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Are you guys using PBN's?



  • "authority of the site is also taking into account for the ranking of your terms you are wanting to rank for"

    Authority of the money site has always helped in ranking inner pages, it has been the case since a long time now.

    Personal PBNs have and will always help ranking heavy weight keywords. If we own those PBNs than we control how long will the backlinks from those PBNs would last.

    Lot of people refer to links built by gsa as shitty or for tier2,3 ,4 and so on.
    In my opinion it is the platform that we choose to build links from and the settings making all the difference.

    Which siteS we will call shitty?. We just have to avoid those to build links from. Success lies in the definition of shitty sites and shitty links which we have to avoid. Link building Software building links like a human,it is upto us how to control it.
  • grax1grax1 Professional SEO, UK | White Label SEO Provider
    It's funny to see this question and people's concerns about effectiveness of PBNs - it means that Google's propaganda works and confused most of SEO while the minority can rank and bank. 

    PBNs work and they work very well but most people have no clue how to get quality sites, how to build them out, avoid footprints etc. 

    Most stick to metrics from third party services like Majestic or MOZ that don't even show half of the data and jerk off to DA authority and trust flow. They waste their money and time since they can't properly determine the value of a domain and become a victim of SEO crap that's been repeated over and over again until people started to believe it without questioning it. 

    Personally, I don't build a single link to my PBNs. Why would I when my tier 2 - links pointed at the expired domains I bought - come from sources like Wikipedia, Guardian, BBC, Mashable,  WebMD, most authoritative industry-blogs and so on. Those links, mostly contextual, transfer enough authority and linkjuice to rank the shit out of my/client's websites. 

    As long as Google's algoritm is based on links (and backlinks are still number 1 ranking factor based on the data), PBNs will work, no doubt about it. And people who question their effectiveness only do us a favour by confusing competitors.
  • edited February 2016
    Ranking sites with very powerful links from PBN's as well as SER links to diversify anchor text, platforms, etc., continues to work well.
  • edited February 2016

    Nobody wants your PBN's , please stop spamming this thread with your stuff, nobody is interested. Go back to BHW with that.
  • BigGulpsHuhWelp - Not a friendly comment... However, I'm removing it.
  • edited February 2016
    Thank you. You see, when you post that stuff without anyone asking you, it boggs down good threads and takes away from the overall quality of the forum.
  • Guys how do you tackle the problem with interlinking the PBNs which leave a lot of footprints.
    As for now I don't own any PBN but have seen the magic from BHW Market.

    Back to the Question , let say I have a Network of 10 HQ PBNs all with different themes and other unique stuff. I gave them 10 Posts ( each PBN )with 30 - 60 percentage of outgoing authority links such as Wikipedia, Forbes or any other news ( So Each 10 articles of a PBN will have 3-6 outgoing links )

    Now here is the problem, Suppose I have 3 Money sites ( all HomePage Links ) to rank and I post 3 unique articles containing each of my money site URLs per PBN to get some link juice.

    Wouldn't that be a Big Footprint that all my PBNs have these 3 outgoing link and wouldn't Google be penalising my Money and PBN sites.

    What do you guys do to tackle this interlinking problem ?
  • Yes, you are correct in assuming this would be a footprint. You must limit the number of links to your money sites on each website in your PBN. For this reason, larger PBN are required (100+ sites). So, if you have a small PBN, consider joining those 10 domains to Fight Back Networks. If you join all 10 to the same FBN Network, you are allowed 10 posts per day. Each FBN PBN that is popular has roughly 300 sites. This is a much safer option for you. 
  • Doesn't make any sense how other people with 3 money sites and 10-30 PBlogs still bypass interlinking
  • edited March 2016
    @ronit You will always see sites that break the rules slip through the cracks. Google has designed the ranking algorithm in such a way that there is a little random noise so that no one can create a repeatable blueprint for ranking sites that works 100% of the time. If you do enough volume, and adhere to general basic SEO strategy on page and off page, than a high percentage of your websites will rank. The less you abide by these general SEO strategies, and the "spammier" you are, the more problems you will have.
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