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Capv2v3 - Free ReCaptcha / HCaptcha Solver



  • rastarrrastarr Thailand
    daviddig1 said:
    rastarr said:
    daviddig1 said:
    Ok @rastarr or @CL67F I'm afraid I'm still having to press Ctrl+c or outright restart the bat file - any ideas as to how to make sure the script doesn't stop all of a sudden?
    When I was using my original version, this was a daily process, unfortunately.
    The framework doesn't always clean up unused previous version of chrome/firefox, resulting in ever increasing memory usage. That was one of the reasons I eventually stopped using it.
    Frameworks like Selenium, Playwright and the like are for low volume web scraping duties. They were never meant to be used in such high-volume activities like captcha solving within GSA like products. They only have rudimentary memory management, at best.
    Oh ok no problem thanks for letting me know - would you recommend I turn down the number of threads in file?
    from testing point of view, I'd start with a very low number of threads, run it for a day and see how it plays out.
    It's irrelevant on the thread number though. Those ophaned chrome/firefox instances will grow so you need to find a happy medium that you can bear.
  • daviddig1daviddig1 San Antonio, TX
    dp001 said:
    @daviddig1 what's your PC config for xevil ? I've recently started using it and ranging 15-20s per solve with 200 threads. using reproxy and their proxies are working great.
    I've tried this script initially but gave up pretty soon cos of constant errors and issues. I really hope this script becomes a part of GSA CB as recaptcha solving is much needed these days. 
    Hi @dp001 I had xevil set to 350 threads with 500 proxies - I will say it is much faster at solving for v3 BUT it gave a lot of captcha_unsolvable status codes in 'website contact'
  • daviddig1daviddig1 San Antonio, TX
    edited February 12
    Ok @rastarr do you know how I can turn off logging to capv2v3.log and capv2v3_err.log? Not only are the resulting log lines superfluous , They get huge very fast, and I have a strong feeling turning them off means the code will be more stable since it doesn't have to write to the 2 files...
  • daviddig1daviddig1 San Antonio, TX
    daviddig1 said:
    Ok @rastarr do you know how I can turn off logging to capv2v3.log and capv2v3_err.log? Not only are the resulting log lines superfluous , They get huge very fast, and I have a strong feeling turning them off means the code will be more stable since it doesn't have to write to the 2 files...
    Lol nvm I figured it out in the ini file
  • I see there are pros and cons between the captcha solvers but for website contact would GSA Captcha Breaker maybe do a better job? 

    For at least contact forms without RC since it seems very specific to some engines and forms.

    Just a thought, I have set up several ways to test, but latest sites submitting to are not mostly CB friendly.

    Still trying to optimize more and find out what works best where and with what type lists/captchas.

  • daviddig1daviddig1 San Antonio, TX
    edited February 12
    @rastarr ok so I restored the original py file with a number of loggings turned off, and it runs perfectly smoothly, but I'm now running into my original problem that, it's trying to solve sites (switching proxies over and over) that are constantly returning an exception like a bad cert or a constant timeout error.

    So: I just need to know how to stop looping the same sites with exception errors - otherwise it's just a waste of time as well as local resources - I've tried but my lack of python knowledge has bit me in the butt.
  • daviddig1daviddig1 San Antonio, TX
    I just had a thought: why not just turn off the dialogue messages in cmd in their entirety? I really don't need to see them in cmd, and it could be the culprit of how it has to be Ctrl+C'd or restarted periodically 
  • I think enviroinments running local use command Ctrl+C to quit in general practice. 

    It's same for me for example, with running flask and using python, using visual studio to code and live server to see what going on.

    There's also development and production "mode", maybe they behave differently?

    Is there maybe a away to use like windows power automate or some macro recorder to run this "task" for you every so often?

    Just another thought. . .

  • Make any progress with your testing?

    Was thinking of a few workflows on how this captcha solver can be helpful for other SER related tasks recently. . .

    Either way, I'm hoping you have and everything's OK on your end!   :)

  • DeeeeeeeeDeeeeeeee the Americas
    edited February 24
    Hi. Line 32 of file:
    browser = await playwright.firefox.launch(headless=True, proxy={
     "server": "htt p://",
                "username": "test2024-rotate",
                "password": "passwordsr4l0zers"
    Line 33 allows user to specify proxy
    the User Guide instructs us to use two separate external files!!!!! :anguished:
    If we ONLY set the proxy in the file, do we still need the files described below? And if so, what directory?
    Thank you!


    2.b A list of proxies (optional)
    If file is absent, this functionnality is disabled. The proxy is selected in random
    order. The proxy is tried 3 times then considered as « failed », therefore
    replaced by an other random proxy in list. The previous proxy is deleted from
    the list.
    • _proxies_v2.txt : list of proxies for recaptchav2
    • _proxies_v3.txt : list of proxies for recaptchav3
    Example : :9985 (each line)
    Example :;user;password (each line)
    2.c Rotating proxies (optional)
    If file is present, this option has priority. If file is absent, this functionnality is
    disabled. Each access to the address gives a new proxy. Proxies are in rotation

    The proxy is tried 3 times then considered as « failed », therefore replaced by
    an other random proxy from address.
    • _rotating_proxies_v2.txt : one rotating address for proxies for
    • _rotating_proxies_v3.txt : one rotating address for proxies for
    Example : h ttp:// (one unique line)

  • Sven said:
    winget is part of Windows 10/111, not sure what OS you use!?
    can you install it from my computer if I give the team, I couldn't install it, it didn't work, I want help Team wiewer ?
  • 00:37:54: [-] 296/549 ReCaptcha solving failed - Capv2v3: RECAPTCHA_UNSOLVABLE (SiteKey: 6LdxpwETAAAAAErYQjCUWdxv403cgx6S-BXx3gzU, Type: v2)

  • I can't see what issue is, winget just installs things easily like a windows command line tool for windows package manger.

    I guess kinda similar to pip install in python or npm install for node.

    Do you not have permissions for this or something or your machine?

    I don't even see capv2v3 added in your captcha solvers image?

    Maybe add and select it. 

    I don't see how it would solve if you didnt add it to SER?

    Then you show snippet of bad site key that it can't solve anyways?

    In addition, I don't think that repeating the same thing in CAPS is going to get someone to jump at the opportunity to jump on team viewer and spend their day trouble shooting your issues free.

    Do you have a legit updated license?

  • Have you tried reading the post and trouble shooting along? There was an additional link to try above I saw ---> You can also try googling your specific issue or ask chatgpt.
  • daviddig1daviddig1 San Antonio, TX
    Anyone know how to avoid the error " seems to be down" ? I've been getting those a lot
  • Awesome share! Will test it out when I have time. Thanks!
  • daviddig1 Your local host is down? It's local loopback address. Maybe there is just nothing listening at the time, something in your host file, or another program trying to listen?
  • daviddig1 Your local host is down? It's local loopback address. Maybe there is just nothing listening at the time, something in your host file, or another program trying to listen?

    yes gsa ser license breaker license
  • warn ffmeg error

    ffmeg install Link ?
  • version Windows 8
  • Support for Windows 8 ended on January 12, 2016

    and support for

    Windows 8.1 has ended on January 10, 2023.

    The other comments I cant follow your grabbing a comment for someone about something else and responding with

    yes gsa ser license breaker license <----- don't know what this is unless you mean you have a gsa ser license and a captcha breaker license?

    Still not sure about windows 8 being able to support something likely needed to get everything running?

  • 21:11:59: [-] 191/441 ReCaptcha solving failed - Capv2v3: RECAPTCHA_UNSOLVABLE (SiteKey: 6LdvXBYcAAAAAJ_wjXuVdRUpc9H1GBGD_c0keuSD, Type: v2)

    21:13:07: [-] 229/436 captcha service Capv2v3 is not responding/can`t solve

  • Team wiewer help ?
  • This is a testing thread, it's not official release of product with support.

    If your expecting it to just run easy and solve them all that is simply not the case.

    I believe captcha unsolvable will be higher either way currently.

    Personally don't use teamviewer or offer remote support.

    I'm doubtful, you will find that for this solver right now anyways

  • daviddig1daviddig1 San Antonio, TX
    @backlinkaddict lol #usererror! It turns out that, as long as I have the number of working threads in web contact equal to the number of working threads in the python file, those errors don't come up anymore :smile:
    Thanked by 1backlinkaddict
  • SvenSven
    @Turkweb seems to me as your proxies are not good!
  • I agree you will need the best proxies for solving "G" product as they ban pretty fast.
  • TurkwebTurkweb TR
    edited February 28
    Sven said:
    @Turkweb seems to me as your proxies are not good!
    19:18:32: [-] 331/359 ReCaptcha solving failed -
    Capv2v3: RECAPTCHA_UNSOLVABLE (SiteKey: 6LeYAxAUAAAAALHOWi_fRaSTrRekawqvpd8VHP6u, Type: v2) 19:18:33: [-] 332/358 captcha service Capv2v3 is not responding/can`t solve

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