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Finding Reliable - Fast - Stable Proxies

I will Add to this Thread


  • edited January 2023

    GSA Proxy Scraper – Finding Fast Stable Proxies

    GSA Proxy Scraper – Finding Fast Stable Proxies

    1. To Start off with – Don’t have any Bandwidth running in the Background as it will  affect the Results
    2. First you need to Configure GSA
    3. Find a good Source - In this Case lets use
    4. To Find this go to GSA Proxy Scraper and Right Click on Source and Copy Source URL
    5. Right Click and go to Source URL
    6. This will open up your Web Browser
    7. Now go to GSA proxy Scraper
    8. Click the Blue Add Button
    9. Search Online
    10. From URL(s)
    11. Enter – Bottom Option
    12. This will open up the Parse URLs Box and you will see the URL you Copied so it will Automatically Paste it
    13. Parse Sub links – Drop that down to All Links
    14. How to Add All Proxies
    15. I use ADD ALL and Test
    16. I will Explain Later why this seems to Work Better
    17. The Results Box will open BUT DONT CLOSE IT
    18. You will see the Working Proxies it has Found
    19. Go to the Save Button that you can see in the opened Box
    20. Just Call it Blackhatsem for the Future as it will Automatically rename it blackhatsem.dat in this Case or whatever named
    21. You can Close the Box as you have the important file you need

    22. Now New Proxies will be Added
    23. Go to Settings in GSA now
    24. Go to Automatic Search
    25. In the First time of use Highlight Everything
    26. Press test
    27. Any Errors don’t use those sites till you find out why there are errors
    28. The first Test will take a while
    29. Don’t close the Box Yet
    30. Go to Settings
    31. Just Follow the Setting I have used and I will explain Why later !!
    32. Close the Box
    33. Go to Test
    34. All
    35. Make Sure every box is Ticked
    36. You can Maximise this Box, but untick Custom Test in this Case ( It isn’t Needed )
    37. Test the Proxies Now
    38. Go away, Have a Holiday and come back as it will take a while ” Be Patient ”
    39. On Some of the Proxies you will always get one that is Stubborn and just sits there
    40. Don’t Touch it
    41. Basically the More Colours on a Proxy line or the TAG Column the Better
    42. Done !!

    43. Now they have Tested

    44. Go to the Reliability Column and Delete anything Below 80%
    45. The important thing is that you have Stable Fast Reliable Proxies
    46. You don’t need to always do preform the Long Test, especially as you have some Stable Proxies now


    Thanked by 1elite53
  • edited January 2023
    When you Test again Lower the Timeout from 6000 to 1000 - 2000
    I sometimes use 800 - 1000
    The Lower the number the Better
    1000ms = 1 Second ie a ms or Millisecond is a 1000th of a Second
    If Google Blocks it or IP Chicken Blocks it, then chances are it will Fail
    Also the " Alive " column is important
    Some of my Reliable ones have been alive for close to 30 Days - But Be careful as some could be a " Honey Pot " so never use
    Unknown Proxies for any important Browsing, that is unencrypted.
    Get a Portable Browser that you don't need to install.
    You will need to Configure the Browser to use Proxies or setup GSA to run as

    Thanked by 1Deeeeeeee
  • edited January 2023

    Now the Opposite of the .dat File

    1. Open GSA Proxy Scraper
    2. ADD
    3. From File
    4. Find where your .dat File is
    5. If you can’t see it change .txt file to All (*.*)
    6. Now  Double Click File you have saved in the past
    7. Box fill Pop up
    8. Middle Option ADD and Test
    9. If it dosnt Find any – Link has Died !!
    10. If the .dat File is Large it will take a while
    11. Now Test on a High Timeout 6000 – 8000 is Ok to start off with

    .dat Files go Stale for many Reasons - Just like Bread, you need to check them or update them
    I have many other Tricks that can get exactly what you need.

    Enjoy !!

    Tips - When preforming a Large Test, to start off with don't use many TAGS because you want to eliminate the IP's that are Stubborn use the Anonymous which you have to use and maybe another one - I use Ticketmaster or Google search
    Google is very strict and bans and blocks or preforms CAPTCHA - Not all Google Tests are Truly dead tho

  • These are Fast Reliable Proxies with the Method I described
    Look at the Age of how long they have been alive !!

    Quantity 1023 - Long Life Stable Proxies

  • wow that looks like a lot of work
    I'll stick to paying $30 p/m to webshare until such time as I need something else.
    And thank you for the share and instructions - bookmarked
  • Here are some Linux Results

  • rastarr said:
    wow that looks like a lot of work
    I'll stick to paying $30 p/m to webshare until such time as I need something else.
    And thank you for the share and instructions - bookmarked

    Hi Rastarr - Its not really a lot of work once you automate it.
    It means if webshare went down for example, I can still have an unlimited source of Fast reliable proxies.

    Besides $360.00 a year?

    If you dont mind me asking, why is it important to you, to pay?


  • Ahh I see what you are saying about "A lot of work"
    The Step by Step was just 1 method I use
  • @Ritchievalens well I'm paying because I've got enough to do at the moment which is why I've bookmarked this post
    Thanked by 1Ritchievalens
  • @rastarr Brilliant
    Thanked by 1rastarr
  • This would make a great youtube video BTW
    Thanked by 1Ritchievalens
  • Well, I just bought GSA PS based on the great results I'm seeing you get. Testing testing testing
    Do you add this URL the same way as mentioned in your first post?
  • Actually, I discovered that this URL is already in the list of providers so I guess no need to add anything, the same as once you edit the entry and adjust the URL
    Thanked by 1Ritchievalens
  • Hi rastarr - Sorry for the delay

    Yes it is in the GSA Proxy Scraper List already, but by manually doing it you get far more results, because the
    Parse Links is set to follow

    If you scrape Yandex for example, you will get so many proxies

    An easy way to create a String is like this -
    Put that link into the Google "Search Bar" to see how I searched

    Within 3 seconds I got close to 1000 Raw Proxies
    Raw means Untested

    Do the same with Yandex or DuckDuck for example, and you will get 1000's

  • Hi rastarr - I am not sure what you mean "Do you add this URL the same way as mentioned in your first post? "
    But Yes, use that Method as a " Go out and Find proxies " Tool

    I have many US and UK ones that are 1000ms and I have added them in a List I call Reliable Proxies and they are close to 30 days old
    Be Wary as I said before, they could be Honey Pots

    If your Paid for Service works and is Trusted, then stay with it.

    The next thing you need to learn is how to Chain Proxies
  • Hi rastarr - Sorry for the delay

    Yes it is in the GSA Proxy Scraper List already, but by manually doing it you get far more results, because the
    Parse Links is set to follow

    If you scrape Yandex for example, you will get so many proxies

    An easy way to create a String is like this -
    Put that link into the Google "Search Bar" to see how I searched

    Within 3 seconds I got close to 1000 Raw Proxies
    Raw means Untested

    Do the same with Yandex or DuckDuck for example, and you will get 1000's

    Can't you simply add these strings as new Provider types though?
    Or is the Parse Links to follow option something that @sven needs to add to make it more automated?

    Anyways, I'm still a total newb with GSA PS so there's so much I must learn including whatever about how to chain proxies and it's value to me. At least Proxy Scraper provides me to one less point of failure as far as 3rd party providers plus cost saving and more proxies once I get a process working properly.
  • Hi rastarr - You Can add the strings
    If you Go to Settings

    But to be honest, I dont know how to add strings.

  • edited January 2023
    I guess go to an existing one, Press Edit and see how its created
    I can see you click on Add and a Single Box pops up
    I am not sure if there is a way of Testing if existing ones are Dead or Alive?
    There is a File here that looks interesting C:\Users\Username\AppData\Roaming\GSA Proxy Scraper

    We seem to have These in config.ini ( Im not sure what the Number 1 Means )

  • @Ritchievalens well, I just added the string with default parameters, as a test.
    I didn't see any way to test it so just added it anyway.
    Seems like it is working in some way though lol

  • I do know a way of testing all URLS in the file, manually, but I am not sure if there is an option within GSA?
    I will work it out as there seems to be a "Last Working" field

    Basically if it Drags in Proxies with a new link, then it must work.
    I have also noted, that the Depth it searches with in a Website can be changes?
    Looks like Default is 1
    I might change it to 10 Billion
  • edited January 2023
    This is a good site to test on

    It seems like you can grab a whole website page of proxies, in this case 500 per page, and paste it into GSA and it cleans it up for you

  • This is a good site to test on

    That's already a listed provider as
  • Ahh Ok, I did see it, but I didnt see the spys.ONE part

    Besides, I changed the page to 500 per page
    Copied the whole webpage
    Went to ADD in GSA
    Paste from Clipboard

    It seems to take a while and seems like the APP Locks up, but it will catch up
    At the Moment I am just using USA Proxies, and disregarding anything else
  • Search Strings

  • at the moment, I'm a newbie who is armed and dangerous. Just getting the lay of the land and collecting whatever comes my way, testing with a view of dropping a proxy provider who is a point of failure.
    Seems to be heading in the right direction though which makes me a happy camper
  • Don't worry - I enjoy helping
    The best way to learn is to teach

    I can send you a reliable List but these are USA and UK one, but very Long life ones
    I will send you a link, Privately as I dont want to start posting Proxies in here
    Thanked by 1rastarr
  • Don't worry - I enjoy helping
    The best way to learn is to teach

    I can send you a reliable List but these are USA and UK one, but very Long life ones
    I will send you a link, Privately as I dont want to start posting Proxies in here
    You are very kind to help. thanks so much
  • Sent in pm - Private Message
    Thanked by 1rastarr
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