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Capv2v3 - Free ReCaptcha / HCaptcha Solver



  • googlealchemistgooglealchemist Anywhere I want
    Thanks guys...

    Is this redundant if we have xevil going?
  • daviddig1daviddig1 San Antonio, TX
    edited May 2024
    Ok so I've noticed for some reason it's not working anymore - I started it to solve recaptcha v2, v3 etc. but the command prompt just sits there in perpetuity without recognizing the queries...

    I indeed updated Python, FFMPEG etc. but still the same problem...
    Port 8181 still open too...
  • daviddig1daviddig1 San Antonio, TX
    Ok so I think I solved my own problem: all I had to do was firewall inbound and outbound rule python's exe files as 'allow'
    Thanked by 1organiccastle
  • @daviddig1 Is it still working now?

    Botmaster / Xevil are mentioning Google ReCaptcha changes since Thursday this week and thus many failures.
  • daviddig1daviddig1 San Antonio, TX
    Thanks @organiccastle yes and even better than before as far as I can tell - after whitelisting python's exe files the number of positive solves seem to have gone way up :D:D Standby as I test further...
  • daviddig1daviddig1 San Antonio, TX
    Yeah @organiccastle still so far so good it seems :):) - I strongly recommend trying that potential solution yourself to see if that boosts your number of positive results
    Thanked by 1organiccastle
  • daviddig1daviddig1 San Antonio, TX
    edited May 2024
    Just one thing I wanted to mention: web contact does find false positives for recaptcha v2/v3, but that's only because of the sites' malformed scripting, NOT the fault of the program or the capv2v3 solver.

    Therefore, I added the following code to trace those false positives as well as the more specific failures (added right after line 1255 in

               elif line.startswith('ERROR_RECAPTCHAV2_AUDIO_NOT_FOUND=The reCAPTCHA was not found'):
                    return PlainTextResponse('ERROR_RECAPTCHAV2_AUDIO_NOT_FOUND=The reCAPTCHA was not found')
                elif line.startswith('EXCEPTION=Event loop stopped before Future completed.'):
                    return PlainTextResponse('EXCEPTION=Event loop stopped before Future completed.')
                elif line.startswith('ERROR_RECAPTCHAV2_AUDIO_RATE_LIMIT=The reCAPTCHA rate limit has been exceeded.'):
                    return PlainTextResponse('ERROR_RECAPTCHAV2_AUDIO_RATE_LIMIT=The reCAPTCHA rate limit has been exceeded.')
                elif line.startswith('ERROR_NO_CONNECTION_RECAPTCHAV2_AUDIO'):
                    return PlainTextResponse('ERROR_NO_CONNECTION_RECAPTCHAV2_AUDIO')
                elif line.startswith('ERROR_RECAPTCHAV2_AUDIO_NOT_FOUND=No unchecked reCAPTCHA boxes were found.'):
                    return PlainTextResponse('ERROR_RECAPTCHAV2_AUDIO_NOT_FOUND=No unchecked reCAPTCHA boxes were found.')
                elif line.startswith('EXCEPTION=ERROR_NO_CONNECTION_RECAPTCHAV3'):
                    return PlainTextResponse('EXCEPTION=ERROR_NO_CONNECTION_RECAPTCHAV3')
                elif line.startswith('EXCEPTION=SEC_ERROR_EXPIRED_CERTIFICATE'):
                    return PlainTextResponse('EXCEPTION=SEC_ERROR_EXPIRED_CERTIFICATE')
  • daviddig1daviddig1 San Antonio, TX
    edited May 2024
    Ok so I did also notice another boost in positive solves simply by adding a 5-second delay between page load and submission in web contact, since some sites take a while to load recaptcha after the rest of the page loaded (perhaps caused by 'defer' or 'async' [?])
  • daviddig1daviddig1 San Antonio, TX
    edited May 2024

    Just now I firewall outbound and inbound allowed ffmpeg's exe files, and the solving is even faster!

    I was also able to increase the number of threads without causing throttling :)
  • SvenSven
    original post was updated with v66 (v2<->v3 solve when failed, update of ffmpeg and Headless browser)
  • daviddig1daviddig1 San Antonio, TX
    edited May 2024
    @sven you're the man! B) The process is faster, more accurate and lighter-weight!

    Then again I just got done whitelisting ms-playwright's exe files, as I have a hunch the firewall could've been causing an issue there too

    @organiccastle did you have better luck like I have? :smile:
  • daviddig1daviddig1 San Antonio, TX
    @sven about this new version: any chance you can tell the script to keep trying to solve a recaptcha with the error 'ERROR_RECAPTCHAV2_AUDIO_RATE_LIMIT=The reCAPTCHA rate limit has been exceeded' ? If so do you know how?
  • SvenSven
    @CL67F is the one who is coding this. All fame belongs to him! Im just the messenger adding new updates here.
  • daviddig1daviddig1 San Antonio, TX
    Thanks @sven sure thing :)

    Hi @CL67F about this new version: any chance you can tell the script to keep trying to solve a recaptcha with the error 'ERROR_RECAPTCHAV2_AUDIO_RATE_LIMIT=The reCAPTCHA rate limit has been exceeded' ? If so do you know how?
  • daviddig1daviddig1 San Antonio, TX
    Also @CL67F : as much as python is RAM-heavy, a lot of the blame for CPU usage I can actually put on Windows 11's very own security service, which works overtime when I'm running the recaptcha script

    While I have whitelisted the files and folders in question, it's still doing that and thereby unnecessarily pulling resources - any chance you can help me mitigate that issue?
  • daviddig1daviddig1 San Antonio, TX
    Ok so luckily I made it drastically drop by going into "Windows Security" -> "Virus and Threat Protection" -> "Manage Settings" -> "Exclusions" and adding the following folders (which applies to subfolders as well):
    C:\Users\[YOUR USERNAME]\AppData\Local\Packages\PythonSoftwareFoundation.Python.3.11_qbz5n2kfra8p0
    C:\Users\[YOUR USERNAME]\AppData\Local\Programs\Python\

    I think I know what was going on: when I searched this same exact problem on Google, someone pointed out on the same issue to whitelist any cache folders - by whitelisting the above folders, which include caches, the CPU usage on Windows Security plummeted from 20% to 6% B)
  • CL67FCL67F Strasbourg (France)
    edited May 2024
    ERROR_RECAPTCHAV2_AUDIO_RATE_LIMIT=The reCAPTCHA rate limit has been exceeded
    #### Too much access from same IP ####
    #### You get this problem if you are not using enough Proxies ####
    Thanked by 1daviddig1
  • CL67FCL67F Strasbourg (France)
    edited May 2024
    I have a new look at leak memory. Python Uvicorn is known for having memory leaks. Uvicorn reaches easily 800MB RAM.
    #### The only solution at this time is to set properly the number of workers that depends on the ressources of your CPU ! ####
  • daviddig1daviddig1 San Antonio, TX
    edited May 2024
    Thanks @CL67F thanks for all your work B) I'm purchasing extra ram (up from 16GB all the way up to 64) and am currently using 500 webshare proxies  :)
  • daviddig1daviddig1 San Antonio, TX
    CL67F said:
    ERROR_RECAPTCHAV2_AUDIO_RATE_LIMIT=The reCAPTCHA rate limit has been exceeded
    #### Too much access from same IP ####
    #### You get this problem if you are not using enough Proxies ####
    Ok can you tell me how to timeout proxies when that happens for, say, 5minutes?
  • daviddig1daviddig1 San Antonio, TX
    Yep that jump from 16 to 64GB RAM really makes things easier - processing 2,000 at 30 threads now only takes 2hrs instead of 5-6 to accomplish  B)
  • CL67FCL67F Strasbourg (France)
    edited May 2024
    daviddig1 said:
    Yep that jump from 16 to 64GB RAM really makes things easier - processing 2,000 at 30 threads now only takes 2hrs instead of 5-6 to accomplish  B)
    Can you display the stats files ?
  • daviddig1daviddig1 San Antonio, TX
    This is all I have - just today's stats not yesterday's

    17-May-2024-22:37:51 RECAPTCHAV2_AUDIO : 1089
    17-May-2024-22:37:51 TRYS_RECAPTCHAV2_AUDIO : 1121
    17-May-2024-22:37:51 TRY1_RECAPTCHAV2_AUDIO : 1089
    17-May-2024-22:37:51 TRY2_RECAPTCHAV2_AUDIO : 29
    17-May-2024-22:37:51 TRY3_RECAPTCHAV2_AUDIO : 3
    17-May-2024-22:37:51 SUCCESS_RECAPTCHAV2_AUDIO : 8
    17-May-2024-22:37:51 ERROR_RECAPTCHAV2_AUDIO_NOT_FOUND : 14
    17-May-2024-22:37:51 ERROR_RECAPTCHAV2_AUDIO_RATE_LIMIT : 739
    17-May-2024-22:37:51 ERROR_RECAPTCHAV2_AUDIO_SOLVE : 0
    17-May-2024-22:37:51 ERROR_RECAPTCHAV2_AUDIO : 0
    17-May-2024-22:37:51 ERROR_RECAPTCHAV2_AUDIO_EXCEPTION : 55
    17-May-2024-22:37:51 ERROR_CONNECTION_RECAPTCHAV2_AUDIO : 0
    17-May-2024-22:37:51 ABORT_TIMEOUT_RECAPTCHAV2_AUDIO : 256

  • CL67FCL67F Strasbourg (France)
    edited May 2024
    Catastrophic ! SUCCESS_RECAPTCHAV2_AUDIO : 8
  • daviddig1daviddig1 San Antonio, TX
    Yeah lol I did run v2 solves over the thousands the day before - I am thinking of buying 500 more webshare proxies
  • CL67FCL67F Strasbourg (France)
    edited May 2024
    ERROR_RECAPTCHAV2_AUDIO_RATE_LIMIT : 739 ### Should be a proxy problem ... ###
    ### The number of solves for a proxy is a parameter set by Google. ###
  • daviddig1daviddig1 San Antonio, TX
    Thanks CL67F I did buy 500 more proxies and I'll let you know later how that goes  :)
  • daviddig1daviddig1 San Antonio, TX
    Anybody have any luck using storm proxies? I'm very curious about it's effectiveness
  • daviddig1daviddig1 San Antonio, TX
    Ok so I finally got rid of windows defender hogging the memory once and for all: I simply had to turn off "real-time protection" while running the recaptcha solver  :)
  • daviddig1daviddig1 San Antonio, TX
    Ok unfortunately (at least as far as I can tell) I'm not able to use storm proxies since the IP's given are gateways and are treated like direct connections on the recaptcha solver's end

    However, I do like it's versatility in scrapebox :)
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