CONNECTION_RECAPTCHAV2_AUDIO'):
                    return PlainTextResponse('ERROR_NO_CONNECTION_RECAPTCHAV2_AUDIO')
                elif line.startswith('ERROR_RECAPTCHAV2_AUDIO_NOT_FOUND=No unchecked reCAPTCHA boxes were found.'):
                    return PlainTextResponse('ERROR_RECAPTCHAV2_AUDIO_NOT_FOUND=No unchecked reCAPTCHA boxes were found.')
                elif line.startswith('EXCEPTION=ERROR_NO_CONNECTION_RECAPTCHAV3'):
                    return PlainTextResponse('EXCEPTION=ERROR_NO_CONNECTION_RECAPTCHAV3')
                elif line.startswith('EXCEPTION=SEC_ERROR_EXPIRED_CERTIFICATE'):
                    return PlainTextResponse('EXCEPTION=SEC_ERROR_EXPIRED_CERTIFICATE')
  • daviddig1daviddig1 San Antonio, TX
    edited May 11
    Ok so I did also notice another boost in positive solves simply by adding a 5-second delay between page load and submission in web contact, since some sites take a while to load recaptcha after the rest of the page loaded (perhaps caused by 'defer' or 'async' [?])
  • daviddig1daviddig1 San Antonio, TX
    edited May 12

    Just now I firewall outbound and inbound allowed ffmpeg's exe files, and the solving is even faster!

    I was also able to increase the number of threads without causing throttling :)
  • SvenSven
    original post was updated with v66 (v2<->v3 solve when failed, update of ffmpeg and Headless browser)
  • daviddig1daviddig1 San Antonio, TX
    edited May 14
    @sven you're the man! B) The process is faster, more accurate and lighter-weight!

    Then again I just got done whitelisting ms-playwright's exe files, as I have a hunch the firewall could've been causing an issue there too

    @organiccastle did you have better luck like I have? :smile:
  • daviddig1daviddig1 San Antonio, TX
    @sven about this new version: any chance you can tell the script to keep trying to solve a recaptcha with the error 'ERROR_RECAPTCHAV2_AUDIO_RATE_LIMIT=The reCAPTCHA rate limit has been exceeded' ? If so do you know how?
  • SvenSven
    @CL67F is the one who is coding this. All fame belongs to him! Im just the messenger adding new updates here.
  • daviddig1daviddig1 San Antonio, TX
    Thanks @sven sure thing :)

    Hi @CL67F about this new version: any chance you can tell the script to keep trying to solve a recaptcha with the error 'ERROR_RECAPTCHAV2_AUDIO_RATE_LIMIT=The reCAPTCHA rate limit has been exceeded' ? If so do you know how?
  • daviddig1daviddig1 San Antonio, TX
    Also @CL67F : as much as python is RAM-heavy, a lot of the blame for CPU usage I can actually put on Windows 11's very own security service, which works overtime when I'm running the recaptcha script

    While I have whitelisted the files and folders in question, it's still doing that and thereby unnecessarily pulling resources - any chance you can help me mitigate that issue?
  • daviddig1daviddig1 San Antonio, TX
    Ok so luckily I made it drastically drop by going into "Windows Security" -> "Virus and Threat Protection" -> "Manage Settings" -> "Exclusions" and adding the following folders (which applies to subfolders as well):
    C:\Users\[YOUR USERNAME]\AppData\Local\Packages\PythonSoftwareFoundation.Python.3.11_qbz5n2kfra8p0
    C:\Users\[YOUR USERNAME]\AppData\Local\Programs\Python\

    I think I know what was going on: when I searched this same exact problem on Google, someone pointed out on the same issue to whitelist any cache folders - by whitelisting the above folders, which include caches, the CPU usage on Windows Security plummeted from 20% to 6% B)
  • CL67FCL67F Strasbourg (France)
    edited May 15
    ERROR_RECAPTCHAV2_AUDIO_RATE_LIMIT=The reCAPTCHA rate limit has been exceeded
    #### Too much access from same IP ####
    #### You get this problem if you are not using enough Proxies ####
    Thanked by 1daviddig1
  • CL67FCL67F Strasbourg (France)
    edited May 15
    I have a new look at leak memory. Python Uvicorn is known for having memory leaks. Uvicorn reaches easily 800MB RAM.
    #### The only solution at this time is to set properly the number of workers that depends on the ressources of your CPU ! ####
  • daviddig1daviddig1 San Antonio, TX
    edited May 15
    Thanks @CL67F thanks for all your work B) I'm purchasing extra ram (up from 16GB all the way up to 64) and am currently using 500 webshare proxies  :)
  • daviddig1daviddig1 San Antonio, TX
    CL67F said:
    ERROR_RECAPTCHAV2_AUDIO_RATE_LIMIT=The reCAPTCHA rate limit has been exceeded
    #### Too much access from same IP ####
    #### You get this problem if you are not using enough Proxies ####
    Ok can you tell me how to timeout proxies when that happens for, say, 5minutes?
  • daviddig1daviddig1 San Antonio, TX
    Yep that jump from 16 to 64GB RAM really makes things easier - processing 2,000 at 30 threads now only takes 2hrs instead of 5-6 to accomplish  B)
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